Blue Star Electronics Headquarters.

In the reception room.

Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs sit opposite each other.

"Mr. Jacob, long time no see.

Lu Yi smiled and greeted.

This was not the first time he met Paul Jacobs.

In 2004, when I flew to America Gaotong's headquarters to negotiate with Ivan Jacobs, I met Paul Jacobs.

"It's been five years."

"In the past few years, I have missed Mr. Lu all the time.

Paul Jacob said with a smile.

Lu Yi didn't pay attention to Paul Jacobs' eccentricity.

miss him?

I'm afraid I just want to eat him alive.

after all.

He severely cheated Gao Tong, causing Gao Tong to earn dozens of small targets from Blue Star Electronics.

If you can let go of this tone, that's all.

Lu Yi said with a sincere smile: "I also miss Mr. Jacob very much. After all, our cooperation with your company has been very good in the past few years, and we are each other's most important and trustworthy partner.

Paul Jacobs was shocked when he heard this.

But they are both old foxes, and their ability to talk to people and ghosts is first-rate.

"indeed so."

"Bluestar Electronics is one of Gaotong's most important partners."

“Everyone at Gaotong hopes to develop a long-term and good cooperative relationship with your company.

Paul Jacobs said calmly.

Although he is here this time to tear off a large piece of flesh from Blue Star Electronics.

But the importance that should be expressed still needs to be expressed.

The scene should be said.

You can't just show off as soon as you come up.

That would be so uncivilized.

Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs were at loggerheads for a while.

Then it naturally entered the topic.

"Mr. Jacobs, your company's baseband chip is the king of the industry. We, Blue Star Electronics, have a very happy cooperation with your company in this area. Naturally, we hope to continue to maintain the good reputation in the next few years or even decades." With this happy cooperative relationship, what do you think...?" Lu Yi said with a smile.

Paul Jacobs also nodded with a smile: "Of course! Your company is one of our most important customers in Gaotong. We also hope to maintain the friendship between the two parties forever and provide Blue Star Electronics with the best quality products." product solutions.”

"So, Mr. Jacob, what is the biggest discount your company can give us Blue Star Electronics?" Lu Yi climbed up the pole and asked directly.

Paul Jacobs' eyes flashed with greed, and he said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Lu, you know that the patent licensing fee charged by Gaotong is between 5% and 10%."

“In order to express our importance to this cooperation, we are willing to give your company a very sincere discount.

"Based on our internal discussions, we decided to license the necessary 3G and 4G patents for the branded equipment used in sales. Gaotong will charge a 7% patent fee for multi-mode 3G and 4G equipment."

"For 4G equipment that does not implement CDMA or WCDMA network protocols but contains 3-mode LTE-TDD, a 5.5% patent fee is charged.

"Of course, the basis for charging each patent fee is the selling price of the entire device."

After hearing this, Lu Yi looked at Paul Jacobs in surprise.

As if to say.

Brother, are you treating me like a fool?

Is this all very sincere?

Do you have any misunderstanding about the word sincerity?


Does this mean that Blue Star Electronics cannot do without your Gaotong baseband chip?

Lu Yi naturally refused politely to the conditions proposed by Gao Tong.

"Mr. Jacob, these conditions of yours not only did not make me feel the sincerity from Gao Tong, but instead only made me feel deep malice."

"Do you want to make up for the money you spent on business gambling five years ago from the new contract?"

"With all due respect, neither I nor Blue Star Electronics will accept such conditions."

Lu Yi said unceremoniously.

It’s amazing that you can accept it!

The bottom line in his mind is that the maximum is only 4%, and it is not the price of the whole machine, but 65% of the selling price of the whole machine.

But in the end, Paul Jacobs directly said 7%, which is still the selling price of the whole machine.

This can no longer be described as a lion opening its mouth wide.

Take a third-generation pinnacle mobile phone sold to the American market as an example.

The most expensive Tuhao Gold third-generation Pinnacle mobile phone is 1,099 meters gold including tariff. In other words, Gaotong has to pay 1,099*7%=76.93 meters gold for this phone, which is 520.82 yuan according to the current exchange rate.

If the sales volume is 50 million units, then Gao Tong can take away 3.847 billion meters of gold from Blue Star Electronics.

This is faster than robbing a bank!

Faced with Lu Yi's rejection, Paul Jacobs did not panic at all and said with a smile: "No, no, no, Mr. Lu, this is a very sincere offer from our colleagues. Otherwise, we will ask you for help." The company charges a maximum patent fee of 10%.”

Lu Yi pretended to be angry and said: "Mr. Jacob, are you taking me for an idiot?"

"As far as I know, the average patent licensing fee for most companies that cooperate with your company is only 5%."

"For some important large customers, your company only charges 3% patent licensing fee."

"And now, you have offered Blue Star Electronics a 7% patent licensing fee. Tell me this is a very sincere offer?"


"Mr. Jacobs, this has to make me wonder whether your company (Deji's) is really sincere in this negotiation.

Although it was exposed mercilessly by Lu Yi.

But Paul Jacobs was very thick-skinned and didn't feel any embarrassment at all.

He still had a smile on his face and said very calmly: "Mr. Lu, there is indeed such a thing, but it is only a very rare case."

"Well, in order to show the importance we attach to this cooperation between the two parties, on behalf of Gao Tong, I will take a step back and reduce the price by 0.5 percentage points."

Lu Yi still shook his head and said: "It's too high, it's still too high, we can't accept it at all."

Paul Jacobs shrugged and said calmly: "In the field of wireless communication baseband, only Gaotong can provide the most perfect solution for your company's mobile phone terminal equipment."

These words are almost telling Lu Yi openly, yes, I just want to eat the meat that I haven't eaten in the past few years. This time, I will eat twice as much at once. You have to agree even if you don't agree, because you didn't choose to hook up. . .

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