Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 904 The Cause Of The Flash Crash Was Found, The Fundamental Logic Reversed?


On the day when the talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong collapsed, Future Group's share price also collapsed.

Flash crashed 20 points that day.

The stock price fell from 429.6 meters gold to 358 meters gold.

Not to mention breaking through 450 meters of gold.

This time.

It fell below the 400-meter gold mark one after another.

at the same time.

It also fell below the dense chip area of ​​370~390 meters gold.

To know.

At the beginning, the main force was in this place, carrying out a long period of shaking and washing, and building a support platform. The chips here were quite dense.

Can bear fruit.

In one day.

The stock price crashed and fell directly below this strong support platform.

It directly confused the hundreds of millions of retail investors.

It was agreed that everyone should work together to break through the 450-meter gold?


You left without saying a word and buried me on the top of the mountain.

Are you a human being?

Countless leeks were fucked like this until they were unconscious and foaming at the mouth.

This knife.

The killing must have been too ruthless.

They were not even given a chance to react and get out of the car.

Just weld the car door shut!

In the Future Group stock comment area.

The retail investors of Liaocai who were fucked until they were unconscious also exploded.

"Wang Defa?"

"Faq! This is going to collapse!"

"Successfully bought the dip at the highest point in the morning session...[smiling face]" 700

"What happened? Why did the stock price collapse today!"

"Shet! I'm buried on the top of a mountain!"

“It’s so disgusting, this is definitely an institution smashing the market.

“Have we been deceived by the agency again?”

"Needless to say, the previous K-line pattern must have been a deliberate washout by institutions in order to trick us into entering the market. Now we have entered the market, and then... they started to trick us."

"What about breaking the 450-meter gold price you promised?"

"The whole big positive line looks really good today, haha! What, the big negative line? Sorry, I'm color blind!"

The entire comment area is full of unlucky guys who are stuck on the top of the mountain with sweet mouths and self-deprecation.

For retail investors in leeks.

In terms of news, they are certainly far less well-informed than the main institutions.

On the logical side, they cannot think deeply and can only see the surface.

no way.

You can only rely on technical aspects to speculate in stocks.

Various K-line strategies, moving average strategies, pressure levels and support levels, etc.


The main institutions specifically grasp this point of retail investors and draw beautiful K-lines to attract these technical factions to take the bait.

some days ago.

The main institutional construction (agfg) platform drew a red, fat, green and thin K-line chart on the lower edge of the platform, which immediately attracted the leeks who relied on technical stock trading to happily enter the market.

who knows.

As soon as he came in, he was stabbed in the head by the main organization and cut in half.


This time, the retail shop owner of Leek Chives inside the quilt was really numb.

The key is.

They simply didn't understand why Future Group's stock price suddenly collapsed.

Is it really because Blue Star Electronics and Future Group have the same owner?

This is too far-fetched!

in this case.

Soon some big stock commentators jumped out to analyze the situation.

The good Q2 performance forecast of Future Group has been fulfilled so far. Naturally, the main force wants to cash out and leave the market.

Because the main institutions have too many chips in their hands, they need to draw some beautiful K-lines to attract takers to enter the market.

But there is a problem that these big Vs cannot explain.

That is.

Even if the main organization draws a picture to attract takers to enter the market, it should give out the goods slowly and without leaving any trace.

A sudden crash of 20 points in one day and a reckless escape like this are completely inconsistent with the shipping methods of major institutions, unless there is some extremely bad news that everyone doesn't know about.

For example, if there is a thunderstorm within the Future Group, there is an operational problem, and the company is sold.

But obviously.

It can be seen from the Q2 performance forecast that there will be no thunderstorms within the group in the future, and the company's operations will be normal.

Looking at it this way, there is something very wrong with this flash crash.

Is it really because of the failure of Blue Star Electronics?


If Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong fail to talk together, what does it have to do with Future Group?

Everyone was puzzled.

There are also big V analysis and expressions.

The reason why Future Group's stock price crashed was because of the big bad news that Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong collapsed.

The reason is simple.

Blue Star Electronics and Future Group cannot be viewed separately, but as a whole.

Future Group's software products need to rely on Blue Star Electronics' equipment terminals to run.

The more Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phones are sold, the more users FamilyMart will have in the future. The more users there are, the higher the advertising revenue will be...

After grasping this hard logic, we can understand why the future group's stock price crashed and the main bankers fled desperately.

for this statement.

After reading this, the retail investors' eyes lit up.


That's the only way to explain it.


There is absolutely no way to explain the sudden collapse of Future Group's stock price today.


The retail investors of Liaocai who were unable to escape were completely panicked.

The collapse of the talks with Blue Star Electronics will indirectly lead to major changes in the basic logic of the group in the future.

That means.

The current downward momentum is still sufficient, and it will still fall tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

In this panic.

Even the retail investors of Leek who are ready to lie down and pretend to be dead will definitely not be able to pretend anymore and will choose to leave the market reluctantly.

This is indeed the case.

the next day.

During the call auction stage, Future Group opened 3 points lower, which shows that the downward momentum is strong.

And after the opening.

The stock price of Future Group has even started to fall, and has continued to fluctuate downwards without even a decent rebound.

During this period.

There are also people who are not afraid of death and enter the market to buy lows.


His home was confiscated directly.

same day.

Future Group's stock price fell 7 points again, hitting 334.57 meters gold.

Two days.

The stock price has returned to its starting point in June, which is very annoying.

The flash crash of Future Group’s share price.

It's not just investors who are paying attention.

There is also great concern within the Future Group.


The secretary-general immediately reported the situation to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was speechless when he learned that the sharp decline in the past two days was caused by the collapse of cooperation talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong.

The so-called Future Group Family Bucket will see a sharp decline in user volume due to the sharp drop in sales of Blue Star Electronics.

This reason is completely baseless and untenable.

Only retail investors in Leeks will believe it.

Even if the sales of Pinnacle mobile phones plummet, consumers will buy other brands of smartphones and download and install Future Group’s FamilyMart.

The collapse of negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong will indeed have some impact on Future Group, but it will be very small.

The current situation is completely frightening.

Needless to say.

Lu Yi also understands.

The main reason for such crazy killings must be to cut leeks.

The so-called reversal of basic logic is completely nonsense. .

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