Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 906 Qiandu Technology Innovation Conference, Flower Factory Releases Baseband Chip Balong 21

August 18th.

The focus of domestic attention is on Zhongdu.

Because today.

Qiandu will hold the Qiandu Technology Innovation Conference at the Longguo Hotel in Zhongdu.

As a well-known domestic Internet company, Qiandu’s technology innovation conference will naturally attract attention from both inside and outside the industry.


Dragon Kingdom Hotel.

It's very lively today.

Qiandu Technology Innovation Conference will be held here.

The guests who came to participate in this technological innovation conference did not return it.

3,000 people including government leaders, Internet experts, technology enthusiasts and business people attended the event, and the scene was extremely lively.

And at this technological innovation conference.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the frame calculation proposed by Qiandu CEO Li Yanhong.

So called box calculation.

To put it simply, Qiandu’s search box will be able to “513” solve almost all the needs of users, which means that Qiandu will become the entrance to all information and even services.


The reason why Li Yanhong proposed the new technical concept of box computing at this technology innovation conference is to benchmark cloud computing.

These few years.

Cloud computing is developing very rapidly and has completely spread in the IT industry.

Many IT companies, regardless of size, are moving closer to cloud computing in their own way.

Qiandu, on the other hand, rejected this.

Li Yanhong even bluntly said that cloud computing is just old wine in a new bottle, with nothing new, and scorned cloud computing.

The opposite of.

Li Yanhong is very confident in his frame calculations.

Confidence can replace cloud computing and become the mainstream of future development.

at this technology innovation conference.

Many heavyweight guests attending the meeting expressed interest in the concept of frame computing proposed by Li Yanhong.

for example.

Professor Wu Jinglian, a well-known economist and senior researcher at the Development Research Center of GW Institute, publicly stated that frame computing will contribute to the revitalization of national industries.

This evaluation can be said to be quite high!

Zhu Baoliang, chief economist of the Economic Forecast Department of the State Information Center and a specially appointed expert of the SW Ministry, said that the Longguo Internet industry needs a technical concept proposed by Longguo people themselves to guide the direction, such as the proposal of thousand-degree frame calculation.

Lu Xiaoming, chief economic analyst of Xinhuashe, said that the introduction of the box computing concept has also driven the thirst for technology among Longguo enterprises.

There are also Internet news saying that "box" is actually continuously promoting innovative applications of the Internet and accelerating the survival of the fittest among Internet service providers.

Even Liu Jiyang, engineering director of Microsoft Asia Search Technology Center, said that box computing will provide technology developers with a broader stage for Internet technology development.

no doubt.

The concept of frame computing proposed by Li Yanhong at the Technology Innovation Conference directly aroused widespread discussion in the industry.

Many industry experts have come out in support of frame calculations.

Of course.

Many people also expressed doubts.

For a while.

The industry's attitude towards Qiandu's frame computing technology is divided into two groups.

One party believes that Qiandu will completely subvert the existing Internet industry structure and is suspected of being a monopoly.

The other side believes that frame computing is an important symbol of Qiandu's independent innovation system.

Qiandu immediately came into limelight because of the introduction of the concept of framework computing.

Also because of the introduction of box computing, cloud computing has been questioned by many people.


After the Qiandu Technology Innovation Conference, Qiandu’s stock price directly started to rise.

Companies related to the concept of cloud computing have experienced a decline.

Future Group is a leader in cloud computing.

Originally, the stock price was finally stabilized by relying on the Q2 quarter financial report.


The rise of the concept of thousand-degree frame calculation directly brought an end to the rebound in Future Group's stock price, and the stock price fell by 3 points that day.


There are also many media reporters who are also waiting downstairs in the Spark Building, wanting to ask Lu Yi’s opinion on the concept of frame calculation of thousands of degrees.

To this.

Lu Yi said that he had no opinion and would leave everything to time to judge.

August 20th.

The focus of everyone's attention shifted from Qiandu to the flower factory in Pengcheng.


Huachang will officially release its first commercial baseband chip - Balong 210 today.

Especially due to the previous collapse of negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong, domestic attention to the flower factory's Balong 210 chip has increased several levels.

Hosting the Barong 210 press conference was Ms. He Tingbo, president of Huachang Sea Lion, who holds a master's degree in communications and semiconductor physics from Zhongdu University of Posts and Telecommunications.

It can be said.

Ever since He Tingbo majored in semiconductor physics at University, she has become inseparable from chips.

When Hiace Semiconductor was established in 2004, Boss Ren handed over this arduous task to He Tingbo...

This is what my boss said at the time - I will give you 20,000 people and 400 million meters of R&D funding every year. You must stand up!

To know.

At this time, the flower factory only had 30,000 employees, and its research and development costs were less than 1 billion meters.

After 5 years of dormancy.


The flower factory will officially release the first commercial baseband chip Baron 210, vowing to cut a hole in the same wall.

The flower factory named its baseband chip after the Barong Snow Mountain, which is enough to show the flower factory's determination and perseverance to climb the peak without fear of hardships.

With the release of Flower Factory Barong 210.

all of a sudden.

The limelight of thousand-degree frame calculation was directly overshadowed.

Whether in the industry or outside the industry, for a while, everyone was discussing the flower factory's Baron 210 chip.

It cannot be overstated that the whole nation is talking about it.

This made Li Yanhong and the Qiandu senior executives almost angry to death.

Qiandu finally relied on the hot headlines of the last technology innovation conference and finally made it out of the circle with computing concepts.

As a result, within two days of its popularity, all the limelight was taken away by the Flower Factory’s Barong 210.

Now absolutely no one continues to pay attention to and talk about the calculation of the box of thousands of degrees.

Li Yanhong was so depressed that he vomited blood!

But there is nothing you can do.

Although the flower factory has released the Barong 210 chip.

It aroused widespread heated discussion in the country and raised national sentiment.

But Blue Star Electronics is still in a state of distress.

It is already late August 2.9.

In 50 days, the fourth generation of pinnacle mobile phones will be released to the public.

But now the negotiation with Gao Tong has collapsed, and we are faced with the embarrassing situation of no baseband chip being available.

Although we are also in contact with manufacturers such as Broadcom, Texas Instruments, and Infineon.


Let’s not talk about the performance of these manufacturers’ baseband chips. Replacing Gaotong’s baseband chips with these manufacturers’ baseband chips requires a new design, which cannot be completed in a short time.

And now.

The launch conference of the fourth generation of pinnacle mobile phones is just around the corner.

Of course.

Blue Star Electronics has not given up contact with Gao Tong.

Lu Yi formed a negotiation team and flew to America to continue negotiations with Gao Tong.

He even took a step back again.

The instruction given to the negotiating team is that the bottom line can be a high tax of 5%, but it must be charged at 65% of the selling price of the complete machine. .

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