"After two years, the new headquarters is finally built."

"Yeah, time flies so fast."

"I remember that we acquired the land in 2006 and finalized the design plan for the headquarters in 2007. Until now, nearly two years have passed in a flash."

"Finally we have our own headquarters."

“The location by Jinji Lake is very good and the environment is good.”

"Now only the main project of Taiji Galaxy has been completed, and the attached staff dormitories are still under construction.

"I heard it said that employees who have worked in the group for five years or more can buy welfare housing at internal prices. I don't know if it is true or not."

"You can only purchase it if you have worked for five years, and you are basically a veteran employee of the group."

"Hey, I have been working for almost four years. If it is really possible to buy at the internal price, then I will be eligible next year.

"It's too early to say this now. The employee welfare housing has not been repaired yet."


The employees at the Future Group headquarters were talking a lot.

As an aircraft carrier giant with a market value of more than 200 billion meters, they have always felt that what was not perfect before was that they did not have their own headquarters building.

In the past, when Future Group was still a small business, it was understandable that it did not have a headquarters building.

But now they are all giants with a market value of more than 200 billion yuan. Among the listed technology companies, the top three groups by market value do not yet have their own headquarters and have to rent their headquarters to work.

After all, it would be a bit embarrassing to say this.

but now.

They can finally move into the new headquarters building.

Monday, August 31st.

The last day of August.


Lu Qi and other senior executives of Future Group are very busy.

Busy moving, busy appeasing people's hearts.

Moving the Future Group is no small matter.

Everyone in Su City knows that in the past two days, almost all the people on the road from Xinghuo Building to the Jinji River were people from the Future Group.

Trucks hauling loads of materials and equipment rushed to the Tai Chi Galaxy Future Building on the banks of the Jinji River.

When passers-by saw this majestic scene, they couldn't help but talk about it.

"Future Group has moved, what a big battle."

"Why don't we have a big battle? You don't even think about how much data and equipment a group with a market value of more than 200 billion meters has to move."

"I always feel that after Future Group moves, there will be something missing here in Xinghuo Building."

"The ones that least want Future Group to move are the shops and restaurants around the Spark Building. After all, without the employees of Future Group, their turnover will be reduced by more than half.

Everyone was talking about it.

When this topic is brought up, Lu Yi becomes a topic of conversation among everyone after dinner.

When people in Sioux City talk about Lu Yi, they feel a little jealous.

Proudly, Lu Yi graduated from Sioux City University and is half a Sioux City native.

Before he graduated, he took a few people from his dormitory to start a business.

In the end, a small company was developed into a giant with a market value of over 200 billion meters in just a few years.

The whole of Sioux City is proud that Sioux City University can teach such a capable person.

What makes Lu Yi jealous is that he is not really from Sioux City. He is originally from Shanghai next door.

And this guy is really young.

If Lu Yi were older, everyone might not pay attention to her after saying a few words.

But every time I think about Lu Yi, who may not be as old as his own children, but already has a net worth of trillions, jealousy is inevitable.

In ancient times, people who gave birth to children should be like Sun Zhongmou.

But now, everyone is like Lu Yi when giving birth to children.

The matter of Future Group's relocation was also uploaded to the Internet by some good people in Suzhou City.

Naturally, it aroused heated discussion among the people who eat melons.

Some people even went directly to the future town by Jinji Lake.

I took photos of Tai Chi Galaxy and uploaded them to the Internet.

"I heard that Future Group spent a lot of money to build its headquarters. When I saw this headquarters building, I admit that I was jealous."

"It is said that the headquarters of the Future Group is called Tai Chi Galaxy. It was designed by the internationally renowned designer Zaha Hadid and contains the yin and yang thought of Tai Chi in the Dragon Kingdom."

"I don't know what the internal office environment is like. But looking at the situation, it is definitely much better than that in Xinghuo Building.

"Spending so much money to build the headquarters is just a face-saving project. Wouldn't it be better to donate the money to the development of the western region?"

"Fuck! Where did this rat shit come from! You sound so condescending, but you should post the details of your donation!"

"What do you say to these rats? They are just doing evil for the Black Future Group. Maybe there are some foreign NGOs behind this.


"I've reported it to GA, maybe it's half a million people walking around."


Everyone was talking about it.

The vast majority congratulated Future Group.

Of course.

Inevitably, there will always be two keyboard warriors popping up, looking like they are pointing the way, but in the end they are ridiculed by everyone.

The future group's move.

The popularity on the Internet only lasted for two or three days, and was quickly replaced by various scandals and gossips about celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Of course.

Future Group doesn’t want this kind of popularity.

The moving work is still going on.

For such a large group, it would be impossible to move everything there within two or three months.


Lu Qi and the others are not in a hurry, they are taking their time.

While moving, you must also ensure the normal operation of each business segment.

Time has entered September.

There are big things to say in the industry.

There are actually two.

First, Blue Star Electronics established Helios Semiconductor Co., Ltd., which attracted widespread market attention.

The Sioux City government attaches no less importance to Blue Star Electronics than Future Group, or even more.

All procedures that originally took three to five months to complete.

With the city government giving the green light, everything was settled in less than a month.

Because the Sun God was recruiting and poaching people like crazy, it naturally attracted the attention of people in the industry.

Then check it out.

Good guy.

This new semiconductor company is actually a subsidiary of Blue Star Electronics.

It immediately caused waves in the circle.

Everyone has speculated whether Blue Star Electronics' establishment of Helios Semiconductor Company was stimulated by Gaotong and prepared to work on baseband chips in order to get rid of its dependence on Gaotong.

Except for this matter.

Another thing that caused a stir in the industry was that Longguo Academy of Sciences State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd., the major shareholder of well-known domestic computer manufacturer Lianxiang Holdings, announced that it would transfer 29% of Lianxiang Holdings' shares for 2.755 billion yuan.

As one of the top PC players in China, when the news came out that Lianxiang Holdings was going to sell its equity, it directly attracted the attention of countless people in the industry and aroused market concern.

Many industry leaders are ready to take action. .

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