Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 910: To Cause Some Trouble For Lian Xiang, The Aspiring Young Man Bei Sima

Lianxiang's equity transfer incident, fueled by major domestic media, has occupied the current high ground of fishing boats.

Countless melon-eating people moved to small benches and ate the big melons that they even thought about.


These few years.

Future Group and Blue Star Electronics are the twin stars of domestic companies, covering up the light of other domestic companies.

But as the leading PC player in China and ranking fourth in the global PC market share, Lianxiang’s reputation is definitely not much lower than that of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.

after all.

In those years when Future Group and Blue Star Electronics were still small and transparent.

What the Chinese people talk about the most is Lian Xiang.

Especially in 2004, Lian Xiang acquired IBM's global PC business. The news spread back to China and shocked the whole country.

Countless citizens are excited and excited about this.


To know.

Before this, basically foreign companies acquired domestic companies.

When has this happened before, where a domestic company acquired a well-known foreign company?

Lian Xiang did it.

With 1.75 billion yuan, it acquired IBM's global PC business in a small and broad way.

During this acquisition process, the outside world was unanimously not optimistic.

But eventually.

Lian Xiang accomplished the feat of swallowing the elephant this time.

This time Lian wanted to acquire IBM's global PC business, and it also provided experience for Longguo companies that want to go abroad or are about to go abroad to enter overseas mergers and acquisitions.

This greatly shamed the Chinese people.

Therefore, he has won the love and support of the Chinese people.

Lianxiang's reputation in the country is second only to Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.


Word got out.

People who eat melons in China are all surprised, and then they eat melons with great joy.

In an instant, Lian Xiang was ranked number one on Weibo’s hot search list.

As for the news of a certain star's cheating, in the face of the hot search, it just fell into the sea without causing any waves.

at the same time.

Lu Yi, who was very busy at Blue Star Electronics, also took advantage of his free time to prepare to cause some trouble for Lian Xiang.

For Lian Xiang.

Lu Yi doesn't have a good impression of her either in her previous life or in this life.

Especially in the previous life, after learning about the dark history of Lian Xiang, my sense of Lian Xiang became even worse.

Lu Yi feels that he must stand on the side of justice and ensure that state-owned assets are not sold at a low price.


In the office.

Lu Yi typed at the computer for a while.


A history about Lianxiang's equity changes and some dark history of Lianxiang were listed.

Lu Yi believes it.

If the document he listed is leaked, it will definitely push Lian Xiang to the forefront of the storm and be criticized by thousands of people in the country.


Naturally, it was impossible for him to come forward in person for this kind of thing.

Just be the commander behind the scenes.

After carefully checking the file and confirming that there is no problem.

Lu Yi is going to send this document to a UP owner named "Bei Sima".

This Bei Sima is a UP in the video space. He often produces some popular science videos and releases them. In the circle, he is somewhat famous, but not very popular.

Lu Yi noticed Bei Sima by chance.

As a technical master.

Lu Yi crackled for a while and sent this document to the mailbox king of Beitongma.

Not to mention that Bei Sima couldn't trace the real IP address, even the top hacker masters couldn't even think of tracing it to Lu Yi.

at the same time.

Bei Sima lives at No. 8 Nanluogu Lane, Zhongdu.

I also noticed the fishing boat about Lian Xiang on the Internet.

As an UP master, he suddenly smelled the Liuhuang password that might be contained in it.


With his fingers flying like flying fingers, he searched for relevant information through Jisou.

I am going to make a video about Lianxiang.

Beisima, one of the earliest UP owners to settle in the video space, has always had a very distressing problem.

That is, he is not considered popular in the circle of UP owners [Song is slightly famous.

There are only tens of thousands of fans who follow him.

And every month, by making videos, he can barely make ends meet.

Seeing that the veteran UP masters who were in his group now all have cars and beauties, Bei Sima felt very moved in his heart.

But it's a pity.

The audience for the videos he produced is still too small, so they have always been tepid.

Thinking about the incident this time, he vaguely saw the possibility of an explosion in the fishing boats of the people eating melons.

Just when he was trying to find information about Lian Xiang.


A prompt message pops up in the lower right corner.

"Huh? Who sent me an email? Isn't it a phishing email with a virus?"

0…Please give me flowers…

Bei Sima stopped what he was doing and clicked on the email.

When he clicked on the attachment and took a look, he screamed in surprise.

A long while.

Bei Sima calmed down his heart.

He carefully read the attached content over and over again, rubbed his eyes, leaned back on the chair after a while, and murmured: "Who sent this to me? How did he know that I was looking for dirty information about Lian Xiang?" ?"

"The content here is too detailed, isn't it?"

“Would you like to use this content to make a video?”

"What if this video goes viral, will Lian Xiang cause trouble for me?"

"With my small arms and legs, am I worthy of being a daughter-in-law?"

Bei Sima fell into extreme tangle.

He knows it very well.


If the attached content he just received is made into a video and sent out, it will definitely make him famous as "Bei Sima" and he will definitely gain a large number of fans.

But the same thing.

There are also big risks here.

Because they are all dirt on Lian Xiang, they will definitely be noticed by Lian Xiang.

Lianxiang is a giant company, and Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang are very capable people. How can I, a small fellow, afford to offend these two big bosses?

Will I not be able to see the sun tomorrow the next day?

But if he wants to shrink from this, then he can only watch this opportunity for instant fame slip away from his hands and continue his ordinary life. After eating the last meal, he has to think about what to eat for the next meal that will save money and fill him up. abdomen.

Is this kind of life what he wants?


He wants to have a different life!


Now it is a society ruled by law.

Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang really dare to mess with him?

If his video really goes viral, then he will also become famous.

If something happens to him, the outside world will definitely turn their suspicious eyes on Lian Xiang immediately.

The more I think about it.

The brighter the light in Bei Sima's eyes, the better.

He Bei Sima is an ambitious young man.

In the face of Lian Xiang's behavior of embezzling national assets and selling state-owned assets at a low price, can we turn a blind eye?

It would be fine if I didn't receive this attachment.

Now that I have received it.

All the ingredients have been prepared for him, and the rice has been fed to his mouth.

What reason does he have to retreat?

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