Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 913 Bei Sima’S Second Video, Domestic Netizens Are Angry


Northern Sima's first video revealing the inside story of Lianxiang's acquisition of IBM's global PC business has completely gone viral on the Internet.

After watching Bei Sima's video, countless netizens said that they had been deceived by Lian Xiang's shameless propaganda.

Exclaimed again and again.

turn out to be.

Even though he wanted to brag about his acquisition of IBM, he was just putting money on his own face.

And the real inside story is.

Lianxiang was reverse acquired by IBM!

For a while.

Countless netizens criticized Lian Xiang verbally and in writing.

Many netizens even used this to draw the conclusion that even wanting to acquire IBM's PC business was a lie, but that it was true that he secretly took the initiative to send money to America.

It is precisely because of this that Lianxiang successfully entered the American market.

at the same time.

Bei Sima felt gratified and happy as he watched the number of fans following him surge. Countless fans left messages to him, asking him to dig out more dirty information about Lian Xiang.

This also gave him more motivation to make the Lianxiang series of videos.

Working overtime, Zhao Sima made the second video.

In this second video, Beisima asked whether Lianxiang was a Dragon Kingdom company or an American company. Why did it move the group headquarters to America after acquiring IBM's global PC business?

Not long after Beisima uploaded the second video, the video space passed the review.

Because currently.

Li Mingzai, the person in charge of the video space, personally followed up on this matter.

After Beisima's first video was recommended on the home page, as the fishing boat fermented, the number of users visiting the video space also surged.

This was somewhat beyond Li Ming's expectation.

But he soon figured it out.

Because Bei Simafa’s video is too controversial.

It is precisely because of this that the number of users accessing the video space has increased.

In addition, the big BOSS personally intervened.

So Li Ming decided to follow him in person.

And let the review team pass the review as soon as Bei Sima uploaded the video.

That's why Bei Sima's second video was approved immediately as soon as it was uploaded.

Because someone is already watching him.

After Beisima's second phase of video review was approved, the video space immediately posted it on the home page of Tiantui.

Originally, the first video of Beisima directly started the fishing boat craze.

Countless netizens are also staring at Bei Sima, looking forward to Bei Sima's next video.


When the second video of Beisima came out, the majority of netizens immediately clicked to play it.

The title of Sima's second video [is also very controversial - even thinking about whether it is a Dragon Kingdom company or an American company now.

When netizens saw this title, the first thing that flashed in their minds was, needless to say, of course it is a Dragon Kingdom company.

With this idea in mind, after watching Bei Sima's second video, they all became suspicious of life.

"Damn it! Is Lianxiang really already an American company~"?"

"Even the headquarters of Xiangxiang has been moved to America's New York. Is it true?"

"No way! I always thought that Lianxiang's headquarters was in Zhongguancun, Zhongdu. Now the blogger told me that Lianxiang's headquarters has been moved to New York in America?? I'm a little overwhelmed!"

"I thought the blogger was talking nonsense, so I just searched the Internet. Hey, guess what I found? Damn it, the blogger really didn't talk nonsense. He even thought about moving the headquarters to Amelia. It got stuck! And it was just after Lianxiang acquired IBM’s PC business!”

"It's real! It's absolutely real! In the last video, the blogger left us a question, that is, in the case of Lian Xiang's acquisition of IBM in 2004, who acquired whom! Now we have the answer, it's not Lian Xiang. I wanted to acquire IBM, but IBM acquired Lianxiang instead. I was in a big hole!"

"What are you people trying to do here? Don't be led astray by this unscrupulous blogger! The reason why Lianxiang moved its headquarters to America is because it can better take the road of internationalization and better serve the world. Market! Lian Xiang had such good intentions, left the Dragon Kingdom and rushed to the world, but was discredited by unscrupulous bloggers. I feel sorry for Lian Xiang!"

"Haha, let me ask you! Can't we go international and serve the global market if our headquarters is in Longguo? What kind of fallacy is this? According to you, why don't companies like IBM and Microsoft move their headquarters to Long Guolai can better serve the global market?"

"That's right! Where did you come from to cleanse the land? Tell me, even if I want to give you how much money I want, I want to have a meal!"

"Haha, there is no need to confront this idiot here. We are not fools, can't we see the right and wrong?"

"I heard a very funny joke, that is, the company must move its headquarters to America in order to enter the international road and better serve the global market. I want to ask you whether it is funny or not!"

"I was shitting just now. When I saw this joke, I almost fell into the pit with laughter!"

"This is definitely the funniest joke I've heard this year!"

"Lian Xiang, who eats everything inside and outside, get out of the Dragon Kingdom!"


No need for any doubt.

As soon as Bei Sima's second video came out, it became popular all over the Internet again!

At this moment.

After watching Bei Sima's second video, countless melon-eaters suddenly realized and looked confused.

They always thought that Lianxiang's headquarters was in Zhongguancun, Zhongdu, but it turned out that Chen Cang had already secretly moved the headquarters to Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, New York, America.

The euphemistic name also gives itself an excuse to show that it is an international company and can better serve the global market.

The majority of domestic netizens were immediately disgusted and vomited when they saw Lian Xiang’s remarks!

To know.

Before that.

Lianxiang has always advertised itself as a national enterprise and the light of the nation.


The so-called national enterprise is headquartered in America!

Everyone was speechless.


Before this, they had always firmly believed that Lian Xiang's headquarters was in Zhongdu, Long Kingdom.


I even think this is bullying everyone. Four or five years ago, the Internet was not developed and everyone's sources of information were blocked.

It’s so disgusting that my mother opened the door to disgusting people. It’s so disgusting.

this moment.

Lian Xiang's impression in the minds of the Chinese people has taken a turn for the worse.


Beisima's first video revealed that Lianxiang's acquisition of IBM was a complete failure case for Che (Nuo Zhaozhao), but Lianxiang packaged it into a success story, and everyone was still forgiven.

after all.

It can be explained by the fact that domestic companies have no experience in this area, so they just treat it as paying tuition.

But now.

After Lianxiang acquired IBM's global PC business, it directly moved its headquarters from Longguo to America. There is no way to explain this and there is no way to clean it up.

You didn't move sooner or later, but you moved to America after acquiring IBM's PC business.

This... How can we convince everyone that Lianxiang had no inside story in its acquisition of IBM's PC business?

For a while.

Countless Chinese people who knew the truth were furious.

They have been holding high the banner of a national enterprise all day long, but in the end, their headquarters is in America. They deceived the feelings of the Chinese people and cannot be forgiven!

For a while.

Countless angry netizens rushed to Lianxiang’s official website and cursed Lianxiang as a Japanese company, and Boss Yang and Liu Yuanwai as traitors!

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