Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 917 Lawyer’S Letter Warning, Bei Sima Panicked!

Liu Yuanwai was really angry with Lu Yi.

He yelled words such as 'yellow-haired boy', 'little bastard', and 'bastard'.

I thought.

With his supreme position in the domestic business community, Lu Yi is a laggard. Even if he is now the richest man in the world, he should be given some face as an old-timer.

after all.

The Dragon Kingdom is a humane society.

I even lowered my face and took action myself.


Lu Yi's words are quite nice.

What a business godfather, I have admired him for a long time, and I regret not being able to visit him in person.


The backhand is a big hand.

It’s fun!

You said it so nicely, I believed it.

As a result, you were asked to give me, Godfather Liu, a slap in the face, and you found various excuses to excuse me.


Even if you are looking for a reason, just find some decent reason.

What does not interfere with the operations of subsidiaries and what supports freedom of speech.

I believe you are so evil!

Liu Yuanwai felt that he was so angry at Lu Yi!

Except for Yuan Liu, he had been a dominant figure in the Longguo business community for twenty-five years, and this was the first time he encountered such a strange situation. 06

Can't bear it!


Thinking that although Lu Yi was young, his achievements were completely inferior to him, the so-called business godfather, Liu Yuanwai felt powerless again.

If Lu Yi doesn't give him the appearance of Liu Yuan, what can he do?

In addition to incompetent rage, there is still incompetent rage.

In terms of strength, he was completely defeated.

In terms of influence, although he is known as the Godfather of Business, Lu Yi's influence is not only domestic but also global, and he is far ahead of him.

Fighting for connections?

The Taishan Club he formed, the combined net worth of all the members in the group is probably not enough for Lu Yi to achieve with one hand.

Put together background?

Although he has dominated the domestic business world for more than 20 years and knows many high-ranking officials, Lu Yi is not a vegetarian.


With the little official capital behind him, would he really offend Lu Yi for Yanagawa's arrival?

People would be crazy to do this!

after all.

We also need to see if their contributions to the country are of the same magnitude.


In this regard, even if they want to impress, they cannot keep up with Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.

Competing from all sides, Yanagawa Zhidu was completely defeated.

This battle was already lost before it was even fought.


At this moment, Liu Yuanwai was so angry.

Because of incompetence.

If you want to take revenge and go back, you can't even find the door.

If the two sides really wanted to fight, he would know who the superiors would help.

I even thought about it, there are Shenzhou, Founder, and the Great Wall.

Anyway, after all is said and done, even thinking about it, it is just an OEM assembly factory.

Shenzhou, Founder, and Great Wall can all do this kind of unskilled work, and they can do it well.

He even wanted to become a leader in the domestic PC market, not because of technological research and development, but because of the strong support of the government.

Without Lian Xi, the country can also support Shenzhou to become the second Lian Que.

However, Future Group and Blue Star Electronics cannot find domestic substitutes.

These are the two business cards that Long Guo can get!

after all.

Whether it is Blue Star Electronics or Future Group, they are doing real technical work, and the technology they master is leading in the world.

I was sulking for a while.

Liu Yuanwai calmed down.

If Lu Yi didn't give him face as a business godfather, he would have no choice.

They control the largest online streaming media platform and the largest social media platform in the country.

Even if you even think about it, relying on your own influence, you can let platforms such as Wangyi and Sohu control reviews.

But the fishing boats on these small platforms actually did not pose much of a threat to Lian Xiang.

Because the main position of the fishing boat is on Weibo.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanwai felt a pain in his head.

Since Lianxiang acquired IBM's global PC business in 2004, Lianxiang's path has been very uneven in the past few years.

First, the flying wire door in 2005 caused Lianxiang's brand reputation to plummet.

The global financial crisis that evolved from the subprime mortgage crisis caused the PC market to shrink, causing Lianxiang's performance to plummet and the company to fall into huge difficulties.

In 2008, the screen door replacement incident broke out again, and the reputation dropped again.

This also forced him, the former chairman of Lianxiang Group, who announced his retirement in 2004, to announce his comeback in February this year and return to the position of chairman of Lianxiang Group. He wanted to use his own efforts to push Lianxiang into the quagmire. Want to pull it out.

This time Lianxiang transferred 29% of the equity here, which is his masterpiece.

In addition to solving financial difficulties in this way, another important reason is to reduce the voice of Longke Academy in Lianxiang Group, so that Longke Academy will completely lose control of Lianxiang, and Lianxiang will completely become Liuxiang. family business.

Those transfer conditions were specifically set to transfer the 29% equity to Lu Quqiang, the boss of Fanhai Group.


He and Lu Ziqiang are good brothers.

Lu Ziqiang is a member of his Taishan Society.

Transferring 29% of the equity to Lu Ziqiang is equivalent to transferring it to himself in disguise.

after all.

Lu Ziqiang wears a pair of trousers with himself. If he has any proposals on the board of directors, Lu Ziqiang will naturally express his support.


This will completely remove the control of Lian Xiang from the Dragon Academy of Sciences, and put Lian Xiang's power completely in the hands of Yanagawa Zhi!


The idea is beautiful.

To Yuan Liu's surprise.

I thought that the transfer of equity was just a formality.

Although it will cause fishing boats due to several transfer conditions.

But he never expected that the fully controllable fishing boat would turn into a whirlpool storm after Bei Sima's two videos, swallowing up the whole thing.

Fortunately, Lian Xiang's public relations department found out before it was too late.

I wanted to use my influence to suppress this storm.

But he didn't expect that Lu Yi would not give him any face at all.

This made Liu Yuanwai extremely angry and worried at the same time.

There is no way to kill the source of the video, and there is no way to block it on the fishing boat platform.

Letting the fishing boat storm continue to expand is absolutely unacceptable to Lian Xiang.

But in these two aspects, he, Yuanwai Liu, was really powerless.

So 520.

At this moment, except for Liu Yuan, he can only pin his hopes on the Ministry of Justice.

I hope Bei Sima, a bastard, can take the initiative to delete the video in the video space and issue an apology letter after seeing the lawyer's letter sent by Lian Xiang.

He believes it.

Bei Sima, a bastard with no background, would have trembled and knelt down to admit his mistake under the warning from Lian Xiang's lawyer.

Even the actions of the Legal Department are no slower than those of the Public Relations Department.

After receiving instructions from Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang, he immediately drafted a lawyer's letter, stamped it with the Lianxiang Group stamp, and posted it on the official Weibo account.


There were countless comments below this lawyer’s letter blog post.

There is ridicule and support.

This lawyer's letter warning was also immediately known to Bei Sima.

Looking at the harsh words on Lian Xiang's lawyer's letter, Bei Sima felt a little panicked.

He is just a small blogger with no background who wants to eat just right.

Now that I was directly warned by Lian Xiang's lawyer's letter, I naturally felt less confident.

after all.

Who knows, will I receive a summons from the court the next day? Will the police come to my door later?

To know.

The warning letters issued by lawyers these days are still very deterrent.

Not like later generations.

Those celebrities are constantly getting warning letters from lawyers.

The lawyer's letter of warning was turned into a joke.

Every time I send a lawyer's letter, I am ridiculed by countless people. .

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