Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 922 Liu Yuanwai’S Moth-Like Behavior Aroused Public Outrage, And The People Of The Country D

The first time after Beisima uploaded the video.

The video comes to the commissioner's review side.

Nowadays, Lian Xiang's matter is making a big fuss on the Internet, and the review commissioner is naturally aware of it.


He also posts on Weibo in his free time.


The review specialist was very excited to be able to watch Beisima's video for the first time.

"It's amazing Bei Sima, the third video was produced so quickly."

"I don't know what the third video will reveal about Lian Xiang."

Out of curiosity, the review specialist immediately clicked on the third video uploaded by Bei Sima.

"Lian Xiang's history of equity changes!"

See the title of the third video.

The auditor immediately became interested.

He quickly clicked on play and watched it quickly.

After confirming that there is no illegal content, click OK directly.

After doing all this.

The reviewer watched the third video again.

The more he looked, the angrier he became.

"Liu Yuanwai is so shameless. He turned a 100% state-owned enterprise into a family business of the Liu family. How shameless!"

"Originally, in 06, I planned to buy the latest Lianxiang computer after I save enough money next month...Forget it, let's buy Shenzhou! I will go to the Shenzhou store after get off work today to buy it!"

at the same time.

After Beisima's third video review was approved, he also received the system message immediately.

Say nothing.

Beisima logged into Weibo and posted a Weibo post with a link to the third video.

"Think about the history of equity changes and see how Liu Yuanwai and others turned a 100% state-owned enterprise into the private property of the Liu family step by step. [Video link"

Now there are more than one million netizens following Beisima.


The moment Beisima's blog was posted, netizens who were reminded immediately saw the blog post.


Everyone clicked on the attached video link.

at the same time.

This is the video space.

The latest issue of Beisima Video was immediately promoted on the homepage.


Thousands of netizens clicked on this video.

After watching Bei Sima's third video, everyone became even more angry.


In this third video, Bei Sima described in detail how Lianxiang was transformed from a state-owned enterprise controlled by the entire people to a public-private partnership by Liu Yuanwai, Boss Yang and others.

Beisima said in the video that Lianxiang has changed from a 100% state-owned enterprise to a public-private partnership. This is a case of loss of state-owned assets.

It is too primitive and low-level to stuff money into a bag and take away money, or move assets back home.

The loss of state-owned assets, in Lianxiang, in this case, is a major transfer of equity, which is very shocking.

Even those who studied EMBA at Beijing University or studied MBA at Shuimu University may not be able to learn such cases.

Everyone watched Bei Sima's third video, which told how Liu Yuanwai and others gradually turned 35% of the dividend rights into equity, thus turning Liu Yuanwai and others who originally only had dividend rights into Lian Xiang's. shareholder.

With this alone, Liu Yuanwai has accomplished what many entrepreneurs cannot.

This directly changed Lianxiang, a company owned by the whole people, into a limited liability company, and Longke Academy's equity directly changed from 100% to 65%.

How those people other than Yuan Liu managed to come up with 233 million yuan in one go has become an unsolved mystery.

after all.

Without the 233 million yuan, people like Liu Yuan and others will not be able to take away the 35% equity.

You can't always tell.

These people, other than Liu Yuan, were brought in through bank loans using Lianxiang's assets as collateral, right?

after all.

Lianxiang was a 100% state-owned enterprise at the time, and it was not the private property of people other than Liu Yuan. How could he have the right to use state-owned assets as collateral to lend himself a loan to buy Lianxiang's equity.

"I'll go! Is it true? People like Liu Yuan just took away 35% of the shares with nothing??"

"I won't believe it if you say there's no inside story here!"

"I want to know now, how did Liu Yuanwai and others spend 233 million yuan to take away this 35% equity? What role does Longke Academy play in this?"

"If it weren't for Bei Sima, we would never have known that people like Liu Yuan were so audacious that they dared to embezzle state-owned assets. The relevant government agencies must conduct a thorough investigation and eradicate these worms!"

"The water here is too deep, and it must have a huge connection with Longke Academy! 35% of the equity, it's impossible for people like Liu Yuan and others to take it away for no reason!"

"Haha, the Dragon Academy is definitely a victim, but some of the leaders of the Dragon Academy are definitely not!"

"It must be investigated! It must be investigated strictly! Not only Lian Xiang Yuanliu and these people, but also the Long Academy of Science and Technology must be investigated to the end! Lian Xiang is the people's Lian Xiang and the people's assets. Not these idiots

private property!”

“If you eat from the people, you must spit it out; if you take from the people, you must return it!”

"Let's all spread our thoughts and think about the stringent conditions that Lianxiang Group has set up to transfer 29% of its shares this time. Hehe, this is a bit interesting!"

"It's connected! In other words, people like Liu Yuan are not satisfied with swallowing 35% of state-owned assets. They are also preparing to swallow up another 29% of the equity. In this way, they have Lianxiang Group 64 in their hands. % of the equity, Long Institute of Science and Technology only has 36% of the equity left. What a big shift in equity. The purposeful transfer of equity step by step has made Lian Xiang change from a state-owned enterprise controlled 100% by Long Institute of Science and Technology. , has become a private enterprise in which people like Liu Yuanwai have complete control over the right to speak. Longke Academy, which was originally the owner, suddenly lost control and only had the right to dividends. Haha, Liu Yuanwai and these people are really good at playing with their shares. Transfer!”

"Even if the world is changing, people like Liu Yuanwai can't do it easily!"

"Niubi! It's so awesome! This group of people is amazing. They want to completely turn a state-owned enterprise into a Liu family enterprise!"

no doubt. 020 Beisima’s third video has become popular again.

And it’s explosive!

Netizens who watched this video went straight to the sky!

These people, including Yuan Liu, were so audacious that they blatantly embezzled state-owned assets and transferred the lost state-owned assets to their own pockets.

What kind of behavior is this?

This is the worm of the country!

For a while.

Voices calling for a thorough investigation by state agencies are becoming increasingly loud.

State-owned assets are assets that belong to the people of the country.

Results now.

There is a moth in this, and they want to transfer the assets of the people of the country into private pockets.

People all over the country don’t agree!

even though.

In the process of establishing Lianxiang, people like Liu Yuanwai and others made great contributions.

But the same thing.

These people also gained a lot.

Looking at the salaries of Liu Yuanwai, Boss Yang and others, they all have annual salaries of more than 10 million.

Taking so much is a reward for their efforts.


These people are not satisfied with getting the returns they deserve, and are ready to turn state-owned assets into private property.

This is stealing money from the pockets of people across the country!

Never agree!

No one will agree!

No one knew it before.

Now, even Xiang's underwear has been taken out.

These people, except Yuan Liu, directly offended the public.

Not only people like Liu Yuan, but also the Academy of Sciences and even the government agencies must give an explanation to the people!

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