Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 924 Netizen: The Liu Family Is Full Of Loyalties, The Most Perfect Father-Son Inheritance

Beisima's third video has completely focused the attention of the people across the country on Lianxiang Group.

Even people who don't frequent the Internet know about Liu Yuanwai and others' misappropriation of state-owned assets.

It is really.

Compared with the acquisition of IBM's global PC business, which resulted in huge losses in the group's performance, and the problem of moving the headquarters to America.

Embezzling state-owned assets is simply too sensitive.

This is illegal and criminal behavior!

It even made people across the country think that the behavior of Liu Yuanwai and others was no different from thieves, and what was more, they stole their own things.

There is no sand in the eyes of the people!

The storm of fishing boats directly evolved into a tornado.

For a while.

Some influential domestic media organizations have also come to an end.

Their end was not the result of Lianxiang's public relations.

Instead, he ended up questioning Lianxiang about the details and asking Lianxiang to give a reasonable explanation for the doubts of the general public.

At this moment, do you even think about where you will end up?

It was definitely his head being caught in the door.

Even if I want to give you more money, I can't agree to it.

If Liu Yuanwai is really found guilty of embezzling national assets in the future, and they end up standing next to Liu Yuanwai now, they will definitely be seeking their own death.

As more and more 973 media organizations began to question Lian wanted to question Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang.

The scope of influence of this matter is also getting wider and wider.

It even made the headlines of overseas media and aroused widespread heated discussion abroad.

Lianxiang is not a small brand with little reputation overseas.

As one of the top three giants in the global PC market, coupled with the acquisition of IBM's global PC business, Lianxiang still has a good market overseas with the IBM brand name and low prices.

For a while.

The Lianxiang incident has become a hot news headline around the world.

And here in the country.

The turmoil intensified.

Countless netizens have requested the government departments to conduct a thorough investigation online, although there has been no official response from the government.

However, Xinhuashe and, which represent the mouthpieces of the government departments, responded on Weibo and questioned Lian Xiang.

This is a very subtle signal.

It also made Liu Yuanwai, Boss Yang and others feel even more fearful and uneasy.

Xinhuashe and are the mouthpieces of the country.

Now the country's mouthpiece, in line with the voice of the broad masses of the people, has questioned Lian Xiang.

This made Liu Yuanwai and others have to think about whether this (agi) could represent the above meaning.

no way.

Liu Yuanwai had to seize the time to rescue himself.

Mobilize your personal connections, contact people in the government departments, and contact friends in the business world, hoping to get these people to stand up and speak out for themselves, and be emboldened.


It's not until a heavyweight comes out to speak for Liu Yuanwai.


Another blockbuster video spread across the entire Internet at a viral speed and topped the Weibo hot search list.

This video is not directly related to Liu Yuanwai.

It is related to Liu Yuanwai’s father, Mr. Liu.


Because of Bei Sima's third video, it caused an uproar on the Internet.

This directly made Bei Sima, from a small transparent person overnight, become a big internet celebrity as popular as A-list celebrities.

This also makes some other UP owners who are eating this meal unable to sit still.

People who can eat this kind of food are smart people.

Nowadays, Lian Xiang is like a broken drum, with thousands of people beating him and thousands of people scolding him.

No one dared to offend Lian Xiang like this before.

But now I even think about not wiping my butt clean, which has caused public outrage in the country.

At this moment.

Who cares whether it offends Lian Xiang or Liu Yuanwai?

It’s unclear whether these people can stay out of it.


Everyone saw that Bei Sima became famous for exposing the inside story of Lian Xiang, so they followed suit and began to search for various information about Lian Xiang on the Internet.

During this period, other bloggers also posted some videos about Lian Xiang’s black material, which also attracted countless netizens to click and watch.

Although the popularity is so high, these UP owners have indeed received more attention and gained more profits.

some of.

There was a UP owner named 'Nan Xuanyuan, who took a different approach and started with Liu Yuanwai's father, and he actually unearthed some big information - Mr. Liu once helped IBM sue six Longguo companies, which led to this Six companies went bankrupt!

Looking at the aniseed materials he searched for, Nan Xuanyuan immediately trembled.

If a video based on this is released, it will definitely become a hit on the entire Internet and make him the second Beisi server.


As Nan Xuanyuan's video was edited and passed the review of the website platform, with the efforts of his fans, his video soon became popular on the Internet.

Countless netizens who watched his videos said they gained more knowledge.

"Yoo, yo, it's so slippery! Liu Yuanwai has nothing to show for it, and uses the method of large-scale equity transfer to embezzle state-owned assets! Liu Yuanwai's father is even more extraordinary. He actually helped IBM bring down six domestic companies. Tsk tsk tsk, as expected. The son of a mouse who is born from a dragon and a phoenix can dig holes. No wonder Liu Yuanwai's method of transferring equity is so powerful."

"With such an old man to train you, how awesome can you be!"

"The whole family is loyal! I have to say, the Liu family is full of loyal people!"

"Manmen Zhonglie used it well! Mr. Liu helped IBM to destroy domestic enterprises. His son Liu Yuanwai inherited his father's business and directly turned state-owned enterprises into foreign enterprises. Tsk tsk tsk~"

"This is the most touching inheritance from father to son, coming from the same origin!"

"I'm so embarrassed! I finally understand why Liu Yuanwai jumped into IBM's global PC business even though he knew it was a big pit. I also understand why he hurriedly moved the headquarters of Lianxiang to IBM after acquiring IBM's global PC business. America is gone! This is his tribute to his father's learning and to serve America well. It's so touching, a perfect father-son inheritance!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, father and son are loyal to Lao Mi, but it's a pity that he was born into a flower-growing family!"

"Like father, like son, the ancients will never deceive me!"

"What a pair of Liu family father and son, what a loyal family! Investigate, the country must investigate strictly! Damn it, America even broke into our back garden!"

"Well done to Bei Sima Nan Xuanyuan. This is my good flower-growing man!"

Nan Xuanyuan's video is like a drop of water falling into a pot of boiling oil, and the whole pot of oil boils violently in an instant.

Countless netizens fell silent after watching Nan Xuanyuan's video.


The most violent curses broke out, as violent as a volcano erupting.

At this moment.

Everyone finally understood why Liu Yuanwai did all the things he did before.

Because he has a good father!

His father taught him to serve Mi Daddy well, and America was the real biological father of the Liu family.

This is what I did.

Then the perfect son inherits his father's legacy skill is activated.

So Liu Yuanwai did all the things he did before.

This is all to show everyone what it means to inherit the father's legacy from the same blood!

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