Looking at the WeChat message sent by Qiao Jian.

Bei Sima fell into deep thought.

Treat yourself to a meal?

Honey trap?

Hongmen Banquet?

Is it because ‘Old Liu’, ‘Counsellor Lin’, and ‘Brother Tie’ have failed to deal with themselves, so they even want to take action personally?

[Bei Sima: Invite me to dinner? Secretary Qiao, what is your idea? 】

This can be said to be quite straightforward.

Just saying.

I'm afraid this meal of yours is not a good one.

Qiao Jian responded very quickly.

[Qiao Jian: Mr. Bei Sima, you misunderstood. I just wanted to treat you to a meal. I had no other intention. 】

[Bei Sima: Haha, Secretary Qiao, I am not a three-year-old child either. Furthermore, I don’t know you either. Now you tell me that you simply want to treat me to a meal. Do you believe this? 】

[Qiao Jian: Mr. Bei Sima, you really misunderstood me. 】

[Qiao Jian: I invite you to dinner "three three three". I just want to make friends with you and deepen our understanding of each other. 】

[Qiao Jian: Lian Xiang has had a meeting here to discuss it. I feel that there is some misunderstanding between Lian Xiang and you, so I want to treat you to a meal and explain it to you in person. 】

[Qiao Jian: We really have no other intentions here. We just want to have a meal with you and make friends, that's all. 】

Looking at Qiao Jian's defensive information, Bei Sima's mouth showed a sarcastic look.

He didn't believe in simply wanting to have a meal with him and make friends.

There is no misunderstanding.

He dared to conclude.

Once he agrees to Qiao Jian's date, he will definitely be photographed by the paparazzi arranged by Lian Xiang.

Once the photo is released, he will not be able to wash it off even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Why does everyone support him overwhelmingly?

It was because he, Bei Sima, was not afraid of the powerful and exposed the ugly true face of people like Liu Yuan.

If you go to an appointment, you will be photographed.

Will the general public still believe him?


Everyone will only think that Bei Sima has compromised.

One might even think it was a scene directed by him.

At that time, I even thought that this side would add fuel to the flames a little bit.

Then his reputation in Bei Sima would completely become bad.

When the broad masses of the people no longer believe in him, he will replace Lian Xiang and become the target of beatings.

And Lian Xiang has successfully diverted public attention.

have to say.

Even thinking about it is wonderful.


He Bei Sima is not a fool.

This is by no means a good banquet, but a Hongmen banquet.

[Qiao Jian: Mr. Bei Sima, I will send you a memorandum of the meeting. Please read it and make some comments. 】

Mr. Bei Sima’s meeting plan

Time: September 18th, 15:00-16:30


*The above time period is preliminary and can be selected by Mr. Bei Sima at his convenience, or other times can be designated by Mr. Bei Sima.

Location: Han Palace Tea House (Zhichun Road Branch)

*The meeting location can also be designated by Mr. Bei Sima

Purpose of meeting:

1. Release Lianxiang’s goodwill, eliminate factual misunderstandings, and deepen mutual understanding.

2. Discuss the development path of national enterprises.

3. Discuss what Lianxiang Group can do in the future to support research by patriotic scholars, support patriotic groups’ study tours, and support red tourism.

4. Based on the content of this meeting, discuss the matter of choosing an opportunity to invite Yanagawa to meet with Mr. Beishima.

Meeting participants: Bei Sima, Qiao Jian

[Qiao Jian: Mr. Bei Sima, the above is our plan for this meeting. Please take a look and make some comments. 】

Bei Sima looked at the meeting plan sent by Qiao Jian.

The sarcasm on his lips became even stronger.


It's interesting.

Let Qiao Jian come forward to make an appointment with her, and start with a honey trap.

Then I made an appointment with Liu Yuan to have a Hongmen Banquet.

Note that he played quite well.

Why should we support the research of patriotic scholars and the release of patriotic groups from school...

Looking at the so-called purpose of the meeting, Bei Sima felt disgusted.

[Bei Sima: I have no objection. 】

[Qiao Jian: No objection? Did Mr. Bei Sima agree to have a dinner date with me? 】

[Bei Sima: I don’t agree, so I have no objection. 】

After replying to this message, Bei Sima immediately logged out of WeChat.

His time was very precious, so he couldn't waste it on talking nonsense with Qiao Jian.

With this time, he has finished the fifth video.

Think about it.

He decided to post a tweet.

the other side.

Qiao Jian frowned as she read the message from Bei Sima.

She kept thinking that she was also a first-rate beauty.

As Liu Yuanwai's personal secretary, Zai Lian thought that he was also a high-ranking figure. In addition to his beauty, it was not an exaggeration to call him a goddess.

Now I humbly asked Bei Sima to have dinner with me, but Bei Sima, a country bumpkin, actually... refused!!

This made Qiao Jian feel insulted.


This matter is a task handed down from above...

Liu Yuanwai asked her to meet Bei Sima here.


Even though I feel very unhappy at the moment.

She could only pretend to smile and type a reply.

[Qiao Jian: Mr. Bei Sima, I really want to make friends with you. 】

[Qiao Jian: If Mr. Bei Sima is dissatisfied with anything, you can mention it. I can arrange this meeting between you and us according to your opinions. 】

five minutes later.

Looking at Bei Sima who didn't reply.

Qiao Jian was completely stunned.

She cursed loudly: "Xie Te! You idiot! You mud-legged guy! I, Qiao Jian, took the initiative to make an appointment with you for dinner, but you actually..."

It can be said that Qiao Jian was quite angry.


What she didn't expect was that she would be even more angry later.

Seeing that Bei Sima didn't reply to her message, Qiao Jian was at her wits' end.

Even if she wanted to use a honey trap, it would be useless if Bei Sima didn't take the bait.

no way.

She could only knock on Liu's office door and report the situation to Liu.

"How about it?"

"Does Bei Sima agree to meet you?"

Seeing Qiao Jian come in, Liu Yuanwai asked quickly.

Qiao Jian said: "I'm sorry, I couldn't complete the task assigned by Director Liu."


"Bei Sima actually rejected our goodwill offer of release??"


When Liu Yuanwai heard Qiao Jian's report, he was so angry that he blew his beard, stared, and cursed.

He really couldn't stand it anymore.

So I did some small tricks.

First, he mobilized his own energy and asked some familiar people in Bei Sima to do ideological work.


Money was spent, but those who were invited to do Bei Sima's ideological work were just living for a living.

no way.

Lian Xiang can only take action personally.

Please ask Bei Sima to accept magical powers.

to this end.

They sent a beautiful secretary to take action.


He was slapped in the face by Bei Sima.

This made Liu Yuan extremely angry.

Qiao Jian is his secretary.

He asked Qiao Jian to take action, and the meaning was very clear.

The results of it.

Bei Sima really thinks that the stones in the latrine are smelly and hard.

If Bei Sima didn't give Qiao Jian face, he would be slapping him, Yuan Wai Liu, in the face!

"Give me something shameless!"

"I really thought that I, Yuan Liu, was afraid of him!"

Liu Yuanwai was in the office and lost his temper.

But what he didn't know was.

Following Bei Sima's Weibo, another storm started on the Internet. .

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