Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 934 Bei Sima Surrenders To Lian Xiang And Admits His Mistake?

Lianxiang headquarters.

Office of the Chairman.

Liu Yuanwai vented the overwhelming anger in his chest.


He was slapped twice in the face by Bei Sima.

The left side of my face was swollen, and my stone face was swollen again.

That's too much!

It's simply too much!

The anger in Liu Yuanwai's chest burned fiercely.

Since then, he has led Lianxiang Group to prosper and become one of the top five companies in the global PC market.

Especially after the acquisition of IBM's global PC business in 2004, this operation, which was hailed by the outside world as a snake swallowing an elephant, immediately gained the reputation of a business godfather in China.

On weekdays.

When people in the industry meet him, who can not respectfully call him Mr. Liu?

Results now.

In addition to being a dignified member, Liu Yuan, a godfather figure in the domestic business community, was actually humiliated by an ant with no power, no power and no money.

This made him furious.

Liu Yuanwai swore in his heart.

After the Lianxiang incident is completely settled, he will "repay" Bei Sima for today's humiliation!

Go back without revenge.

He can't swallow this breath!!

It's not that he, Mr. Liu, is narrow-minded.

Bei Sima is really bullying people too much!

That being the case.

Then don't blame him Liu Yuanwai for bullying the younger ones in the future!

After the Lianxiang incident subsided, he still didn't believe that Bei Sima could continue to hug Lu Yi's thick leg!


Liu Yuanwai silently sentenced Bei Sima to death!

Take a deep breath.

I silently recited in my heart that every big event must have 900 calmness.

After a while, Liu Yuanwai's furious mood calmed down again.

Completely out of character, this is not the emotion that the head of a group should feel.

Yang Fu, who was standing cautiously next to him, saw that Liu Yuanwai had calmed down and quickly spoke again: "Director Liu, I have already given instructions to mobilize the navy army to set the pace for us on the Internet to reverse the current one-sided situation. Fishing boat trends.”

Hear the words.

Liu Yuanwai nodded and said solemnly: "Very good, you are right to do this."

"Since we have no way to control comments on Weibo, we must mobilize the trolls to set the pace and not allow the majority of netizens to become one."

"Also, let someone dig up information about Bei Sima!"

Yang Fu immediately flattered him.

"Liu Dongyingming!"

“As long as we find the dirty information about Bei Sima, we can immediately reverse the current direction of fishing boats. 17

"Director Liu is so wise. I will do it right away."

Yang Fu was flattering like crazy.

Liu Yuanwai was very angry at Bei Sima just now. It would not be a bad thing to flatter Liu Yuanwai and please Liu Yuanwai at this time.

As long as it doesn't slap the horse on the leg, who can refuse the flattery from others?

Liu Yuanwai is no exception.


Yang Fu's flattery made Liu Yuanwai frown.


Yang Fu's (agce) flattery is still very useful to him.

the other side.

After Bei Sima posted a Weibo update.

He threw the phone aside and ignored it.

Today, he had to show off the fifth video.

Originally, the fifth video could have been made a day or two ago.

But because of various lobbyists and dinner appointments with Qiao Jian, Bei Sima had no time to make videos in the past two or three days because he was busy dealing with these people.


Finally no one can disturb me.

I can make the fifth video with peace of mind.

Fans and netizens who follow him can't wait for a long time. They send him crazy private messages on the video space and Weibo, asking him when the fifth video will be released.

Sitting in front of a computer.

Looking at the outline of the fifth video that I have already written.

But there was something blank in Bei Sima's mind.

Some of the previous inspirations were all forgotten at this moment.

after an hour.

Bei Sima, who had repeatedly deleted it, grabbed his hair frantically and became frustrated.

Originally, for the fifth video, he was planning to make a video about people like Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang, who received tens of millions of annual salaries, but Lianxiang Group was suffering serious losses.

But now my head is a little stuck.

After an hour, I was still not satisfied with the copy I wrote.

At this time.

Another inspiration flashed in Bei Sima's mind.

Let him decide to change the theme of the fifth video.


Lian Xiang thought there were a lot of little tricks going on here, they were looking for people to act as lobbyists, and they were asking the secretary to make appointments for dinner as a beauty trap.

Then why not make a video with related content to meet the needs of the majority of netizens first.

after all.

The news that Qiao Jian wanted to have a dinner date with him but was rejected was spreading on the Internet.

Another video should make this topic even more popular.

at the same time.

You can also buy yourself enough time to write satisfactory copy content.

Just do it.


Bei Sima changed his mind.

I was really full of ideas and wrote the specific copy in half an hour.


Bei Sima started recording the video.

Lived up overnight.

Bei Sima, holding his head like a chicken coop, successfully produced the fifth video.


After checking that there were no problems, Beisima directly uploaded it to the video space backend.


He was so sleepy that he fell asleep directly.

at the same time.

The commissioners from the video space immediately approved Bei Sima’s fifth video and posted it directly on the homepage.


The news that the fifth video of Bei Sima was released spread on the Internet.

As one of the most popular people on the Internet, the majority of netizens who learned the news immediately rushed to the video space and clicked on Bei Sima's fifth video posted on the homepage - The man who launched an army to accuse the culprits came to visit. I want to admit my mistake

When everyone saw the title of the fifth video, they were all stunned.

what's going on?

Is Bei Sima preparing to admit his mistake to Lian Xiang?

Didn't Bei Sima just post a Weibo update yesterday rejecting Qiao Jian's dinner date?

Why, overnight, Bei Sima's attitude made a 180-degree turn and he directly admitted his mistake!

The hero has a hard time with the beauty trap, has the beauty trap worked?

With doubtful thoughts.

Everyone clicked on the video.


"Shh~ I was shocked! I thought Bei Sima couldn't withstand the attack of the beauty trap and fell under the pomegranate skirt overnight [it turned out to be an irony!"

"I didn't expect Lian Xiang to do a lot of tricks here! He never responded directly, and then secretly used various tricks to silence Bei Sima. It's a bit interesting."

"I have to say that even these people who want to be hired as lobbyists are all old Riddlers! Bei Sima asked them to point out the specific mistakes, but they all hesitated and said, you are wrong, you It's a big mistake, but you should know where it is even if I don't point it out... I'm laughing so hard!"

"Haha, otherwise how could these people be the Riddler!"

"That is to say, Bei Sima has a good personality, but if it were me, he would scold him directly and directly!"

"I don't think I should even think about paying them. These people just didn't work hard at all. They didn't do any preparation before going to work as lobbyists, and they just went there." As a result, Bei Sima Min was left speechless and embarrassed. escape.

"I heard a funny joke. You are wrong. Where did I go wrong? Are you wrong? Then you should point it out! I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, you are wrong!"

"Haha, you're laughing so hard! Brother upstairs, do you want to laugh me to death so you can inherit my inheritance?"

"As soon as Bei Sima's video came out, he immediately killed Liu Yuanwai. If I were Liu Yuanwai, I would be so angry that I would vomit blood after seeing this video!"

"Liu Yuanwai's face was completely swollen from the beating!"

"It seems that Lian Xiang is really at his wits' end here. He is looking for someone to be a lobbyist, and he is also asking for dinner dates with beauties. They are all small tricks behind the scenes and cannot be brought to the surface.

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