Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 943: All The Underwear Was Taken Off, And The Moths Were Completely Panicked

"Wang Defa? [Black question mark face]"

"I said that I feel that there is something wrong with the transfer conditions offered by Lianxiang. It turns out that it is tailor-made for Fanhai Group!"

"Haha, no wonder Lu Ziqiang jumped out crazily to stand up for Yuan Liu. Here's the reason!"

"Why don't you jump out and speak for Lian? If people like Liu Yuan and others collapse, how can he, Lu Ziqiang, put state-owned assets worth more than 4 billion in his own pocket at cabbage prices?"

"I have to say, Liu Yuan is awesome! Back then, Qiankun Shift took away 35% of Lianxiang's equity, and now he is using various means to transfer 29% of the equity to his good brother's name. Tsk tsk, Lianxiang Isn’t it about to transform from a state-owned enterprise into a family enterprise of the Liu family?”

"I majored in financial management. I have to say that the cases in the textbooks are nothing compared to Liu Yuanwai's method of transferring state-owned assets. No wonder he is respected as the godfather of business by the domestic business community. What an ordinary person. ,How can you do this like Liu Yuanwai!"

"It's outrageous! State-owned assets worth 4.045 billion yuan were sold for 2.755 billion yuan by people like Liu Yuan. This is a major loss of state-owned assets. This is bad guys swallowing up state-owned assets. The government must investigate and crack down severely! "

"Can anyone explain the Taishan skills mentioned in Bei Sima's video? It sounds so awesome!"

"The Taishan Society is a very powerful organization. All its members are domestic business tycoons. People like Liu Yuanwai and Lu Ziqiang are all members of the Taishan Society. Those who jumped out to join the company before and wanted to speak for Liu Yuanwai The bosses are basically all from Taishan."

"The details of the Taishan Society are not clear. Anyway, I only know that this organization was established in 1993. All its members are billionaires. They are powerful in the business world, with great energy and powerful means. The average rich man If you don’t have a net worth of hundreds of millions and are not the best in the industry, you have no qualifications to join the association.”

"It is said that Taishan Club only develops one member every year. New members need to be introduced by two Taishan Club members. All members must vote unanimously to become a probationary member of Taishan Club. They will become full members after one year. The threshold for joining is very high. .”

"The Taishan Society, to put it bluntly, is a small group with common interests. An individual's power is limited, but the combined power of a dozen or twenty billionaires will be huge."

"Do you know why so many people want to join the Taishan Society? Look at the Fanhai Group. No, they are getting 1.3 billion yuan in state-owned assets for nothing. This is the benefit of being in the same organization."

"So, even thinking about selling 29% of the equity made me understand what it means to keep the money from others."

"Tsk, tsk, I'm shuddering! If Bei Sima hadn't dug up the inside story of Lian Xiang, and Lian Xiang really sold 29% of its shares to Fanhai Group for 2.755 billion yuan, then the country would really have been destroyed by these morons. It’s full of holes.”

"I don't believe that there are no senior officials of Longke Academy involved in this. After all, Longke Academy is the transferor of 29% of the equity. How much benefit is conveyed here? I hope the country can find out and give it to Let the Chinese people give an explanation."

"Yes! This matter must be investigated strictly! Lianxiang is not the Lianxiang of the Dragon Academy, nor is it the Lianxiang of Liu Yuanwai, Boss Yang and others, but the Lianxiang of the 1.3 billion people of the Dragon Kingdom across the country!!

As the sixth video of Bei Sima was released, people across the country were completely outraged.

If you don’t tell me, you don’t know. If you tell me, you will be shocked.

Assets worth more than 4 billion yuan were sold off by Lianxiang for 2.7 billion yuan.

If in the previous videos, people like Liu Yuan and others were devouring state-owned assets, there is still a barely explainable reason.

So this time, it's really a matter of asking for a hammer.

Why is Lianxiang selling it at a bargain price of 2.7 billion yuan?

Because the default transferee is Fanhai Group.

The boss of Fanhai Group is a member of the Taishan Society and is Liu Yuan's sworn brother.

How can a member of my own family be able to open his mouth like a lion?

Not only can't the price be outrageous, but the price must be much lower than the market price to sell to Fanhai Group, so that Fanhai Group can make 1.3 billion yuan in vain, so as to show that both parties are a family.

For a while.

The fishing boats are surging.

The people across the country were completely angry.

These people besides Yuan Liu are also too courageous and blatantly convey benefits to their good brothers.

And loss.

It’s the country, it’s the people!

For a while.

All major domestic media organizations have reported on this.

The craze of rolling fishing boats swept the world.


the other side.

Seeing Lu Ziqiang and other members of the Taishan Society come forward to rectify the name of the Lianxiang platform, the trend of online fishing boats turning around made Yuan Liu and others very happy.

I haven't been happy for two days yet.

As the sixth video of Bei Sima came out, Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang immediately panicked and turned pale.


In those previous videos of Bei Sima, Lian Xiang was stripped of all his clothes.

So this time.

But all the remaining underwear was stripped clean.

Not only Liu Yuan but also Boss Yang were panicked.

Zeng Maochao, Deng Maicun and others at the Long Academy of Sciences were also completely panicked.

How the hell do you explain this?

The data cited by Bei Sima were all published in Lianxiang's own financial report and had been audited by professional accountants.

You can’t say that Beisima’s data is inaccurate, right?

If this is the case, then the problem will be huge.

Not only will it be involved in the transfer and misappropriation of state-owned assets, but it will also be charged with financial fraud.

Lianxiang Group is a listed company!


Totally panicked!

There is no time to be more panicked than now!

Because they all know very well that there is no discrepancy in the analysis in Bei Sima's video.

The several transferee conditions proposed by Lian Xiang are indeed tailor-made for Fanhai Group.


This is not a big deal, it just doesn't get revealed.


Now that the matter has been revealed, it is different to be labeled as a loss of state-owned assets.

Just say that you are the default transferee.

He actually sold equity worth 4 billion to Fanhai Group at a low price of 27.

The difference is a full 1.3 billion.

This is not a small amount!

What kind of behavior is this?

What sounds better is the loss of state-owned assets.

To put it bluntly, it means embezzling state-owned assets!

Don’t Zeng Maochao and Deng Maicun, the two top leaders of the Long Academy of Sciences (Qian Zhao’s), not aware of the true value of 29% of Lianxiang’s equity?


But why did they agree to sell it at a low price of 2.7 billion yuan?

It is because they are also vested interests, and they have benefited a lot.

They are all people who are about to retire from their positions.

Naturally, I want to earn more before retiring so that I can ensure that I have enough food and clothing for the rest of my life.

The fishing reel online exploded.

Once again, an unprecedented fishing peak has been reached.

And Lu Ziqiang and other people from the Taishan Society have all ceased their activities at this moment.

Their identities as members of the Taishan Society have been revealed.


Even if they want to sell 29% of their shares to Fanhai Group at a low price, they will be trapped in the quagmire.

I won’t talk about other Taishan Club members.

Anyway, Lu Ziqiang of Fanhai Group, after seeing Bei Sima's sixth video, he was as panicked as Liu Yuanwai and others.

Because he is also a vested interest and the biggest profiteer.

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