Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 948 The Situation Escalated, And The Superiors Ordered A Strict Investigation


Countless Chinese people were shocked by America's operation.

We taught our naughty child a lesson, but Lao Wang next door couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out to stop him, saying that the child was not wrong.

This hand is stretched too far!


As more and more netizens participate.

The more you discern, the clearer it becomes.

Everyone felt more and more that America's sudden appearance had impure motives.

Lianxiang is not America's company, why is America so anxious?


There is definitely an ulterior motive here.


After the vast number of netizens opened their imaginations, everyone unanimously felt that Lian Xiang had already been infiltrated and controlled by America.

On the surface.

Lianxiang is still a Dragon Kingdom company, but behind the scenes, Lianxiang is already an American company controlled and exploited by America.

The reason America jumped out was because she looked anxious.

The reason is because.

If Lianxiang is investigated, the Longguo Palace will not purchase Lianxiang computers in large quantities.


America's black hand, which she even tried to reach out to the Dragon Kingdom, was completely cut off. This was a huge loss to America.

To know.

The Longguo Palace purchases large quantities of computers from Lianxiang every year for use in various government agencies and institutions.

If there is a backdoor left by America in Lianxiang's computer.


The Dragon Kingdom has no secrets on America's side.

Every move is under America's control.


America's visit to Dragon Kingdom is no different from visiting her own back garden.

all of a sudden.

Everyone thinks that this is why America is busy jumping out to confess to Lian.

America would never want to see her black hand cut off.


It was necessary to jump out at this time, Wei Lian wanted to speak, and put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom officials.


The Chinese people are angry!

If it is true as they speculated, this would be great!

Every move of the Dragon Kingdom can be seen by America, and there are no secrets. This is terrible.

And the culprit behind all this is Lian Xiang!

It can't be tolerated!

This time, let alone my aunt, even my uncle couldn't bear it anymore.

the other side.

Don't even think about this.

When Liu Yuanwai saw the fishing boat on the net, especially when he saw that there were officials from the Black Palace on America's side who jumped out to intercede for them, Liu Yuanwai's heart skipped a beat.

This is a big deal.

What's the point of America's official interceding for a Dragon Kingdom company?

It's like.

If one of America's businesses is raided by America's government, and the Dragon Kingdom suddenly jumps out and says it cannot be searched, what do you want America's government to think?



Liu Yuanwai couldn't help but cursed loudly.

Pig teammates!


If America didn't jump out, he could think of a way and get off lightly, or even get away with it.

But now.

With America jumping out, the nature is different.

What do the big guys at the top think of this?

Can people believe that Lian Xiang and America are not having an affair?

Just when Liu Yuanwai looked extremely ugly and cursed loudly.

His cell phone rang.

It was Zeng Maochao who called.

"Hey, Lao Zeng, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Zhi Yanagawa, you really want to die! I just want to get some benefits before retiring, but I don't want to betray the country! As soon as the country is over, America can't wait to jump out, you are really looking for death, Don’t take me with you, too!”

On the other end of the phone, Zeng Maochao's angry curses came.

When Zeng Maochao saw the news on the Internet, his heart immediately dropped.

At this juncture, America's officials suddenly stood up to speak out for Lian Xiang and put pressure on Huilongguo.

What is this for?

What does this convey to the outside world?

This is not the case where there is no silver 300 taels. Tell Long Guo here, even if you think I am covering it, you can't move.

even if.

Lian Xiangming is a Dragon Kingdom company.


Their butts are not clean. If they are accused of having an overseas connection, they will really be sent to eat peanuts.

But the key is.

He was in the Mao Dynasty, and he really never did anything traitorous.

He just wants to make a fortune before retiring to ensure that he and his descendants will have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life.

Can bear fruit.

This idiot Liu Yuanwai is actually secretly connected with America's official family.

Doesn’t this trick someone to death?

Even if they tell the organization that this matter has nothing to do with them, will their superiors believe it?

It’s over!

This is the rhythm of complete destruction!

It was just like this that Zeng Maochao called and gave Yuan Liu a slap in the face.

this time.

They were really going to be taken into the ditch by Liu Yuanwai!

I wanted to make some extra money and ensure a comfortable life for the rest of my life.


You may have to spend the rest of your life in prison using a sewing machine until you die!

Liu Yuanwai frowned and said: "Old Zeng, why are you so angry? I am also confused now. Who knows what America's official meaning suddenly jumped out? I Yanagawa Zhi is indeed not a gentleman, but I am not a gentleman either. Selling your country for glory!”

"You said you are not a traitor to the country? Now that the American officials have jumped out to speak for you and put pressure on the country, how can you explain to them? Let me tell you, Lao Deng and I are going to be killed by you this time!"

Liu Yuanwai's explanation obviously did not satisfy Zeng Mao.


Who would admit to his face that he is a traitor to his country?


The news ferments.

America jumped out to speak for Lian Xiang, causing an uproar in the country.

Everyone's opinion is the same.

Lian Xiang has betrayed Long Guo and completely thrown himself into the arms of America.

Lian Xiang has already become America's nail in the door.

Now that the nail is about to be pulled out, America naturally cannot sit down.

For a while.

The topic of fishing boats focuses on national information security.

On America's side, has it been possible to obtain a large amount of domestic confidential information through Lianxiang's products in recent years?

Let alone an ordinary media organization.


Even the official media has stopped.

A number of official media, such as,, and Xinhuashe, have reported on the topic of national information security.

America jumping out at this time really makes people suspicious.

It's really too sensitive at this point in time.

at the same time.

After discussion, the big bosses at the top once again conveyed the spiritual instructions.

Under strict investigation on the original basis, a deep dig (Qian Nuohao) was added again.


Lian Xiang has already experienced a crisis of trust.

Not only ordinary Chinese people, but also the top bosses are beginning to have doubts.

Regardless of whether this is a conspiracy by America or not, she wants to use the help of the state to completely defeat Lian Xiang, so as to clear the way for Del and Huipu.

Even if the possibility of being framed is only 99.99%, the country does not dare to gamble on that 0.01%.


Can't afford to gamble!

Can’t even afford to lose! and have been reporting endlessly in recent days.

Means at the same time.

To ensure national information security, there must be alternative domestic technologies in terms of operating systems, CPUs, etc.

Only in this way can national information security be ensured from being stolen.

But by accident.

The country is completely weak in this area, and he has given the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Official organizations such as,, and Xinhuashe loudly called on relevant domestic companies to increase research efforts in related fields and use domestic substitutes as soon as possible. .

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