Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 951 The Popularity Of Fishing Boats Gradually Returns To Normal

Blue Star Electronics and Lianxiang have been very busy these days.

Blue Star Electronics is busy interviewing and arranging positions for new employees.

Lian Xiang was busy dealing with the investigation of the task force, and the employees ran away with buckets.

Both businesses are busy though.

But obviously.

Busy things are different.

The mood is completely different.

On one side, the new employees who came from Lianxiang Carrying Bucket were welcomed with a smile.

The other side smiled to appease the employees, but in their hearts they were MMP.

As the task force stationed in Lianxiang and Long Academy of Sciences, a thorough investigation began.

The popularity on the Internet has finally begun to ebb.

Although it is still on the hot search list.

But unlike some time ago, at least half of the top ten are related to Lian Xiang, so much so that the "080" celebrities who like to rely on various scandals to maintain their exposure are unable to come forward.

This month.

For those celebrities who rely on hot searches for scandals to maintain their popularity, the situation is difficult.

Because all the attention of the people who eat melons is focused on the Lianxiang incident.

The scandalous news they made didn't even make a splash.

If this had happened in the past, it would have made headlines long ago.

What makes these celebrities cry with joy is that now, the popularity of the Lianxiang incident has finally begun to ebb, and they can finally stir up scandals again to maintain their exposure and popularity.


Soon, gossip news about a certain celebrity who was photographed by paparazzi entering a certain hotel with a beautiful woman in his arms at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night became a hot search on Weibo.

Maybe in this month, everyone is tired of eating even the most delicious food.


As soon as this piece of gossip news came out, it not only quickly became a hot search on Weibo, but its ranking soared like a rocket. It quickly reached the top of the hot search list, and millions of people were interested in it.

This also made the star secretly elated.

Especially when I see the number of followers on my Weibo increasing by hundreds of thousands, I feel even more happy.

Have no idea.

That's what the entertainment industry is like.

Even top-tier superstars have to create topics from time to time to maintain their exposure.

Not to mention second- and third-tier stars like them, they need to do something from time to time to increase their exposure.

The other side.

Bei Sima finally had a good sleep these days.

Ever since he received the mysterious attachment, he has been making videos day and night.

He hadn't had a good night's sleep in this month.

at the very beginning.

It's because he's afraid of being retaliated by Lian Xiang.

As the first two videos went online, fishing boats began to become popular, and this fear and anxiety increased exponentially.

After all.

He is just a little guy with no background.

If he hadn't received the mysterious email from Mr. Mingde, even if he was keenly aware of the fishy nature of Lian Xi's plan to sell 29% of his shares, he would never have been able to dig out Lian Xi's customers in such a short period of time. Plant aniseed.

I would never dare to offend Lian even completely.

And as his video began to spread widely on the Internet, the fishing boat quickly fermented.

Faced with the urging of countless netizens, he had to make videos overnight to maintain popularity.

after all.

When he first started making Lianxiang videos, his mentality was to become famous and make money.

Those fans of my own are all the bread and butter of my parents.

Faced with the demands of his parents for food and clothing, he naturally had no choice but to satisfy himself overnight.

As the fishing boat got bigger and bigger, especially after Lu Yi made it clear that he supported his departure, the worry about Lian Xiang's revenge disappeared.

Instead, I have to deal with even thinking about the little things there every day, which is quite tiring.

While he was busy continuing to make videos, he was also busy dealing with the various lobbyists invited by Lian Xiang.

There is no time to sleep!

Good thing.

After the seven videos were completed, the country also took action.

This time.

Bei Sima was completely relieved and slept peacefully for several days.

This month's time.

With seven consecutive videos, he not only became the leading UP owner in the UP circle, but also earned more than one million in hard-earned fees. It can be said that he has gained fame and fortune, so don't feel too happy about it.


Follow his video space and Weibo account, both of which exceed one million levels.

With this huge number of fans, if other videos are released in the future, even if the popularity is no longer the peak of the period, it will definitely be no problem to just watch it.


Bei Sima was very grateful to this mysterious ‘Mr. Mingde’

Without the mysterious email from ‘Mr. Mingde’, he would not have been able to set off this fishing craze on the Internet.

To this.

Bei Sima was also secretly guessing who this 'Mr. Mingde' was.

In all likelihood, they are Lianxiang insiders.


If you weren't an insider, how could you know so many inside stories about Lianxiang?

time flies.

It's the end of September.

The National Day Golden Week is coming soon.

The hot spots on the Internet have also begun to turn to Golden Week.

As for the popularity of the Lianxiang incident, it went away as quickly as it came.

Although from time to time there will be related topics that rush to the hot search list, they will soon fall off.

Now that the task force is stationed in Lianxiang and Longke Academy to investigate, it is unlikely that there will be any results in a short time.

In this way, the heat will naturally be unable to be maintained.


The little inventory on Bei Sima's side has been completely squeezed out.

Although the next few videos he released are still related to Lianxiang, they are more like a summary of the previous videos, and everyone knows the content well.

It's not a new insider, so naturally it can't be a hot search.

As October is approaching.

Blue Star Electronics and Tur0.2ing Company are both making preparations.

Blue Star Electronics is busy preparing for the launch of the fourth generation of pinnacle mobile phones.

Turing Company is busy with the release of the first generation of Turing mobile phones.

in addition.

Helios Semiconductor Company is still frantically expanding its manpower.

at the same time.

The negotiation team for the acquisition of Infineon's wireless communications business also came to Taiji Galaxy a few days ago to report to Zhao Tang.

And reported on the relevant preparations for the negotiations.

at present.

The negotiation team has already flown to Hans-Germany, Munich, and has begun to contact Infinelen to convey its intention to acquire the company.

As for Lu Yi.

After a busy month or two without touching the ground, I finally feel relaxed.

I was just about to take a vacation for myself when I received a call from Jiang Shangzhou. .

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