Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 958 The First Domestic Prototype Verification Lithography Machine With Performance Comparabl

As everyone knows.

Lithography machines are called the "crown jewels" of the semiconductor industry!

The working principle of the photolithography machine is very simple to say.

It uses a series of light source energy and shape constraints to project the beam onto the mask that has been engraved on the circuit board.

After optical compensation, the circuit board is scaled down and projected onto the silicon wafer.

Finally, chemical development is used to obtain a silicon crystal with a circuit diagram engraved on it.

The industry calls this silicon crystal a chip.

Since it is a photolithography machine, what is needed most during the work process is of course light.

Where does light travel?

in the air!

Therefore, the working environment of the lithography machine must be absolutely dust-free. Even skin particles metabolized by human skin can cause serious damage to the machine.

Generally speaking, the air in a dust-free workshop is 10,000 times cleaner than the outside world!


There are serious requirements for more than ten parameters such as temperature, humidity, and air flow.


Lu Yi and others, wearing dust-free clothes, entered the dust-free laboratory after passing through three air shower systems.

Upon entering the dust-free laboratory.

The first domestic lithography verification machine using steady-state micro-focusing as a light source caught Lu Yi's eyes.


The director of the laboratory was happily introducing this prototype verification machine to Lu Yi and his party.

"The steady-state micro-bunching theory technology provided by Director Lu is definitely a genius idea."

"Using long-wavelength lasers to control electron beams, and then radiate high-intensity narrow-bandwidth coherent light at higher harmonics, thereby shortening the wavelength... Really, this idea is really genius and dreamy."

I can tell.

The lab director was really excited.

"According to relevant theoretical technology, we used a 1064nm wavelength laser to control the electron beam in the storage ring, so that the electron beam formed a fine microstructure after a full circle, forming a micro-bunching, and verified the steady-state micro-bunching feasibility.”

"Using the optical phase of electrons, they are correlated circle by circle with a precision shorter than the wavelength of the laser, so that the electrons can be stably bound in the light... It can directly shorten the wavelength of the laser at the microstructural level!"

"According to theoretical data, the micro-bunching structure can shorten the wavelength of microwaves by 5 to 6 orders of magnitude!"

"The modified wavelength can cover the range from terahertz to extreme ultraviolet. When applied in practice, it can completely realize high-power, high-medium frequency and narrow phase bandwidth radiation waves, greatly shortening the wavelength of the lithography light source!"

"Currently, the world's most advanced lithography machine is ASML's DUV-193nm immersion light source. The ultimate exposure accuracy can theoretically reach the 7nm level."

"And our micro-bunching structure can directly convert the long wave of 193nm into the short wave of 76nm... The accuracy of the chip manufactured with this can theoretically break through to within 7nm."

"Of course."

"The current prototype verification machine will definitely not reach the theoretical limit, but I believe we will definitely be able to reach it in the future.

"After preliminary technical testing, this prototype verification machine is currently capable of producing 32nm-level chips."

"Of course, because the chip process has only reached this level, as for the highest level of the prototype verification machine, we still need to make a breakthrough in the chip process before we can verify it."

said the laboratory director.

Lu Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The prototype verification machine can produce 32nm-level chips, and in terms of performance, it can compete with the top DUV lithography machines from ASML.

And the key is.

This is not the limit of this domestic lithography machine.

Calculated according to the limit theory, this prototype verification machine is comparable to an EUV lithography machine and can produce chips below 7nm.

no doubt.

The problem of domestic lithography machines getting stuck has been solved.

"very good!"

"very good!"

"You really did not disappoint me. In just over a year, you have produced a prototype verification machine. You are amazing.

Lu Yi praised.

The director of the laboratory modestly said: "This is thanks to the theory of steady-state micro-bunching technology provided by you, Director Lu. Otherwise, if our domestic lithography machines want to catch up with ASML, we still don't know how long it will take until the end of the year."

"Now I dare to say that once the news from our side is revealed, Asmai's side will definitely not be able to sit still!"

Lu Yi asked again: "How long will it take to start mass production?"

This is Lu Yi's biggest concern.

The prototype verification machine is not a mass production model.

Like ASML in its previous life, it launched its first EUV verification machine in 2010, but it had to wait until after 2013 to officially determine the mass production model.

In this process, there are still many problems to be overcome.

The laboratory director replied: "Actually, this prototype verification machine is provided by Shanghai Microelectronics. The prototype is a 100nm verification model from Shanghai Microelectronics."

"We only made modifications to the light source here."

"So, if Shanghai Microelectronics can work harder, we can determine the production model as soon as next year.

Hearing this, He Rongming smiled bitterly and said: "You are well aware of the technical strength of Shanghai Microelectronics. Since 2002, when we received the task from above, we have been working hard to develop domestic lithography machines."

"Due to insufficient R&D funds, the development progress of domestic lithography machines has been slow. It took 6 years to produce a 100nm-level prototype verification machine."

"I really want to speed up research and development. After all, the superiors issued another task last year. I am also under a lot of pressure, but the funding gap on my side is really too big...

Speaking of which.

He Rongming looked at Lin Qingya who was standing aside.

The meaning is obvious.

Auntie, you have a lot of money in your hands, can you support our Shanghai Microelectronics.

Lin Qingya's heart brightened when she saw He Rongming looking at her, and she said: "..." Actually, I came here for research and inspection. Blue Venture Capital Fund focuses on investment in high-end manufacturing, including semiconductors. I am very willing to invest in Shanghai Microelectronics. "

Hearing this, He Rongming breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, with great joy on his face, and said quickly: "If Shanghai Microelectronics has enough funds, I can guarantee to cooperate with Coastal Semiconductor to start mass production as soon as next year!"


"Mr. He, there is no shortage of money here at Azure Venture Capital.

"Mr. Lin also said just now that he is willing to invest in Shanghai Microelectronics."

"But you must ensure that, in cooperation with Coastal Semiconductor, mass production must be achieved next year!"

Lu Yi said.

next year.

That is 2010.

AS(Liaohaohao)mai will launch the first EUV verification machine, which has caused a huge sensation in the industry.

It is precisely with the help of EUV lithography machines that ASML has completely left behind all strong competitors Nicon and Canon, and is alone in the field of lithography machines.

If domestic lithography machines equipped with steady-state micro-focused light sources can be mass-produced next year, it will definitely be a huge blow to ASML.

Because the performance of domestic lithography machines with steady-state micro-bunching technology is completely comparable to ASML's EUV, or even better.

While domestic lithography machines that are comparable to EUV can be mass-produced and shipped, ASML's EUV is still just a verification machine.

At that time.

Domestic lithography machines are enough to subvert the entire lithography machine landscape and give ASML a heavy blow.

Without ASML's technical advantages, can their lithography machines still be sold at high prices?

Can we still block the Longguo market forcefully?

At that time.

I'm afraid ASML will cry and beg Longguo Semiconductor 1 to buy a DUV lithography machine. .

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