Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 972 Shocked Zhang Rujin, Loongson International Employees Ready To Make A Move

As for the way Lu Yi said to counterattack Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Zhang Rujin was moved.

To promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and suppress Loongson International, isn’t it just relying on its strong technical strength?

If we get the 28nm process here, we will lead the world.

Then we can use this in turn to suppress and promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In this case, don't feel too happy.


Zhang Rujin also had other concerns.

If the 28nm process technology is licensed to external parties in order to suppress Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Loongson International will not be able to use this to lead other competitors.

It seemed that he could see what Zhang Rujin was thinking.

Lu Yi said: "Professor Zhang, to be honest, Pangu Semiconductor is currently developing 22nm process technology and has made major technological breakthroughs."

As soon as these words came out.

Zhang Rujin was immediately stunned.


Pangu Semiconductor has also made technological breakthroughs in 22nm technology?!

This is incredible!

The current global mainstream process is still 40nm.

More advanced companies, such as Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Intel, can mass-produce 32nm-level chips, but the yield rate is only 60% to 70%, which is not too high.

This is also the most advanced chip currently produced by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Intel.

Both companies are seizing the time to conduct 28nm process research and development.

But what did he hear now?

Pangu Semiconductor is already working on the 22nm process and has made major technological breakthroughs.


Pangu Semiconductor is two nodes ahead of other companies in terms of chip process nodes.

This is too...unbelievable.

Lu Yi seemed not to notice Zhang Rujin's shocked look, and said with a smile: "So, Professor Zhang doesn't have to worry at all. Licensing the 28nm process to external parties will cause Loongson International to fall behind in terms of process technology.

"After Pangu Semiconductor develops the 22nm process, it will definitely conduct technical verification with Loongson International as soon as possible, and the technology will still be transferred to Loongson International in the future."

“Pangu Semiconductor will not position itself as a wafer foundry, but is determined to be a domestic high-tech company, conduct research and development on technology, and then hand it over to the wafer foundry for foundry~.

Zhang Rujin was lost in thought for a long time.

He took a deep breath and said with a smile: "It's really shocking to make Director Lu laugh."

"I can't imagine how shocked the industry would be if the news spread.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "We just don't want to be stuck overseas in the future, so we put in a little effort and the results are here."

Listening to Lu Yi's Versailles words, Zhang Rujin smiled inwardly.

A little more effort?

If you say this, even if it means that the R&D personnel of Intel, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Sanxing Electronics will just buy a piece of tofu and be killed.

"I have another question." Zhang Rujin said.

"What's the problem?" Lu Yi asked.

Zhang Rujin said: "When 28nm technology is licensed to others, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will definitely come to ask for it. If we don't authorize Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will probably use this as an excuse to sue us."

Lu Yi said with a smile: "This is not a problem at all. If Semiconductor Manufacturing Company really uses this as an excuse to sue Loongson International, Intel will probably stand on our side. They will never want Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to sue Loongson International easily. I can get this technology."

"Furthermore, Loongson International can ask for a higher licensing fee. Enterprises such as Intel and Sanxing Electronics can ask for 1 billion yuan, while Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. can definitely ask for 1 billion yuan.

"Excuses are welcome.

"Enterprises such as Intel and Sanxing Electronics are friendly enterprises of Loongson International, so they naturally have to give an internal price."

"As for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., it is not on the list of friendly companies. It is of course a business matter and there is nothing wrong with the higher price.

Hear the words.

Zhang Rujin said with a smile: "If he really does this, Zhang Zhongmou will probably be so angry that he vomits blood."

Lu Yi spread his hands and said: "What does it matter if he vomits or not vomits blood? If you eat it, then you can vomit it out, or even double it."

Zhang Rujin did not continue to struggle with this, but returned to technology transfer.

"Director Lu, when do you think the three of us will meet?" Zhang Rujin asked.

The three parties he was talking about, besides their two companies, the third party was naturally the flower factory.

after all.

Flower Factory holds half of the shares in Pangu Semiconductor.

Transferring the 28nm process to Loongson International is not something Lu Yi can do just by nodding his head.

We still need the flower factory to agree to it.

Lu Yi said: "Well, I will contact Mr. Ren of the flower factory. How about a meeting between the three of us in mid-October?"

"Okay, I have no problem." Zhang Rujin smiled and nodded.


He also felt relieved.

With the shares of Blue Star Electronics and Huachang, not only can they obtain a certain amount of cash, but they can also obtain 28nm process technology.

With such strong support, Loongson International can finally turn around this time.


We can use this to fight back against Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and let Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. experience the feeling of being suppressed by Loongson International.

The two chatted for a while, and then Lu Yi left.

When it comes.

Zhang Rujin was busy and did not go down to greet him in person.

But leave now.

Zhang Rujin sent Lu Yi directly downstairs.

Along the way, the two chatted and laughed happily.

When the employees of Loongson International saw this scene, the fire of gossip burned in their hearts.

"..." Looking at the smile on Mr. Zhang's face, today's secret conversation with the richest man Lu must have achieved good results.

"It must be the richest man Lu who agreed to help the company, which makes Mr. Zhang so happy."

"Yes, there is probably the richest man in Lu who has the ability to help the company out of trouble."

"You think, if the richest man Lu buys shares in our company, will our company's stock price rise suddenly?"

"I'll go! One word will wake up the dreamer! Everyone, what are you waiting for? This is a huge benefit. I dare say that once the news is officially announced, it will be absolutely no problem for our company's stock to double.

"Don't say anything anymore. I will buy the company's stocks now, even if I sell my house or my wife! No one can stop me!"

"Fortunately, I opened a Hong Kong stock account before and started trading directly, now!"

There are many smart people in Loongson International.

Just looking at the smiles on the faces of Lu Yi and Zhang Rujin, I had a guess.

and then.

It came to mind immediately.

Once the news is officially announced, the company's stock price, which had been falling before, will inevitably undergo a big reversal and start to move into an upward (bishop) mode.

This is a great time to pick up money.

Before the outside world got any news or reacted, they entered the market first to collect chips and waited for the main force and retail investors to come and carry the sedan for them.

They will never get off the market until the stock price doubles!

the other side.

Zhang Rujin's assistant is here.

Several secretaries and assistants were also discussing.

"Sister Wang, looking at Mr. Zhang's smile, it seems that the company's troubles are almost solved."

"Taking this opportunity, can we also buy some shares of the company and make a small fortune or something?"

The opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of you, and no one wants to miss it.

Even Assistant Wang's heart is ready to move.

Just when everyone was talking about it.

Zhang Rujin, who sent Lu Yi away, is back.

He came to the Assistant Office and said to Assistant Wang: "Xiao Wang, please notify the directors of the board of directors immediately and say that the board of directors will be held at four o'clock this afternoon."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang!"

Assistant Wang nodded quickly and responded. .

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