In the conference room.

Zhang Rujin's words made many directors present brighten their eyes.

Blue Star Electronics' orders are what all foundry companies in the world want to win.

Although this year.

Sanxing United Fruit Company established the joint venture brand Turing.

It wants to break Blue Star Electronics’ monopoly on high-end smartphones.

This is naturally a strong challenge for Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phones.


A month or two ago, news broke that Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong had broken down, which cast a shadow over Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phones.

Especially in the last month.

Another explosive news has spread.

Gao Tong is negotiating with Guoguo and Sanxing to acquire shares in Turing Company.

This news.

Although it is hearsay, it has not been officially certified.

But it still caused an uproar in the industry. 28

When everyone thinks of the cooperation negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong, they all speculate that Gao Tong's investment in Turing Company is probably true and not groundless.

If Gaotong really takes a stake in Turing, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to Pinnacle mobile phones that rely on Gaotong's baseband chips.

Although it will not make Dingfeng mobile phone a brick, it will also greatly affect the call quality and Internet speed of Dingfeng mobile phone, thus affecting the quality of the entire Dingfeng mobile phone.

If the Peak mobile phone cannot even guarantee call signal quality and Internet speed, can it still be called the most advanced smartphone and the most high-end smartphone?

This raises a big question mark.

The inability to obtain Gaotong's baseband chips will not cause a fatal blow to Dingfeng mobile phones, but it will also cause a big decline in the brand reputation of Dingfeng mobile phones.

On Turing's side.

It has obtained baseband chip support from Gaotong, and has support from Samsung and Fruit among hardware and software vendors.

Don't say it.

It is really possible to shake the position of Pinnacle mobile phone in the field of smartphones.

Although many people in the industry have already watched the future development of Xia Dingfeng's mobile phone because of this matter.

Some big names in the industry have even jumped out and said that Turing will replace Pinnacle mobile phones and become the new king in the field of smartphones.

But even so.

Blue Star Electronics' orders are also the targets of various wafer foundries.

Pinnacle mobile phones cannot get Gaotong's baseband chips. Even if the overall quality will be reduced as a result, it is much better than other mobile phone brands except Turing. It is still the top two high-end smartphone choices in everyone's mind.


If Blue Star Electronics really invests in Loongson.

Loongson International's order from Blue Star Electronics will definitely help Loongson International get out of a difficult situation in terms of performance.

"Although we acted very tough in the lawsuit against Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, everyone should have expected the result."

"The company is claiming 1 billion yuan in gold from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. [The company] will definitely not be able to come up with such a large amount of money."

"Then we can only let Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. invest in Loongson International through the issuance of additional shares."

"Loongson International and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are competitors. If Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has taken a stake in Loongson, it will be easy to set up some obstacles to the company's development strategy at the beginning."

"I know very well that Zhang Zhongmou will do whatever it takes to get benefits."

"We do not want to threaten our existence in the foundry field.

"If America wasn't behind Intel, and if America wasn't behind Sanxing Electronics, these two companies would probably face the same predicament as we do now."

Therefore, the benefits of Blue Star Electronics' investment in Loongson International are far better than supporting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. "

"I fully support Blue Star Electronics' investment."

"But after all, I am not the only one who has the final say in the company. Everyone needs to vote."

"That's what it is. Now let's talk about your opinions."

After Zhang Rujin finished speaking, everyone present immediately started talking.


There is not much opposition to Blue Star Electronics' investment in Loongson International.

Even the board members representing foreign capital all agreed with this.

For them.

They don't care about the development of Longguo Chip Semiconductor.

The only thing they care about is their own interests.

As for America and other European and American countries not wanting Long Country to develop an advanced chip semiconductor industry, that is none of their business.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for Loongson International to be able to embrace the big and thick leg of Blue Star Electronics.

This is in their interests.


They had no reason to object.

Wait until everyone has said it.

Zhang Rujin knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone already knows the matter and discussed it just now."

"If nothing unexpected happens, in the middle of this month, Blue Star Electronics, Huachang and our company will hold a three-party meeting to formally discuss the matter of capital injection and shareholding."

"Okay, that's it for today."


Zhang Rujin stood up and left the conference room.

at the same time.

Some board representatives also stood up and left, found a place where no one was around, and called the BOSS behind them to report the matter.

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