Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 997 Will The Internet War Trigger The Third Sino-Us Hacker War?

At the United Nations General Assembly meeting, America led a group of younger brothers to take the lead in firing at the Dragon Kingdom.

But Long Guo was not a vegetarian, so he slapped him back with his backhand.

For a while.

Domestic and foreign fishing boats are getting more and more serious.

Whether it is official or private, the emotions are very intense.

From the official side of America, they saw that they couldn't get any advantage, and they were made disgraced by a big dick.

When I got home, the more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and the angrier I became, the more I wanted to get my place back.

after all.

America is the most powerful country in the world.

How many years has it been since the rise of your Dragon Kingdom?

How dare you hit me, America, in the face in front of everyone? Don’t I, Ying-chan, have no face?


America's "Nimi Magnetic" and "Linken" deployed in the Asia-Pacific region came to the doorstep of the house to disgust the Dragon Kingdom.


It is definitely impossible to fight.

But if I have nothing to do, I will run to your door and show off my power, which will disgust you to death!

have to say.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom were indeed disgusted.

This is bullying me. There is no HM in Dragon Kingdom.

Damn it!


In less than two years, the HM ships of our Dragon Kingdom will definitely be like dumplings.


Faced with America's disgusting operation, she could only sulk and protest.

But I feel uncomfortable if I can’t say this.


Citizens are venting their dissatisfaction with America online.

More and more netizens went to America's platforms to curse.

If you drive your HM to your door and disgust me, okay, I won’t hit you, but why can’t I even curse you in your house?



Domestic netizens are madly criticizing America.

Netizens on America's side were not to be outdone.

But obviously.

With a huge population advantage, America's little counterattack was quickly overwhelmed by the furious citizens.

Now America’s netizens are done with it.

The population here is just over 300 million.

But your dragon country has more than 1.3 billion, which is four times as many as mine.


What was promised was one-on-one, but it turned out to be four-on-one.

How can one mouth speak louder than four mouths?

America's netizens were so angry that they started calling friends.

If I can't scold you, then I will destroy your online platform directly.


On America's side, some people began to organize and prepare to use hacking methods to attack domestic fishing platforms.

Don’t you, the Dragon Kingdom, have a lot of people?

Aren’t you Longguo netizens scolding us quite happily online?

I will destroy your fishing boat platform, and I will see how you continue to scold me.

A small town in America.

In a bar.

At this moment, a group of people are gathering.

This group of people has quite a lot of background.

All of them are top computer experts.


This group of like-minded people formed poizonBox, a well-known pro-violence organization in America.

In America, poizonBox is famous.

In the second Longmei Hacker War, poizonBox was the main force competing with domestic hackers.

The online war between Longguo and America can be traced back to the year before the millennium.

In the two years before and after the new millennium, many major events occurred in the world.


There are two major events related to the Dragon Kingdom.

In these two major events, America seriously hurt the feelings of the people of Dragon Kingdom.

As a result, the dissatisfaction of the Dragon Nation people with America reached its peak.


The secret confrontation between the two sides began.

An invisible cyber war started between hackers from the two countries.

The American hacker group headed by PoizonBOX continues to attack domestic websites.

In this regard, our country's network security personnel are actively guarding against attacks by America hackers.

at the same time.

Some domestic hacker organizations launched a cyber counterattack during this period.

According to a survey announced by a well-known American network security company, since an incident occurred in 2001, 40 to 50 hacker attacks have occurred on websites in the two countries every day.

Before this, this number was only 1 to 2.

The attack on each other by hackers from the two countries became headline news in major newspapers in America at the time.

In Long Mei's second hacker war.

If it weren't for the mercy of the Dragon Kingdom hackers, America didn't know how many website files would have been altered and lost, resulting in heavy losses.

no doubt.

In the two air-to-air confrontations, the Dragon Kingdom's Hongke won.

Even if it's a miserable victory.

That’s also a win!

But for America's hacker organization, it has always been a matter of great concern.

They find it extremely humiliating.

The Internet originated from America. However, in the Dragon Kingdom hacker war, America was washed away like a collapsed dam in front of the Dragon Kingdom's human wave tactics, and was reduced to pieces.

these years.

These hacker organizations have never stopped attacking the Longguo website.


They want to launch the third Longmei Hacker War and prepare to avenge their past humiliation.

They have full confidence.

Because the Longguo Hongke Alliance, which had beaten them to a pulp, had already announced its dissolution in 2004.

But their PoizonBOX is still there.

"..." Prophet, my brother, long time no see," the leader of PoizonBOX said with a smile to a slovenly man.

Prophet was the main force in attacking Longguo websites in 2001.

Unlike the hacker organization PoizonBOX, Prophet acted alone, specializing in attacking domestic Lunix systems, and succeeded more than 30 times.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for several years." Prophet nodded in response, "I remember the last time we (Li Liao Zhao) met, it was back in 2001, when we launched a cyber attack on Long Kingdom together. Now, Eight years have passed, time flies so fast, everything seems like yesterday."

"Yes, time flies by so fast!" the head of PoizonBOX nodded and sighed.


Prophet's tone changed and became very cold.

"Although 8 years have passed, I have never forgotten the humiliation that the Longguo Hongke Alliance brought to our country 8 years ago. It is engraved in my heart and I never think about taking revenge!"

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the leader of PoizonBOX, and he nodded: "Me too, brother! Now, our chance for revenge has come!"

"Yes, all the blood in my body is burning!"

PrOphet's eyes seemed to be on fire.

His words made everyone who heard them shudder.

"This time, I want to bloodbath the Dragon Kingdom Internet Patrol!".

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