As soon as Ah Xue walked out of the cave, she fell into a soft embrace.


"When did senior sister arrive?"

"I just arrived. You came out as soon as I arrived. Did you stay up all night waiting for senior sister?"


"real or fake?"


Bai Su was about to burst out laughing in her heart, 'It's really fun to tease little Ah Xue.'

Looking at the small and soft face, she was obviously petite and cute, but she had to imitate the eldest brother and keep a cold face all day long.

She couldn't help but want to tease her, want to see her expression of being helpless but not knowing what to do.

While the two were talking, Bai Su had already used magic to flash to the outer gate square and walked out of the sect.

"Is that Uncle Bai?"

"Yes, whose child is that in her arms? I haven’t heard that Uncle Bai has a Taoist partner?"

"You don't know this, right? I heard from my inner sect brothers that the head of Jianfeng Peak also accepted a disciple this year."

"I've heard that he's the youngest of several talented disciples, and he has dual spiritual roots."

"Yes, another dual spiritual root has become a direct disciple."

"I don't know what kind of shit luck I had."

"Those who can be accepted as personal disciples are all geniuses"

"That's right, the Jianfeng Peak Master has sharp eyes, and you are just jealous."


The outer disciples gathered around and discussed quietly.

Being stared at by so many people, even if Ah Xue thought of herself as a five-year-old child, she couldn't help blushing.

"Senior sister, please put me down."

Bai Su turned her head and glanced dangerously at the disciples who had just spoken. He turned around and ignored her request,"Junior sister is too young to keep up with senior sister's speed."

"Come on, I'll take you flying."

She ignored those boring people and flew to the market at the foot of the mountain with the person in her arms.

The outer disciples behind her boasted about it, and finally the topic turned to the ranking of who dotes on the junior brothers and sisters the most.

In the market at the foot of Xuantian Sect, there was a Xuantian Sect elder who was in charge of the market, and there were also law enforcement officers led by Jindan disciples patrolling. No one dared to deliberately cause trouble or cheat.

After arriving at the market, Bai Su finally put the person down and walked hand in hand instead.

Ah Xue followed her sister into the market. There were stalls and various shops on both sides of the busy street.

Many disciples would come here to trade. Some of them had no hope of advancing, or Those with business acumen will open a shop here.

But many people will still set up stalls here directly. After going out for training, they will set up stalls here to sell the things they have gained from the training.

Generally, many people sell directly to the Treasure Pavilion, or exchange them for points in the sect.

The most famous places in this market are the Treasure Pavilion and Xuantian Dan Pharmacy.

The Treasure Pavilion has three floors. The third floor sells rare treasures, the second floor sells various magic weapons and robes, and the first floor sells daily necessities and materials for collecting monsters, as well as various things that disciples do not need and want to sell.

Xuantian Dan Pharmacy mainly buys and sells elixirs and various spiritual plants.

"Xiao Axue, what do you want to buy? Senior sister will buy it for you"


"Junior Sister, Axue has a lot of spirit stones, you have to buy it yourself."

Although the senior sister is very good to her, Axue knows that she can't keep asking for more.

Otherwise, no matter how much love and pampering she has, she will squander it all.

Bai Su heard her firm reply, and she felt both relieved and disappointed. She was relieved that her junior sister was sensible and not greedy.

What was disappointing was that she wanted to pamper this little girl and buy her things.

This is really tangled.………

"Junior Sister, let's go buy some spiritual plant seeds first, and then buy some things for the cave."

"Then go to the stall to see if it is good."

"Okay," Bai Su listened to her eloquent words and nodded with a smile.

"Let's go to Xuantian Pharmacy to buy you some seeds."

"Does Xiao Axue want to grow spiritual plants by herself?"

"Well, the book that my master gave me said that water and wood spiritual roots are very suitable for growing spiritual plants, and they can also be sold for spiritual stones."

If you have a master, you don't need a bastard. Just throw everything to the master.

Bai Su nodded after hearing this, and walked into Xuantian Pharmacy without saying anything.

The shopkeeper inside saw that the visitor was the direct disciple Jindan Zhenren, and hurriedly greeted him with a smile,"Senior sister, please come in."

Bai Su lowered her head and looked at Axue,"Little junior sister, what seeds do you need."

Axue thought about the area in the space, and she also had to plant some in her own yard to cover up her tracks.

She looked up at Bai Su,"I want some of each."

After hearing this, the shopkeeper took out a bag of seeds from the shelf.

There were many small bags inside.

"Senior sister, please look at this. These are the spiritual plant seeds I received recently."

"There are fifty types of first-level, sixteen types of second-level, eight types of third-level, and three types of fourth-level."

"This senior sister, do you want it or……"

Bai Su turned her head towards Axue

"Senior sister, I want all of them."

The shopkeeper said immediately,"A total of five medium-grade spirit stones"


This man is dishonest.

Bai Su also frowned and looked at the shopkeeper.

"Either you calculate it again, or add two more fifth-level seeds."


Is the senior sister so tough?

Axue pulled the senior sister's hand,"Add seeds."

Seeds must be added.

Bai Su nodded and stared at the shopkeeper coldly,"I don't go out usually, you all forget that I am Jianfeng's disciple."

The shopkeeper of the pill pharmacy complained in his heart. He wanted to make more money, but he didn't expect that he would lose money in the end.

These direct disciples have the richest belongings.

In the end, he had no choice but to pay out of his own pocket and gave two fifth-level seeds.

Then he sent the person out respectfully.

Seeing the shopkeeper's painful look, Axue felt happy in her heart. Usually, a fifth-level seed would cost at least a medium-grade spirit stone.

One hundred low-grade spirit stones for a medium-grade one, and one hundred medium-grade spirit stones for a high-grade one. The best-grade spirit stones are very precious, and generally no one will exchange them.

"Junior Sister, you must know the price before buying things in the future. Don't go blindly. It's easy to be cheated, just like what happened just now."

Bai Su looked at the obedient Ah Xue and couldn't help but teach her some sinister

"Got it, sister."

"Then let's go to the Treasure Pavilion."

"Well, OK."

The two walked into the Treasure Pavilion and ran into a few familiar faces.

Yaofeng's eldest disciple Ye Ziyi brought Li Qian, as well as Song Qingyun and Luo Qing.

Fate is really everywhere. The first time I went out, I ran into the heroine.

Bai Su and Ye Ziyi both knew

"Senior Sister Ye also went down the mountain today."

Ye Ziyi smiled and nodded gently,"Yes, the little sister that Master just accepted, I brought her out to see and buy some things."

After saying that, she saw Xue holding Bai Su's hand and said softly and teasingly,"This must be the genius little sister that Master Han just accepted. She is so cute."


Ah Xue was annoyed by Ye Ziyi's words.

She called out to Bai Su in her heart.

‘Senior sister, this person doesn't speak properly, what do you mean by genius junior sister?

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