Axue swung the Wood Spirit Sword and spun it around the side of the heavy sword, slowly changing the trajectory of the heavy sword.

Fang Tong's face changed, and he increased the strength of his hands while also circulating his spiritual power.

The weight of the heavy sword instantly increased several times.

Axue immediately felt a great increase in pressure, but there was no fluctuation on her face, and she carefully felt the trajectory and power of the heavy sword.

The Wood Spirit Sword was like a slippery loach, leaving Fang Tong with nowhere to exert his strength.

Fang Tong changed his strategy in time and stopped entangled with the Wood Spirit Sword. Instead, he turned to the owner of the Wood Spirit Sword, turned the back of the knife, and swept it towards Axue's waist.

Axue turned her body and bent down to avoid it. With a wave of her right hand, the Wood Spirit Sword bounced on the blade, and the collision of the swords produced a harsh sound. The heavy sword had originally gathered enough strength, and now it was sent by Axue, speeding up, and even Fang Tong's body moved two steps to the right.

Fang Tong hurriedly exerted force on the soles of his feet to stabilize his body.

The heavy sword was retracted and chopped directly at Axue again.

Axue flew up and quickly tapped the heavy sword with her toes. She swung the wooden sword in her hand like a whip on the back of the sword.

After landing on the ground, she rotated her wrists and the wooden sword emitted a tangled sword energy, which entangled the heavy sword.

Fang Tong slashed at Axue with the heavy sword, but Axue dodged and raised her right hand lightly. Fang Tong was dragged down by the heavy sword and fell a few steps.


Fang Tong was furious. There was no way to beat this little loach.

He put away his heavy sword and fought with his bare hands. His arms were full of energy and punched the vital points.

Axue also put away her wooden spirit sword and used her hands as swords. One of her small hands flashed between her fists, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Axue has always used clever force to figure out the trajectory and strength of her fists, and use the enemy's force to fight back.

Yi Lian Kudu, using the enemy's force to attack the enemy, and he is invincible.

Fang Tong became more and more angry and furious as he fought.

But Axue was just the opposite. She became more and more excited and serious as she fought.

Liu Xingling on the high platform raised the corner of his mouth,"She is using people to practice sword skills."

Meng Yue nodded,"I heard that Jianfeng has always followed the principle of practicing sword skills through fighting."

Liu Xingling agreed with him,"You should practice like this in the future"

"Yes, Master"

""Disciple understands."

At this time, the battle on the ring was coming to an end. Fang Tong had been using too much strength and had little spiritual power left.

After feeling that his spiritual power was insufficient, he felt hopeless and decided to give it a try.

He quickly distanced the two of them, stretched out his right hand, and summoned his heavy sword.

Axue also quickly took out her wooden spirit sword.

The two of them used their spiritual power at the same time. Fang Tong shouted, raised his sword with both hands, and slashed in the direction of Axue.

A long and wide sword shadow slashed at Axue with a domineering and powerful tyrannical force.

Axue also drew his sword at the same time, and a green lotus spun out and quickly hit the sword shadow.

After the green lotus and the sword shadow collided with each other, Axue then slashed with a sword.

This sword was added to the green lotus, and the green lotus immediately turned over, turning into a sword shadow on itself, and quickly pounced on Fang Tong.

Fang Tong's eyes widened, he was shocked, and hurriedly raised his sword to block it.


There was a loud bang.

Fang Tong was knocked off the stage by Qinglian, along with his sword.

The Qingyun disciples below hurried forward to help Fang Tong up, and left dejectedly.

Axue looked down at the stage with a cold gaze, waiting for the challenge.

Soon, a man in fancy clothes jumped up from the stage. He had a hooked nose and thin lips, and looked at Axue with a teasing look.

"Such a young girl came out to fight, what's wrong"

"Do you want me to give you three moves?"

Ah Xue's face was solemn and her tone was cold,"No need for that."

After that, she didn't care who the person was and directly drew her sword.

Tang Yu hurriedly took out a jade flute to resist,"I say, little girl, you are so young, why are you so irritable."

"Without saying anything, he started"

"I haven't introduced myself yet."


"Seven Star Palace"

"My name is Tang Yu"

"Remember it?"

Axue ignored the man's chattering, wielded her sword, and knocked him off the stage with one move. She looked at the stage indifferently,"Xuantian Sect, Liu Axue."

At this time, Tang Yu was still thinking about how he was knocked off the stage.

Suddenly, he heard Axue's indifferent voice.

Tang Yu raised his head with resentment and looked at the little girl on the stage.

‘Of course I know your name is Liu Axue, otherwise I wouldn't go up there’

‘You just knocked me off the stage like this, don't I have any face?'

Thinking of this, Tang Yu turned his head away angrily and didn't look at Liu Axue on the stage.

Axue was young, and because she won two games in a row, she naturally attracted some people's attention.

A girl in red clothes jumped onto the stage with a whip in her hand, looking arrogant and contemptuous.

"Xu Jiayi from Baihua Palace came to ask for advice."

After saying that, without waiting for Ah Xue to reply, he swung the whip towards Ah Xue's face.

Ah Xue's eyes were cold, and she swung the Wood Spirit Sword to block.

The soft whip instantly wrapped around the Wood Spirit Sword, and Ah Xue used her spiritual power to reverse the Wood Spirit Sword and force it down on the ring.

Xu Jiayi pulled her whip hard, trying to pull back the whip and the sword together.

Ah Xue used her spiritual power to hold down the Wood Spirit Sword tightly, preventing her from pulling it back.

"Master, let me come out and teach him a lesson"

"Don't hit someone in the face. This ugly, shameless bastard actually wants to destroy your face."

Axue shook her head gently,"No, I can handle it."

"You should wait until the critical moment before taking action, and use the best steel on the blade."

"Moreover, the more you expose yourself now, the more passive you will be in the future."

The bloodthirsty demon vine heard what Axue said and said,"Well,"

"Then you fight seriously."

"Don't be distracted"


Axue continued to be in a stalemate with Xu Jiayi.

As time went by, Xu Jiayi's face became redder and redder. Then, in a rage, she threw away her whip and took out a sword to stab Axue.

Axue drew out the Mu Ling Sword, put away the whip, and swung the sword to block.

Xu Jiayi shouted angrily,"Give me back the whip."

Axue looked at Xu Jiayi with cold eyes,"Don't you want it anymore?"

"Who said I don't want it anymore? Even if I don't want it anymore, you can't take it away."

"You thief"

"I'm not a thief, there are many people watching here."

After saying that, Ah Xue took out the whip and threw it off the stage.

Xu Jiayi was so angry that she cursed when she saw that her beloved whip was thrown away casually.



"Who told you to throw it away?"

Ah Xue was speechless,"You didn't want it, and you didn't let me collect my spoils."

"I won't lose it, what else can I do?"

Xu Jiayi was furious, her eyes were fierce,"How dare you!"

"Who gave you the right to talk to me like this?"

Axue raised her lips and came to Xu Jiayi.

Xu Jiayi was shocked and stretched out her hand to slap Axue in the face.

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