Thinking of this, she looked at the person in her arms with a trace of pity in her eyes. Ah

Xue immediately felt bad.

"Go back and I will take you to the sword formation to try."

That is the unique formation of Jianfeng. The sword formation inside is flexible and ever-changing. It is the best way to comprehend the sword method.

Before Ah Xue could say anything after returning to the sect, she was thrown into the sword formation by Bai Su.

Seeing the changed scene and the sword light coming from the opposite side at a high speed, she immediately turned over to avoid it and took out the Wood Spirit Sword for defense.

Soon her arm was cut, and she looked at the long wound.

Ah Xue really wanted to ask her at this time whether she loved her or not. She didn't even have time to drink a sip of water before she was thrown in.

What Ah Xue didn't know was that after she entered the sword formation, several people stood outside the sword formation soon.

Lu Jinyu joked,"Junior sister has finally turned over and can bully the little junior sister as much as she can."

Bai Su turned to him with a faint gaze,"Third senior brother, you finally admitted that you deliberately bullied me back then"

"Uh, how could that be."

Ye Chenxi's cold face also raised the corners of his mouth.

Han Lingxiao flashed and appeared beside him. Looking at the little apprentice who was trying hard to dodge the sword formation and find a way to break it, he nodded with satisfaction.

Turning to look at the three apprentices,"The master is going to start his retreat."

"Chen Xi is in charge of all the affairs within the peak"

"Look forward to your junior brothers and sisters"

"Yes, Master."

Ye Chenxi saluted with both hands.

Han Lingxiao turned his head back to the formation and said,"Practice well," and then he disappeared.

Two years later————

Ah Xue in the formation opened her eyes and exhaled. She finally broke through the seventh level and reached the late stage of Qi Refining.

She stared at the sword formation in front of her, eager to try. In the past two years, she has been comprehending the Qinglian Sword Technique in the sword formation. When the spiritual energy is used up, she meditates and practices in the meditation area next to it, and then goes to the sword formation to fight. After two long years, she finally comprehended the first level, Qinglian Duxiu.

The first level of Qinglian Sword Technique is to attack as defense, advance and retreat.

Attack must die, rescue must attack.

It was not until she fully comprehended the sword techniques that she understood its domineering power.

Today she is going to break the formation. She hasn't seen her senior sister for two years.

Ah Xue, who is already more than seven years old, has not grown much taller. The little person rushed into the formation with the Wooden Spirit Sword.

Move forward bravely, fearless.

One person and one sword, conquering all directions


With one swing of the sword, the surrounding swords slowly disappeared, and a door appeared in front of him.

Ah Xue raised her lips and walked out impatiently.


‘"Is there someone?"

She didn't see the person she loved, and she felt a little disappointed.

Suddenly, her eyes went dark, and she fell into a familiar embrace.

"Senior Sister"

"Little Axue, you’re out of quarantine!"

"Do you miss Senior Sister?"

Ah Xue nodded quickly."

""You are so good."

Bai Su pinched Axue's little face, which was still so soft.

"Let's go, Senior Sister will take you to a feast."

""Yeah, good."

That's great, Ah Xue thought happily, her senior sister is still the same as she was two years ago.

Then she leaned in Bai Su's arms with peace of mind.

Bai Su had a happy smile on her face. When little Ah Xue broke the formation, she ended her practice and rushed over.

As soon as she arrived at the exit of the sword formation, she saw the little person standing there with a lost look on his face.

She was happy and distressed to see him.

She shook her head secretly, she really lost to this little person.

Bai Su took her to the outer sect cafeteria for no other reason. The outer sect was the only cafeteria in the entire sect.

And she didn't know how to make spiritual food, so she could only take her little junior sister to eat in the cafeteria.

She walked into the cafeteria with the person in her arms, asked for a private room, and ordered a large table of dishes. When the disciples outside saw the person enter the private room, they exploded.

"Look, look, that's Senior Sister Bai"

"So the person in her arms is Jianfeng’s youngest disciple?"


"Uncle Bai really loves Junior Sister"

"I also want to be Uncle Bai's junior sister"

"Come on, you guys, you're the only ones who still want to be Sister Bai's junior sister"

"Alas, I heard that Sister Ye from Yaofeng also loves the younger sister from Yaofeng very much."

"How does that compare to Senior Sister Bai?"

"Yes. Can't compare"

""Cough, cough, cough."

Luo Qing coughed a few times in the back to interrupt the discussion inside.

These outer disciples are idle and don't know how to practice. They gather together to talk about others all day long.

Li Qian in the back had a cold expression. How many times has this happened?

Every time, they dragged herself and that village girl together for discussion.

It's simply unreasonable!

Seeing that her face was not good, Song Qingyun felt sorry for her,"Junior Sister Li, let's go in and ignore them."

Li Qian said sullenly,"I'm fine."

Several people walked in, and Luo Qing also asked for a private room. What a coincidence, it was just opposite to Axue and the others.

After a while, three different handsome Jindan monks walked in from outside, one was cold and arrogant, one was evil and wild, and the other was gentle and elegant.

The three of them walked upstairs and entered the private room. The outer sect female disciples outside could not come back to their senses for a long time.

Some sober disciples roared wildly in their hearts.

What day is today?

Why did all these inner sect disciples come to the outer sect to eat?

The door of the private room was opened from the outside, and Axue looked at the three different men who walked in.

This is……………

Second Brother???

"Hello, Junior Sister. I am your Second Senior Brother, Jun Xie."

As he spoke, he walked over and sat down beside her.

"Hello, Second Senior Brother, my name is Liu Axue.

Axue quickly stood up and introduced herself to him, then turned to look at the two people behind her.

"Hello, Senior Brother, Third Brother."

Lu Jinyu smiled and sat down,"Hurry up and sit down."

Ah Xue sat back on the chair.

"Congratulations, Junior Sister, for coming out of retreat."

Ye Chenxi also sat down and nodded gently,"Very good."

After receiving the praise from her senior brother, Ah Xue instantly felt a little elated and couldn't help but smile.

"Look how happy the little girl is, here, this is what Second Brother gave you." Then he took out a storage bag and gave it to the little girl beside him.

Ah Xue quickly took it, looked up and said seriously,"Thank you, Second Brother"

"Brother, eat the food quickly, it's getting cold."

Bai Su saw that they had almost finished talking, and hurriedly said

"We haven't eaten any food for several years. Today, we are all thanks to our junior sister."

"Yes, eat quickly."

Looking at the dishes on the table, Ah Xue was greedy for a long time.

Including her previous life, she hadn't eaten vegetables for many years. She had been eating fasting pills for the past two years. The brothers and sisters ate up a large table of dishes, and even Ye Chenxi looked satisfied.

It was really a long-lost feeling.…………

Ah Xue secretly pulled her senior sister and pointed at the storage ring.

Bai Su looked at the expression of the junior sister and immediately agreed. She sent a message to the manager outside and asked him to pack five storage bags of vegetables.

This big move immediately made the spiritual food masters very busy.

Finally, two hours later, a foundation-building manager came in,"Dear senior brothers and sisters, these are the vegetables you ordered. They are all packed."

"A total of twenty medium-grade spirit stones"


Ye Chenxi responded calmly and took out 20 medium-grade spirit stones for him.

The foundation-building manager took the spirit stones and left, no longer caring about the people inside.

Ye Chenxi picked up the storage bags and gave them to each person.

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