Liu Axue stared at the jade box in Liu Ada's hand with wide eyes in surprise,"Brother, what is this?"

Could it be what I imagined? ? ?

Liu Ada looked at the vivid expression on Liu Axue's face and felt that everything he did was very meaningful

"I thought you would like these."

"So when I evacuated, I broke off some of the branches of the red fruit tree and the golden bodhi fruit tree, leaving some of them in the original place."

"The two trees we found were not very big at the time."

Liu Axue was really surprised by her brother at this moment," It's good to have branches."

"Thank you, brother"

"You are really great!"

Liu Ada watched the little girl finally smile, and thought to himself that he must find more for her in the future.

As long as she is happy.

After Liu Axue put away the jade box, Liu Ada slowly said,"After the incident in the village, I felt very sad, so I went out to gain experience alone without telling Qiu Qian and the others."

"I never thought that I would meet my destiny in a cave and get a book of swordsmanship."

"This sword technique is called, Heartless Soul-breaking Sword Technique."

Liu Axue was shocked. Heartless Soul-breaking Sword Technique!

Liu Ada looked at Liu Axue with a worried look on her face, and a soft feeling appeared in his heart.

"Don't worry, people who practice this sword technique are more ruthless than normal people."

"This is what people usually call heartless and loveless."

Liu Axue was shocked again, heartless and loveless!

"And I, Liu Ada, have no intention of thinking about anything else in this life, I just want to make myself stronger"

"Besides, I have you as my sister and my brothers in my heart, so I won't become a cold-hearted and cold-blooded person."

"That's good."

Although Liu Axue said so, she was not as relaxed as she appeared.

Being heartless and loveless is no joke.

And what will happen to a heartless and loveless person in the end?…………………

Liu Axue interrupted her thoughts with some distress, and then thought of Liu Ada and Ye Qiuqian who had been training together outside, and worriedly warned,"Brother, you must pay attention to safety when you go out in the future."

"Now the demons have appeared one after another in Xuantian Continent"

"All the major sects are also preparing for war urgently."

"Our Xuantian Sect is no exception. We have already opened the sword formation and training ground a few years ago."

Liu Axue said this and took out a few jade bottles and placed them on the stone table.

"These are some elixirs that can dispel and treat evil spirits."

"Brother, take them all."

Liu Ada looked at Liu Axue in surprise.

This kind of elixir is not available in the market, so even if you have spirit stones, you can't buy it.

"Silly girl, I don't need these."

"Don't worry, I will protect myself."

Liu Axue knew Liu Ada's character, smiled and shook her head, and said firmly,"Brother, these are all made by my contractors. Don't worry, I have a lot of"

"And now I have the golden bodhi fruit branch you gave me. I will find a way to grow it when I go back. I should be able to refine a few more kinds."

"I will give you some more when the time comes."

Seeing the seriousness and persistence in Liu Asue's eyes, Liu Ada accepted it reluctantly. His sister was really amazing.

Since she needed these and could make the pills by herself, he would help her find more in the future.

The brother and sister chatted together until it was dark before Liu Asue returned to Jianfeng.

The next day, when Liu Asue walked into the hall of Jianfeng, she found that her senior brother, senior sister and two nephews had already arrived.

At this time, Liu Asue seemed to have broken free from heavy shackles and walked into the hall of Jianfeng happily.

When she walked into the hall, she smiled and saluted and said,"Hello, Master.""

"Meet all the brothers"

""Greetings, Senior Sister."

Ji Xuanling, Feng Ruoli, and Feng Ruoxi also saluted Liu Axue at the same time,"Greetings, Junior Uncle."

Liu Axue smiled and nodded to them, then turned to look at Han Lingxiao

"Master, I have some pills made by Xiaoyao and Huoxuan."

"It has the effect of expelling evil spirits and healing evil spirit damage."

He took out a storage bag and handed it to Han Lingxiao.

Han Lingxiao took the storage bag with a smile, and looked at the natural ease and joy emanating from Liu Axue in front of him, and he finally felt more at ease.

"Very good."

Then he said,"The pill is also very good"

"Master," Liu Axue felt warm in her heart when she saw her master who was worried about her.

Han Lingxiao showed a relieved smile on his face,"Master is very happy that you can come out of it on your own."

Back then, his little disciple was still so young, and it was also thanks to the existence of such a person in Xuantian Sect.

Liu Axue showed a happy smile on her face, this smile was brilliant and bright, no longer the kind of depression as before.

Several senior brothers finally let go of their hanging hearts when they saw the smile on Liu Axue's face.

Bai Su almost shed tears when she saw the smile from the heart on Liu Axue's face. She still clearly remembers how miserable the little junior sister was when she was brought back by the eldest senior brother.

Ye Chenxi looked at Liu Axue with a smile on her face, his face softened a lot, and even the smile became more real.

He stepped forward and looked at Han Lingxiao,"Master"

"My junior sister and I may have to go to the underworld in a while."

"Take her to various places by the way."

Han Lingxiao nodded gently,"Yes"

"Recently, the sect has been preparing for the succession ceremony of the new sect leader."

"After the ceremony, Jin Yu will take over as the leader of Jianfeng Peak."

"Then I will go with you."

Hearing that the two were going to the underworld, Han Lingxiao was a little worried, and quickly arranged everything, wanting to go with them.

Ye Chenxi shook his head,"Master, my junior brother has just taken over as the peak master, and I still need your help in some places."

"My junior sister and I can go to the underworld alone."

"Moreover, when the junior sister was in Ziling Secret Realm, she happened to save the two palace masters of the underworld, and she was indebted to the two palace masters of the underworld."

"We are also invited by the two hall masters. They will take care of us when the time comes."

After hearing the reason explained by his eldest disciple, Han Lingxiao lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said,"Well,"

"The underworld is different from Xuantian Continent. You must be cautious and never take it lightly."


"The passage to the underworld is sealed just like the one to the demon world. It is not appropriate to open it at will under the current special circumstances."

"If you want to go to the underworld, you must first go to the secular world. After the ghost gate of the secular world opens in July, you can pass through the ghost gate and enter the underworld."

Ye Chenxi and Liu Axue nodded at the same time,"Yes."

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