It was morning now, so I went to the Outer Gate Transmission Hall to attend a class. I also wanted to know if the Outer Gate Competition had started.

When would it start?

Thinking of this, Axue took out her flying magic weapon and flew to the Outer Gate Square.

Along the way, she saw the disciples below busying themselves, the inner disciples in white robes, the outer disciples in green robes, and the menial disciples in gray robes.

As for the direct disciples, they were rarely seen. They were probably either in seclusion or training.

After landing at the Outer Gate Square, Axue put away her magic weapon and walked towards the Transmission Hall.

The Transmission Hall was on the east side of the Outer Gate Square.

On the east side of the Outer Gate were the Outer Gate Hall, the Transmission Hall, the Outer Gate Disciple Cave, the Outer Gate Canteen, and the Martial Arts Field. The Outer Gate Competition was held in the Martial Arts Field.

Oh, by the way, there was also the back mountain of Xuantian Sect in the northeast. The back mountain was very large and continuous, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles. Most of the Outer Gate Disciples were training in the back mountain.

To the west of the Outer Gate Square were the Spiritual Medicine Peak, the Spiritual Field Peak, and the Spiritual Beast Peak.

There is also a treasure land of the sect, a mine, which produces a large amount of spiritual stones. Ah Xue slowly walked up the mountain to the Transmission Hall. When she was almost there, many outer disciples came up to the fork in the road leading to the outer sect cave.

Ah Xue walked into the Transmission Hall with the disciples, found a corner with fewer people and sat down, waiting for the brothers who were above the foundation-building stage of the inner sect to come and give lectures.

As soon as she sat down, she heard the disciples in front of her whispering

"Senior Sister Li, have you signed up for the outer sect competition?"

"It starts tomorrow."

"I signed up, but I don't dare to think about being in the top 200"

"I just want to see how big the difference is between me and other disciples?"

"Alas! Who said it wasn't?"

"There are only 200 places among thousands of people. Isn't it obvious that there are too many wolves and too little meat?"

"I heard that there are several talented people among the inner disciples this time."


Ah Xue pricked up her ears and listened carefully.

It was true that someone would bring a pillow just when she was taking a nap. Just when she wanted to inquire about the news, someone brought it to her.

However, in the previous life, there were indeed several geniuses in the inner sect.

Li Shiyun, Bai Feifei, Xiao Zifeng, Wu Tianlei, Xia Lan'er and a dark horse in the outer sect, Ye Qiuqian.

Within ten years, these people successfully established their foundations one after another and were accepted as disciples by the elders of the inner sect.

Although they are not as good as direct disciples, they are much better than registered disciples.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the disciples present all sat down.

A senior brother wearing a white direct disciple uniform walked in.

Wen Zijun.

The third disciple of Mu Wanqing, the master of Yaofeng, has dual spiritual roots of top-grade fire and wood, and is in the early stage of golden elixir cultivation.

He is also Li Qian's third senior brother.

Wen Zijun, as his name suggests, is as gentle as jade and a modest gentleman.

Wen Zijun walked into the teaching hall and sat on the futon on the podium with a smile on his face, looking at the disciples sitting upright below.

"Today I will explain to you the appearance and uses of some spiritual plants."

"As you all know, spiritual plants are used to make pills, or to be taken directly, to strengthen the body, spiritual energy, and to heal wounds and save lives."

"We can also plant them ourselves, or find them through experience."

"With spiritual plants, you can take them yourself, make pills, or sell them in exchange for spiritual stones and points. It can be said that you kill two birds with one stone. The more the better."

"Now let's take a look at the first spiritual plant."

Stretching out his hand, he used the wood spiritual power to conjure up a spiritual plant.

"The resurrection grass looks very cute and petite, with a pale yellow-green stem that is upright, sometimes with pale purple spots, and round petals."


Ah Xue couldn't help but sigh that Wen Zijun was worthy of being Mu Wanqing's disciple. He explained very carefully, and every time he talked about a spiritual plant, he would use the spiritual power of the wood spirit to conjure it up.

The disciples below listened very seriously and attentively.

Some even took out pens and notebooks to take notes.

Even I, who was very familiar with spiritual plants, became more and more fascinated the more I listened.

To be honest, he was a very good lecturer. After listening to his class, everyone had a certain degree of understanding and memory of spiritual plants.

After the class, Wen Zijun nodded to the people below, stood up and walked out.

Ah Xue also followed the disciples outside


"I saw you when I was listening to the class just now. Senior Brother Wen was giving a lecture, so I didn't dare to come to you."

Ada squeezed through the crowd and stood by Axue to prevent her from being squeezed.

"A Da, are you coming to class too?"

"Well, I come to every lecture. You don’t know, the points of the library are really too high."

"And I don't have many points, so I can only attend classes here"

Hearing what Ada said, I remembered that it was really difficult for the new outer disciples to exchange for the jade slips of cultivation techniques in the library.

Because the outer disciples who had just entered the sect had low cultivation bases, they could only do tasks with very low points.

Slowly accumulate enough points to exchange for jade slips of cultivation techniques.

When you have no points, if you want to learn something, you can only attend classes here.

Maybe it was because Ada didn't have any cultivation techniques that he lost his life during the training.

Thinking of the cultivation techniques left in his own space that he couldn't use, maybe Ada could use them.

"Ah Da, can I go to your cave and take a look?"

"Sure! Let's go now."

Axue is really nice. Because of his low cultivation level, the other three disciples usually reject him. If Axue can go to his cave to sit, it should be better.

Thinking of this, Ada looked at Axue a little embarrassed.

"Axue, I live with three other outer disciples, and our relationship is a bit bad!"

"If you could go, maybe they wouldn't exclude me!"

He lowered his head as he spoke, not knowing where to look.

As a brother, he should take care of Ah Xue, but now he has to ask her for help.

How could he feel ?

Suddenly he felt a little discouraged, as if he was useless.

Ah Xue sensed his low mood and was a little worried. People who practice cultivation are very averse to negative emotions.

Ah Da is a little self-destructive, what should he do?

"A Da, do you know?"

"In every class there are people who have it easy and those who have it difficult."

"If we want to live an easier life, we have to work hard to make ourselves stronger."

"Only when you are strong can you get what you want."

"Only by being strong can you protect what you care about."

"We are from the same village. In this huge sect, we should help and support each other, right?"

Ada was not comforted by Axue, but seeing the little girl pretending to be an adult, trying to comfort herself and telling herself the truth of life, a strong warmth flowed through her heart, and at the same time there was a sour feeling in her heart, which made her want to cry inexplicably.

But it must be said that what Axue said was still so reasonable.

She was right, there are injustices everywhere, and only becoming stronger is the hard truth.

After thinking through all this, the depression and impatience in my heart were swept away, and my body felt as if it had become much lighter.

My mind was cheerful, a ray of sunshine shone into my heart, and my whole body was warm.

"Axue, thank you!"

"I understand."

Ada's epiphany was short-lived, but the effect was lifelong.

Seeing such good results caused by his nonsensical words, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Although Ada was a three-spiritual root, his aptitude was a little poor, but his comprehension was not bad at all.

I believe that as long as he has a good practice, he will be able to learn something.

Soon we arrived at the cave residence of the outer disciples. The whole mountain was built with courtyards, layer by layer, row by row, just like the terraced fields in the village, neat and orderly.

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