Elder Yuanfeng, who was guarding the sect, quickly sent a message to Yu Huachen,"Brother Yu, the Baizhi demon king of Wan Yao Mountain and the master of the Nether Valley have come to Baili Chenyuan."

"Come and meet him quickly."

After Yu Huachen sent the message to Yuan Feng, he hurriedly notified the Xuanling Patriarch. At this time, the Qingwei Patriarch of Jianfeng had already appeared in front of the Baizhi Demon King outside the mountain gate of Xuantian Sect.

Qingwei looked at the handsome man in white clothes, white hair, long eyebrows like willows, and a body like a jade tree, and a smile appeared in his eyes,"Why didn't you notify me in advance?"

Baizhi smiled gently and elegantly,"Isn't this a surprise for you?"

Qingwei nodded,"It is indeed a surprise"


Bai Zhi turned to look at Bai Lang and Wan Lipeng behind her and said,"You go to the ceremony and deliver the gift to me."

"I get together with old friends"


Yu Huachen and Xuan Ling arrived at the mountain gate at almost the same time. After learning that Baizhi Demon King had been taken away by Qingwei, Yu Huachen took Bailang, Wanlipeng, the master of the Nether Valley, Baili Chenyuan, Xue Zihe, Zhao Zijin and others to fly to the main peak.

Nangong Han from the main peak had already received the message and came out to greet him,"Brother Baili."

After Baili Chenyuan saw Nangong Han, the two smiled at each other.

"Please redeem Chen Yuan for being late"

"Brother Baili, what are you talking about? I am already very surprised that you can come to my house."

"Brother Baili, please come in quickly."

Then he quickly greeted Bai Lang and the other two,"Welcome to the two of you from Wan Yao Mountain."

Bai Lang bowed to Nangong Han and said with a smile,"Congratulations, Sect Master Nangong"

"Please come in, both of you."


At this time, the succession ceremony of the new leader of Xuantian Sect has reached its most lively moment, and the guests who came to participate in the celebration have presented gifts one after another.

At this time, the bloodthirsty demon vine and Huo Xuan both stared at the scene outside with their eyes wide open.

Just as the various sects were sending gifts, Xiao Yao's eyes finally showed a trace of heat,"Wow, it's actually a disguise technique"

"And this disguise technique seems to be a very powerful skill."

"Xueer, the man in the blue robe in the Loose Cultivator Alliance is a disguised"

"" Okay."

Liu Axue couldn't see which cultivator the bloodthirsty demon vine was talking about at this time.

But she didn't doubt the bloodthirsty demon vine's words at all, and directly sent a message to Han Lingxiao through the small jade sword in her sea of consciousness,"Master."

Han Lingxiao asked softly,"But did you find anything wrong?"

Liu Axue nodded,"That's right."

"Xiao Yao just sent a message to Axue saying that there is a male cultivator in the Loose Cultivator Alliance wearing a blue robe, who has been disguised."

"Moreover, his disguise technique is a very powerful skill."


Han Lingxiao looked up and said,"He is a pharmacist from the Alchemy Association, named Cheng Siyou."

"In front of him is Zhou Mingyao, the president of the Alchemy Association."

"You guys stay alert, I will report to the senior elders."


Afterwards, Liu Axue was not in the mood to look at any precious gifts, but stared at the people who sent gifts and was secretly alert.

Soon it was the turn of the Loose Cultivator Alliance to come forward to send gifts. Liu Axue had a smile on her face, but she was very nervous in her heart as she looked at Cheng Siyou who was following Zhou Mingyao with the treasure in his hand.

Even the bloodthirsty demon vine and Huo Xuan in the space were a little nervous.

At this time, the important people in the field had also received the voice transmission.

Ye Chenxi felt the nervousness in Liu Axue's heart and sent her a voice transmission,"Don't worry, the sect is prepared."

Liu Axue responded softly,"Yeah"

"I know, I just can't help but feel a little nervous."

After hearing what Liu Axue said, Ye Chenxi smiled.

His little sister is still too young, and he has to find time to let her learn some political tactics.

Just as Liu Axue was nervous, the gift from the Alchemy Association was finally delivered.

Nothing happened during the gift delivery, as if the bloodthirsty demon vine didn't see it correctly and Liu Axue reported the wrong information. Just when everyone relaxed their vigilance and the person who delivered the gift turned around and walked down, a poison needle flew towards Xiao Hanshan at a high speed like lightning. The guests, disciples, and elders who were watching the ceremony below all shrank at the same time.

Even Nangong Han, who knew about it, felt a shudder in his heart, and he pulled Meng Yao's hand with a little force involuntarily.

Meng Yao felt He shook his head and chuckled when he felt the pain in his hand. The last time he saw this man lose his composure was when he gave birth to Qingyun.

When the poison needle was about to fly in front of Xiao Hanshan, a teleportation formation suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Hanshan.

The poison needle was teleported to the back of Xiao Hanshan.

Cheng Siyou, who used the poison needle, was also controlled by Zhou Mingyao, the president of the Alchemy Association, in the first time.

Zhou Mingyao, who was walking in front, noticed something strange behind him, but it was too late when he wanted to stop it. Zhou Mingyao watched the poison needle flying out helplessly. He was so angry that he directly suppressed the culprit Cheng Siyou and waited for the punishment of Xuantian Sect.

At this time, a black mist rose where the poison needle landed.


A piercing laugh came from the black fog, and the two elders who had been hiding beside Xiao Hanshan appeared to protect him.

The black fog slowly transformed into a black-haired and black-clothed demon. The demon's blue eyes looked past the two elders and looked directly at Xiao Hanshan,"The new leader of Xuantian Sect."

Xiao Hanshan raised his head and met the demon's gaze, with a very polite smile on his face,"Welcome the demons to attend the succession ceremony of the new leader of Xuantian Sect."

"This gift has been received by the Lord"

"It's just right for a sacrifice."

The demon laughed out loud at Xiao Hanshan's frivolity.


"What an arrogant leader of the Xuantian Sect! I wonder if your life is as valuable as your courage?"

"Want to sacrifice me as a sacrifice?"

Xiao Hanshan looked at him calmly, his righteous majesty inviolable,"You are just a Demon Emperor, and you dare to enter my Xuantian Sect alone?"

"Since you are here, if we don't keep you here, wouldn't it make our Xuantian Sect seem unkind and inadequate in hospitality?"

After saying this, Xiao Hanshan turned to look at the two elders Xuan Jing and Xuan You who were crossing the tribulation beside him,"Thank you, two ancestors."

Xuan Jing and Xuan You bowed to Xiao Hanshan,"Don't worry, Sect Master."

Xiao Hanshan smiled and nodded and stepped aside. After Xiao Hanshan stepped aside, a great demon-binding formation was quickly activated with the place where Xiao Hanshan had just stood as the center of the formation. The

Demon King of the Demon Clan felt a little panicked when he saw the great demon-binding formation.

"You were prepared?"

Xiao Hanshan looked at the Demon King who was beaten by the two tribulation elders like a fool, with a smile on his face.

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