"It's okay, I almost took you two to pieces and fed to the crocodiles."

Axue turned her head and saw a small seedling with a big bird's nest on top, and there was a bird's egg on the nest.


""Little demon, what's with that look of yours?"

Ah Xue laughed out loud at the amusement, and the fear she had just felt instantly disappeared without a trace. The bloodthirsty demon vine bent the young seedling and asked in confusion,"Didn't you, the master, ask me to take good care of it?"

He did nothing wrong, bird eggs need a nest, right?

Why did the master laugh so strangely?

Did the master want to hatch the eggs himself?

Yes, that must be the case.

The bloodthirsty demon vine, which thought it had figured out, used its vine to put the flamingo king egg into Ah Xue's arms,"Master, this is for you."

Ah Xue did not listen to the bloodthirsty demon vine's inner thoughts, so she didn't know what scenes the bloodthirsty demon vine had imagined.

He sat up holding the flamingo king egg,"I was afraid that you would eat it."

"This is my life-contracted beast, and our lives are linked together, so there can be no mistakes."

The bloodthirsty demon vine shook its vine,"I know, I felt it when you threw it in."

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely protect it in the future."

Ah Xue's heart softened, and a warm current sweetly flowed into her heart,"Well, let's protect it together in the future, the three of us will work together and ascend to the spirit world together"

"Master, will you take us to ascend together?"

"Yes, we are one. If I ascend, I will definitely take you with me."

"Thank you, Master, you are so kind,"

Ah Xue shook her head,"I am not good, I am very bad"

‘I am only good to those who are good to me, and I will not show mercy to those who are not good to me. '

Axue's eyes were cold and frosty. She took out the photo stone that had been opened and injected her spiritual power into it.

The picture in the cave was projected above the photo stone. Axue looked at the picture carefully with a frown.

Who left the beast-attracting powder on her and her group?

After reading it once, she didn't find anything unusual.

Axue erased all the pictures after entering the space. She lowered her head and thought that she must have overlooked something.

What exactly was it?


Suddenly, dust flew in front of her eyes. Ah Xue looked up in confusion and found that the bloodthirsty demon vine was playing with its vines on the ground out of boredom.

When it bounced on the ground and swung, it kicked up dust on the ground and flew to her side.



Ah Xue quickly opened the photo stone again, and this time she quickly found the problem.

Ah Xue saw that when she and Ye Qiuqian and the others were leaving the cave, one person's hand moved.

He flicked his finger in the direction of his group, and a ball of fire spirit power instantly dispersed into many very small spirit power balls, flying towards him and Ye Qiuqian and the others.

Jiang Feng?

It turned out to be him.

He and I have no grudges against each other, why did he do this?

Or was he doing it because of Li Qian? ? ?

No matter what the reason is, I, Liu Ah Xue, will remember this grudge, and when I return to the sect, I will make you pay the price you deserve.

Just when Ah Xue entered the space, Ye Qiuqian and the others were chasing the monster like crazy.

Soon they chased to the top of the cliff. At this time, there were only messy footprints of the monster left on the cliff, and nothing else.

"There is no way out."

Yuan Liangji stared at the monster's footprints on the edge of the cliff and said in a trembling voice,"I fell down.………"

"What fell down?"

Shi Tie looked at him in confusion.

The others also turned to look at Yuan Liangji.

Yuan Liangji raised his head, looked at them with red eyes, his lips numb and unable to speak.


Ye Qiuqian shook his head.

Wei Yingzhe also shook his head,"Yes, no."

"How could it be possible that Junior Sister Liu is so powerful?…………"

"No way."

Wei Yingzhe kicked angrily, and a stone was kicked out of the cliff and fell straight down

""That's not right."

Yuan Liangji hurriedly found another stone and threw it over the cliff with his spiritual power.

The stone fell down as soon as it left the edge of the cliff.

The other people were horrified.

"Spirits are forbidden here!"


Ye Qiuqian's mind went blank, and his feet involuntarily walked towards the edge of the cliff.

Yuan Liangji pulled him back,"Brother Ye!"

Ye Qiuqian slowly turned his head to look at him,"Junior Sister Liu is still down there."

After saying that, he turned his head again and walked forward with unfocused eyes.

Yuan Liangji was horrified, this was a sign of being possessed,"Pa!"

He waved his hand and slapped Ye Qiuqian hard, tears could no longer be held back and flowed from the corners of his eyes,"Brother Ye! Wake up!"

"Senior Brother Ye, do you believe her?"

"She said she wouldn't joke with her life."

"She said she had a magic weapon for protection given to her by her master."

At this point, Yuan Liangji could no longer hold back and squatted on the ground, holding his head with both hands.

"She said…………"

After being awakened by Yuan Liangji's slap, Ye Qiuqian looked depressed, exhausted, and sad. He looked down the cliff and said,"You must stay alive."………"

"Let's go down"


"Yes, let's go find her."

"Let's go."

Several people slowly climbed down the cliff. After half a day, the strong wind blew them down and they could no longer hold on.

At this time, Li Qian and others also found the edge of the cliff.

Mo Qianye stretched his head and took a look at the bottom of the cliff."It's actually a cliff. It feels quite deep."

Li Qian slowly walked to the edge of the cliff."This should be the Forbidden Spirit Cliff. My senior sister specifically told me before entering the secret realm."

"The Forbidden Spirit Cliff prohibits all flying magic weapons and monsters from passing through, and there are strong winds below. If you accidentally fall down, you will be in danger of death."

Bai Mufei silently looked at the footprints of monsters and monks on the edge of the cliff.

There were no footprints of returning.

The monster fell down in front, so what about the monks who came later?

Why did they go down?

Could it be that...…………

Qin Aotian glanced at the bottom of the cliff with contempt, then turned to look at Li Qian,"There are many places in this secret realm, let's go and take a look. There are also sect missions."

Li Qian nodded,"Senior Brother Qin is right, let's go." Jiang

Feng glanced at the cliff with an ambiguous look, turned around and followed Li Qian, with a strange smile on his face.

‘Liu Axue, this is not my fault. People die for money, birds die for food.………’

Finally, only Bai Mufei was left. Bai Mufei walked to where Ye Qiuqian and the others had gone down and whispered,"Come back alive."

Only by being alive can there be hope.

Bai Mufei knew that there was something wrong with this matter, but he did not have any evidence.

And the egg was actually in the hands of Junior Sister Li. When did she get it? He looked at the group of people in front of him with complicated eyes.

He could not figure out what kind of hatred made them do such a cruel thing to a child, and what caused so many monsters.

It seems that he needs to be careful in the future.

"Senior Brother Bai, hurry up and catch up."

Li Qian's voice came from the front, and Bai Mufei's eyes flashed,"Here she comes."

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