"Let's just steal it, and then we'll run."

Ah Xue nodded,"Move."

She found two of the top-grade invisibility talismans that her senior brother had given her, and said,"Hold on tight, don't lose them."

"Don't worry."

Ah Xue put away her magic weapon and swam to the bottom of the pool using her water escape technique. Twelve crocodiles were lying in a mess at the bottom of the pool. There was no scar on their surface, and their crocodile skins were perfectly preserved.

The bloodthirsty demon vine said lightly,"They died because of losing all their essence and blood. The others are intact. Collect them."

Lost all their essence and blood???

Doesn't the bloodthirsty demon vine like to eat flesh and blood?

"That's a rumor. Those who like to eat flesh and blood are blood-sucking vines. How can I be as rude as them? I only need blood essence. I usually practice normally."


How does it know what I am thinking?

The bloodthirsty demon vine suddenly felt guilty,"Master, when I don't automatically block, I can hear your thoughts, and you can also hear mine."

"The master cannot transmit sound yet, but we can communicate with our minds."

Axue then remembered the relationship between the contracts. This was the first time she had her own contracted beast in her two lives.

This was not the first time she had one, so she was not familiar with it.

"I understand that."

Axue put away the crocodile's body and excitedly told the bloodthirsty demon vine with her mind.

"Now we are rich, but how can we deal with so many third-level monsters? It is easy to cause a sensation."

"I don't know," the bloodthirsty demon vine thought of her useless master, whose cultivation was very low. If she took out so many demon beasts at once, those cunning humans would definitely eat her. She was so small that she wouldn't even be enough to fill their teeth.

"We'll talk about it later, when you have a higher level of cultivation.……"

Ah Xue thought about it and realized that she was not short of spirit stones anyway.

"Where to go now?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine stretched out a vine and pointed to the left,"Here."

Ah Xue followed the vine of the bloodthirsty demon vine and saw a passage on the left.


Axue swam to a passage about four or five meters wide and swam in without hesitation.

Not long after Axue swam in, a few people fell into the water outside.

These people were the night swing people who came down to look for Axue.

They swam out of the water with happy and excited smiles on their faces.



Shi Tie spat out a mouthful of water and laughed,"It's okay, we're fine, Junior Sister Liu must still be alive."

Liu Yuanliang and Wei Yingzhe nodded, also smiling,"Let's go find her quickly.""

"Yes, find someone quickly."

Yuan Liangji looked at the traces beside the stall,"The water here is too turbid, and there are no corpses of monsters. Also, look at the traces beside the stall, there are obvious traces of fighting here."

Ye Qiuqian looked at the place Yuan Liangji said, and heaved a sigh of relief,"Yes, according to the time we chased her and the time we came down, Junior Sister Liu should have left here a long time ago."

Shi Tie climbed to the side of the stall and used fire spirit power to dry clothes,"But where is Junior Sister Liu now?"

Several others also followed ashore, and Yuan Liangji said with a smile,"It doesn't matter where she goes, as long as she is alive, we will definitely meet again."

"Since Junior Sister Liu is fine, let's start our treasure hunt now."

Liu Yuanliang turned to look at Ye Qiuqian,"Senior Brother Ye, give me some advice."

Ye Qiuqian smiled relaxedly,"Liang Ji is right, opportunities are rare, we can't waste them."

"Let's go," Shi Tie randomly found a direction and walked forward.

The four people behind him smiled at each other and followed his steps to leave the pool.

In the passage, Axue and the bloodthirsty demon vine swam forward while chatting.

"Almost there."

The bloodthirsty demon vine stood up, and an invisible force emanated from its body to protect Axue's figure.

Axue asked in confusion,"What is this?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine sat back on Axue's shoulder, the young seedling was a little dying,"The ancient mythical beasts had their own hidden abilities in their infancy, and our bloodthirsty demon vines also have them."

"Are you okay?"Axue looked at it and couldn't help but worry.

"It's okay, go ahead and be careful not to make any noise. Once you get the treasure, go back to the space immediately."

This crocodile is about to succeed in the upgrade, it's very dangerous.


Soon, Ah Xue swam out of the passage and slowly swam out of the water.

This was a large cave, and inside the cave lay a large crocodile that was more than ten meters long.

There was a water-blue bead floating on the crocodile's head.

Water Spirit Bead!

"Yes, it is the Water Spirit Pearl."

Ah Xue asked doubtfully,"But how can there be a Water Spirit Pearl here?" The bloodthirsty demon vine sighed leisurely,"Here I am an ancient demon vine, and there is also a son of the Fire Phoenix. What's wrong with a mere Water Spirit Pearl?"


"That's right," Axue stopped worrying about this question and slowly approached the big crocodile.

"It won't find us, will it?"

"Not until you take the water spirit pearl"


"Then I feel relieved."

Ah Xue smiled and quickly flashed to the front of the water spirit bead.

Just when she was about to reach out to take the water spirit bead, the bloodthirsty demon vine hurriedly called her"Wait a minute!""

"What's wrong?"

"I was careless. There is a restriction around the spirit bead."

"I count one, two, three, and we attack at the same time"


The bloodthirsty demon vine stood up, and all the vines twisted into a ball.

"one two three"


Axue's hand followed closely behind the bloodthirsty demon vine's sphere. The spiritual power impact caused by the broken restriction instantly made the small hand following closely behind bloody.

Axue seemed to feel no pain, and her speed did not slow down at all. She quickly grabbed the water spirit bead and flashed into the space.




The restriction around the Water Spirit Pearl was broken, and the Water Spirit Pearl disappeared.

The big crocodile was at a critical moment of advancement, but suddenly the source of spiritual power was cut off, and it roared in anger because of the loss of the treasure.

The big crocodile's eyes slowly turned from blood red to black.


The howling of the big crocodile was heard in the cave, and it attacked indiscriminately in anger.

Ah Xue was now enveloped by a ball of light blue light. When she grabbed the Water Spirit Pearl, all the blood in her hand was absorbed by the Water Spirit Pearl, and it did not stop at all.

Ah Xue shook her wrist to shake off the Water Spirit Pearl, but it was no use. The Water Spirit Pearl was like a part of herself, firmly attached to her hand

"It's useless," the bloodthirsty demon vine walked to the spring and replanted itself beside the spring.

"When it has sucked enough, it will stop automatically."

Axue looked at the blood-sucking demon vine in confusion,"It is a water spirit bead, why does it still need to suck blood?"

"It is recognizing its master. Once the recognition is successful, the master can build the foundation."

"After recognizing the master, put the water spirit bead in your dantian to let it nourish your spiritual roots."

"The Water Spirit Pearl can not only improve the owner's Water Spirit Root, but also the Wood Spirit Root, but not as fast as the Water Spirit Root."

Suddenly, the light blue light shield was retracted, and the Water Spirit Pearl in Ah Xue's hand disappeared instantly.

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