Xiao Hanshan rarely saw a smile on this junior brother's face. It was said that Jianfeng doted on that junior sister, but only he knew how ruthless Ye Chenxi was.

The only ones who could be taken under his wing were the two junior brothers and Bai Su.

And this little girl could actually make him smile. It seemed that she really had something extraordinary.

I must get to know this junior sister in the future to see what skills she had to impress this expressionless girl.

"Don't think about her, she's still a child."

Ye Chenxi glanced at Xiao Hanshan with cold eyes.

Xiao Hanshan was shocked by his look. He was too protective of his child. Is this the way to raise a junior sister?

"Not at all."

Ye Chenxi said coldly,"That would be best"

""It's out!"

Yuan Feng said, looking at the stone wall.

Then there was a rumbling sound.

Several people hurriedly walked towards the stone wall, watching the stone wall slowly open, and a group of disciples happily walked out.

"Senior Sister"

"Senior Brother."

Li Qian and Bai Mufei walked to Ye Ziyi and Xiao Hanshan.

Xiao Hanshan nodded to Bai Mufei,"It's good that you're out."

Ye Ziyi pulled Li Qian to check carefully, and asked with concern,"Are you injured? Are you in danger?"

Li Qian nodded, and told Ye Ziyi about the secret realm with a wronged look.

Jiang Feng walked to Lin Yun and happily called him Senior Brother. Lin Yun patted his shoulder,"How is it?"

Jiang Feng nodded,"A good harvest."

Ye Chenxi had a cold face and stared at the exit.

Xiao Hanshan walked to him and looked at the exit,"Don't worry, it should be behind."

Ye Chenxi nodded, did not reply to him, and continued to stare.

Soon Ye Qiuqian and others came out at last. Ye Qiuqian turned around and stood there waiting for Liu Asue. The others were also waiting anxiously.

""Why hasn't she come out yet?"

Shi Tie asked anxiously.

Yuan Liangji searched for Ah Xue among the crowd, but couldn't find her. Senior Brother Jianfeng, who stood behind the crowd with a frosty face, looked abrupt and tall, making people notice his presence at a glance.

Yuan Liangji walked up to Ye Chenxi with his head held high,"Outer disciple Yuan Liangji greets Senior Brother Ye."

Ye Chenxi looked at him coldly,"What's the matter?"

Yuan Liangji nodded,"We were originally with Junior Sister Liu of Jianfeng, and then we met a few direct disciples and found a cave to rest together." When

Ye Chenxi heard the news about his own junior sister, his eyes turned to Yuan Liangji

"Explain clearly.

Yuan Liangji nodded. He was here to report.


"Let me tell you."

Ye Qiuqian and his companions came over.

Ye Qiuqian took a step forward and looked at the Jindan Zhenren and Yuanfeng Elders.

"Because Junior Brother Wei was dragged away by the blood-sucking vine, several disciples were originally fighting with the blood-sucking vine."

Speaking of this, Ye Qiuqian turned his red eyes to Li Qian and the others.

"These brothers and this Junior Sister Li happened to meet us. Later, Junior Sister Liu killed the blood-sucking vine and rescued Junior Brother Wei. We found a cave and went to the cave to rest."

"These disciples also followed us to the cave. Later, they attracted the Flamingo King and his flamingos to besiege the cave. When we and Junior Sister Liu were leaving the cave, someone sprinkled animal-attracting powder on our clothes. When we were fighting with the flamingos and retreating, someone deliberately threw a Flamingo King egg to Junior Sister Liu."

"Sister Liu was seriously wounded and vomited blood. She contracted the Flamingo King Egg and finally attracted the beast powder to trigger the beast tide. Sister Liu brought our clothes to divert the beast tide."

"Finally fell off the forbidden cliff and disappeared"

"How dare you! How can I allow you to provoke me as I please?"

Ye Ziyi waved her sleeves in anger.

Xiao Hanshan also waved his hand to disperse Ye Ziyi's spiritual attack.

"Sister Ye, please be patient and wait for us to find out the whole story."

After saying that, he looked at Bai Mufei and said,"Brother,"

"Yes, Senior Brother."

Bai Mufei looked at Ye Qiuqian and said apologetically,"It was indeed us who lured the Flamingo King here."

"As for the beast attracting powder, I don't know."

Ye Qiuqian looked at him with anger on his face,"What about the flamingo king egg?"

Bai Mufei turned his eyes to Li Qian.

Li Qian lowered her head guiltily and bit her lips.


There was a loud noise and the stone wall slowly moved together. Ye Chenxi flew to the middle of the gap in the stone wall and used his spiritual power to support both sides.………boom………

Although the stone wall slowed down, it was still moving slowly. Ye Chenxi's face turned red with anger, and veins popped out on his forehead.

Xiao Hanshan's heart trembled slightly when he saw this, and he hurriedly flew to his side to help him hold the other side.

Ye Chenxi breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to push his side.

"Thank you."

Xiao Hanshan chuckled,"What did you say?"

‘If Junior Sister Liu doesn't come out today, wouldn't Senior Uncle Han's retreat cause a big fuss


""Oh no, I can't hold on any longer."

There was another loud noise, and Xiao Hanshan shouted while circulating his spiritual power.

Ye Chenxi's heart sank, and he looked at the teleportation array inside. He instantly drained all the spiritual power in his dantian and spread his hands again. The hurricane formed by the spiritual power made Xiao Hanshan's eyes narrow slightly.

A trace of blood flowed out of Ye Chenxi's mouth

"Ye Chenxi!"

Xiao Hanshan was shocked.

At this time, Yuanfeng and Lin Yuan also flew to the middle of the gap and helped to support the stone wall.

""It's out!"

Yuanfeng was overjoyed. Ye Chenxi looked up at Axue, who was wrapped in a ball of white light, and his face relaxed.

When Axue crushed the token and was teleported out, she saw such a thrilling scene.


""Big Brother!"

Yuanfeng saw Axue come out of the secret realm, and quickly used his spiritual power to send Ye Chenxi and the others out of the crack in the stone wall.


After a loud bang, the stone walls closed tightly together, without a single gap, and the entire mountain was shaking slightly.

"Senior Brother!"

After landing, Ah Xue hurriedly ran to Ye Chenxi with a frown on her face, and supported him helplessly,"Senior Brother, how are you?"

Ye Chenxi looked at her and smiled,"Senior Brother is fine, I hope Junior Sister comes out."

""I'm sorry, senior brother, it's Ah Xue's incompetence that caused you to get hurt."

Ah Xue's eyes were red and she hurriedly took out the top-grade rejuvenation pill and handed it to Ye Chenxi,"Senior brother, take a pill quickly."

Ye Chenxi nodded and took the pill from Ah Xue and swallowed it.

Slowly sitting down to meditate and practice, Ah Xue took out a defense array plate and put it away to prevent anyone from disturbing Ye Chenxi.

Sitting aside, she wiped the tears from her face and stared at Ye Chenxi closely.

Xiao Hanshan looked at the two brothers and sisters in the defense array, and a trace of envy emerged in his heart.

"Alas! Girls are better."

Bai Mufei walked to his side and handed him a pill,"Brother, give me"

"Third Senior Sister is also a woman."

Xiao Hanshan snorted coldly, grabbed the pill and put it away, then walked to the side to meditate and regulate his breathing.

‘Can Han Chenyin be compared with a woman? '

Han Chenyin is Xiao Hanshan's third apprentice sister. She has a hot temper and practices madly. She is an abandoned baby found by the sect master's wife Meng Yao when she went out for training.


Bai Mufei looked at his senior brother's operation, smiled and shook his head, then walked over and sat next to him.

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