Nangong Han's face changed, and he turned to look at Yu Huachen,"Brother, look………"

Yu Huachen nodded to him, picked up the photo stone, and injected spiritual power into it."Junior Brother Wang has just arrived, and he probably doesn't know the whole story yet. I will let you watch it again, so that you won't be dissatisfied."

"Let's watch it again. I think you are all good at speaking."

"Is it that the Law Enforcement Hall has not been very active recently?"

"I made you forget how to write the word"Zonggui"?"

"And you," Yu Huachen looked at Mu Wanqing and Wang Yanzhen,"either give me evidence, or…………"

Yu Huachen cast a sharp look at the two of them, and Mu Wanqing and Wang Yanzhen's faces turned pale.

Yu Huachen looked at Jiang Feng as if he was an idiot,"Frame you, how do you frame me?"

"Do you know what evidence is?"

"Do you know what is the crime of harming fellow disciples?"

At this point, Yu Huachen looked up at the people in the hall and said,"Have you all read the sect rules?"

The disciples in the hall, including Axue, nodded quickly.

Axue felt a little guilty.���I had read Xuantian Sect's rules in my previous life, but I was too busy in this life to even take a look.

Someone came and said,"Abolish Jiang Feng's cultivation and expel him from the sect.""

"Li Qian's cultivation was sealed and she was forced to face the wall and reflect on her mistakes for five years."


Several Jindan disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall came in.

Jiang Feng was really scared this time, and shouted in panic,"Master, save me, Master!"………"

"Senior Brother Yu."

Wang Yanzhen shouted hurriedly.

Yu Huachen looked at him coldly,"Why? Junior Brother Wang, do you want to take the punishment for me?"

He paused here,"It's not impossible. We in the Law Enforcement Hall are not as ruthless as we seem. As long as you take the punishment for him, he will be fine and still be your disciple of Qifeng."

After saying that, he looked at him steadily, waiting for his answer.

Wang Yanzhen lowered his head embarrassedly.

Jiang Feng looked at him fiercely, 'Why?’

‘Why didn’t the master save me?’

‘I hate you! Wang Yanzhen, you coward! '

No matter how Jiang Feng cursed in his heart, he finally struggled and begged,"Master, please save me!"

After that, he was forcibly taken away by the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Wang Yanzhen paused, and his moving feet were forcibly pulled back by him.

He couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear to give up everything he had now.

‘Feng'er, your master will avenge you.'

Wang Yanzhen thought viciously, 'You stinky girl from Jianfeng, you dare to make me lose a disciple, then pay with your life.'

Yu Huachen watched the interaction between the master and the disciple silently. They were really a pair of selfish master and disciple.

Turning to look at Mu Wanqing, he was about to speak, when he saw Li Qian walking to Mu Wanqing with a firm face,"Disciple is willing to be punished."

Li Qian's body was straight and her words were firm. She looked even more delicate and pitiful in her white disciple uniform.

She looked at Yu Huachen and Nangong Han with a firm gaze,"Although it was an unintentional mistake by the disciple, it did cause harm to Junior Sister Liu and several senior brothers."

"I will accept the punishment."

After saying that, he turned and looked at Mu Wanqing,"Master, thank you for speaking for me."

"It's Qian'er's fault. Qian'er has embarrassed you.………"

At this point, Li Qian's tears began to fall.

Mu Wanqing sighed,"Fool!"

"Don't worry, you will always be the master's disciple. When you come out, the master will come to pick you up personally."

Li Qian nodded,"Yes"

"Master, you have to take care of yourself."

Mu Wanqing was irritated by her,"Okay."

Li Qian turned to look at Ye Ziyi,"Senior Sister."

Ye Ziyi walked up to Li Qian, took her hand, patted her shoulder with the other hand, and said with pity,"Senior Sister knows, Senior Sister will come to see you."

Li Qian nodded,"Senior Sister, take care of yourself and Master.""

"Qian'er left."

Ye Ziyi nodded with red eyes.

Li Qian looked back at Mu Wanqing, then turned to look at the law enforcement disciples.

"Senior brothers, please lead the way."

Li Qian slowly walked out of the sect hall, her sinister and dark eyes seemed to have no focus, and her deep eyes were filled with anger.

‘Liu Axue, I, Li Qian, will remember today's humiliation.'

Axue turned around and looked at Li Qian who was walking out, 'What a good way to retreat in order to advance, but these five years are enough. In five years, there will be a sect competition among all the major sects. By then, what will you, Li Qian, use to become as famous as in your previous life in Xuantian Continent?’

‘Li Qian, I didn't want to have anything to do with you in this life, but things didn't go as I wished. This is God's will, and I can't avoid it.’

‘It seems that we are still enemies after all. '

Axue felt a little complicated. In this life, she was thinking about practicing hard and making herself stronger. Since fate is like this,………

Only destroy it!

Suddenly feeling a vicious gaze staring at her, Axue retracted her thoughts and looked up to meet Qin Aotian's evil eyes.

Axue suddenly grinned and asked,"Why does Senior Brother Qin look at me like this?"

Qin Aotian's eyes changed. He didn't expect Liu Axue to say it directly.

For a moment, because of the hasty retraction of his fierce gaze, his facial expression cracked and twisted.

The several real people and real lords in the hall looked at his expression and there was nothing they didn't understand.

Ye Chenxi locked his eyes with a pair of death gods. Qin Aotian instantly felt his hair stand on end and his scalp tingling. A cold and desperate fear emerged from the bottom of his heart. Qin Aotian was shocked and hurriedly used his spiritual power to resist.

Ye Chenxi snorted coldly. This reckless man who made things difficult for his junior sister everywhere, he hadn't settled accounts with him yet, but he showed up on his own. When the pressure of the Jindan real person came out, Qin Aotian's throat suddenly itched and a smell of rust came.

Nangong Han laughed secretly,"What a cunning little girl."

He took out six top-grade magic weapons and said,"This matter has passed. This is the compensation given to you by the sect. You must practice well in the future."

Axue looked up at Ye Chenxi, who nodded and said,"Thank you, Sect Master." Axue and Ye Qiuqian saluted hurriedly and said,"Disciple thanks you, Sect Master."

Nangong Han waved his hand and several magic weapons fell into the hands of the six people.

""Okay, let's all go."

Originally, there was no such thing as compensation, but Nangong Han was very pleased to see the performance of the people in the stone.

In a sect, talent is very important, but first of all, you have to unite and treat the sect as your home.

A person's character is always more important than talent.

And these disciples are all very good, I hope they can practice well.


Ye Chenxi led Axue and Ye Qiuqian out of the sect hall. When Axue turned around, Yu Huachen's voice came into her mind,"Little girl, be careful of Wang Yanzhen in the future."

Axue smiled slightly, without looking back, and nodded vigorously.

‘Thank you! '

Yu Huachen's mouth slightly raised, and he couldn't help but smile. This girl is really interesting.

After the disciples in the hall left, Wang Yanzhen also left with Lin Yun.

Nangong Han looked at Mu Wanqing coldly.

Mu Wanqing felt uncomfortable, and she flashed away. Yu Huachen didn't even look at her, but picked up the teacup on the table and drank it slowly.

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