Axue's soul suddenly appeared in the previous life, watching herself from the perspective of an observer.

From being ignorant to being timid, she secretly fell in love with someone but met the wrong person.

She also saw herself swallowing her anger and making compromises for the sake of tasks and points, feeling helpless.

Until a sword pierced through her dantian and she was reborn.

She then watched herself worship a strong master, meet good friends, and be protected by senior brothers and sisters, practicing wholeheartedly, just to become stronger.

Yes, just to become stronger

‘Three Thousand Avenues, My Path to the Strong’

‘A sword cultivator can break ten thousand with one sword. Only the strongest can do it. '

With a bang, Axue's Yuanshen directly broke through the Jindan stage and rushed straight to the Yuanying stage, stopping only in the late Jindan stage.

And Axue's sword intent finally reached the small success realm, and a green lotus faintly flashed on her body and rushed straight to the sky.

Xuan Zhen hurriedly blocked it with another prohibition, suppressing it in the room to prevent it from leaking out. While sighing in his heart, he felt that this child was really noisy. In just three short days, he comprehended the heart of Tao and comprehended the sword intent.

Others have green smoke coming out of their ancestral graves, and the way of heaven shines on Buddha, but she is so good, she is simply the darling of heaven.

A handsome man in the God Realm was faintly angry. The darling of this Tao is not her, if it weren't for………

Axue slowly opened her eyes. Three days had passed.

Xuanzhen withdrew the ban before she opened her eyes.

Axue raised her lips and showed a hint of smile on her face,"I didn't expect that a cup of tea and a river of water would make me suddenly realize. This place is really a good place." Xuanzhen secretly praised in his heart, not surprised or happy. This boy has great self-control.

Axue packed up and walked out of the room in high spirits.

Meng Yue, who had been waiting for her outside, saw Axue appear and excitedly stepped forward and said,"Fairy Axue, you finally came out."

Axue nodded to her

"Fairy Axue, I have found out everything you asked me to find out."

Axue looked at Meng Yue and said,"Tell me."

After Meng Yue and Axue found an empty seat and sat down, Meng Yue told Axue all the news she had found out in the past two days.

"Recently, a group of monsters and slaves were sent to the market."

"People from Youzhou City Lord's Mansion, Heiyan City Lord's Mansion, and Tianling City Lord's Mansion have also come, and have already arrived at Qingyou City."

"I heard that several other sects and schools have also sent disciples, but they haven't arrived yet."

"It is said that the slaves and monsters captured this time have some origins."

"They will go to Youzhou Market tomorrow, and Youzhou Market has also decided to sell these slaves and monsters tomorrow."

Axue nodded,"Then we will also go to the market tomorrow."

Li Qian is still at the Cliff of Repentance, and it is unknown whether Xuantian Sect will still be led by Ye Ziyi this time?

In the previous life, Li Qian accidentally saved a person at Youzhou Market. That person was a slave who escaped from Youzhou Market. He was framed by his enemies and sold to human traffickers since he was a child. The young master of Yaowang Valley.

This person was finally found by Yaowang Valley. After returning to Yaowang Valley, it was tested that he had the Sky Fire Spirit Root. Since then, he has soared to the sky and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Later, the entire Yaowang Valley became a major support for Li Qian.

Axue's eyes were dark. In this life, she had to ask for this favor herself.


Meng Yue stood up and said,"Fairy Xue, you take a rest. I will go and ask in detail. I will come to see you tomorrow morning."


Axue had just come out of her epiphany, and she really needed to regulate her breathing. After Meng Yue left, Axue also went upstairs, closed the door, and meditated to regulate her breathing.

The next day, Axue followed Meng Yue into a dead end,"Don't be afraid, Fairy Axue, this is a formation."

Axue nodded.

Following Meng Yue to the wall, Meng Yue disappeared directly into the wall. Axue followed without any hesitation, because this alley also appeared in the book, so Axue had nothing to worry about.

After stepping over the wall, a bustling market really appeared in front of her.

A wide street was filled with all kinds of stalls on both sides, and the stalls were filled with all kinds of treasures, spiritual plants, magic weapons, materials, everything you can think of, dazzling people to see.

And every stall is protected by a formation, and there are people in front of the stall, discussing in a low voice, and trading in a low profile.

Meng Yue introduced to Axue,"Fairy Axue, this is the stall. After the stall, there will be a small space magic house magic weapon. What we said before, and some real rare treasures are generally in there."

"But there are also many treasures on this kind of stall."

Axue nodded,"Let's take a look first."

After saying that, she walked forward. In Youzhou Market, there is not only Li Qian's opportunity, but also Luo Qing's great opportunity. I wonder if I can meet it?

That thing is very useful to Huo Xuan, I must go and see it.

Axue walked through the street and slowly looked at the stalls on both sides.

""Why are you like this?"

A shout suddenly came from the not-too-noisy and bustling market, which seemed abrupt and harmonious.

Everyone looked up at the person who was making the loud noise. A man in his twenties was arguing with an old man who was selling things at a stall. Some even went over to join in the fun.

The man looked at the old man selling things at the stall angrily and said,"Yesterday we agreed on two top-grade spirit stones, but today you actually went back on your word and raised the price. Do you still have any moral bottom line?"

The old man chuckled and said calmly,"Boy, what day is today? What day was yesterday?"

"The price has gone up, so if you can't afford it, someone else will buy it."

The man's face flushed instantly,"You!"

A young man dressed in noble clothes squatted down and looked at the thing that the two people in the formation were arguing about. It was a low-level sword method,"I say, old man, why bother? You won't lose two high-quality spirit stones."

The old man said angrily,"You know shit, this sword method is not suitable for him at all."

The young man looked down at the name of the sword method,"Huh?"

He looked up at the young man again,"Are you a thunder spirit root?"

The man shook his head hurriedly,"No, I bought it for someone else."

The young man looked at the old man again,"Old man, look, he doesn't use it himself."

The old man paused, then picked up the sword method and threw it to the man in annoyance,"Here, here, give it to you, bring the spirit stones"

"Thank you, here's the spirit stone for you."

The man took the sword and put it in his arms, then turned to thank the young master,"Thank you!"

He turned and ran into the crowd and disappeared.

Ah Xue had been standing in the distance watching all this silently, and something flashed through her heart.

It turned out that there were still many good people in this world, but she just didn't meet them in her last life. Just like in this life, she met her master, senior brother, senior sister, and Ye Qiuqian.

"Fairy Axue, the man who just bought the sword technique came to Qingyou City a few days ago. He has a younger sister who is just six years old this year."

"The one who helped was the young city lord of Qingyou City."

Axue nodded in understanding,"Yes"

"let's go."

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