The sound of the door opening attracted the attention of Liu Li, who was busy in the yard. Liu Li looked up excitedly and saw Ah Xue coming out of the room.


"You are out of confinement."

As soon as Ah Xue walked out of the room, she saw her mother, whose eyes were slightly red from excitement, and she called out softly,"Mom,………"


Mrs. Liu Li wiped her tears and walked to Ah Xue, reaching out to touch her head lovingly,"My good girl has grown up again."

Ah Xue looked down at her small body. She grew really slowly and was a head shorter than other children of the same age.

"Mother, has the family been doing well this year?"

Mrs. Liu Li looked at her and said gently,"It's fine. With the addition of Yue'er and Sheng'er, the family is very lively every day.

"…………Giving birth to a child……………

It seems that these two are getting along pretty well.

"Where is daddy?"

"Your father and Sheng'er went to the county town to buy things."

"Yue'er is practicing next door"

"Mother, I'll go out for a walk and come back in a moment."

Liu Li nodded and said,"Okay!"

"Go ahead, your father and Sheng'er will probably be back soon, I'll go to the kitchen to help prepare some food"


Axue walked out of the yard and looked at the newly built courtyard next door. The house was tall, spacious, clean, and tidy. The courtyard wall was also strong and durable, which was much better than the old courtyard.

Turning her head to look at the fields in the countryside in the distance, a year has passed. Looking at the scenery in front of her now, it seems that only a few pieces of land have been swapped. There are still scattered villagers busy in the fields like last year, and pedestrians hurriedly on the road. From time to time, there are the laughter of children playing and laughing. Everything is so warm.

Liu Tiesheng approached the house and unexpectedly saw Axue who had been in seclusion for a year. He shouted in surprise,"Little Axue!"

Axue turned her head and looked at her father who was hurriedly coming,"Daddy"


Dansheng still looked like a scoundrel,"Young master, I'm out of confinement."

Ah Xue nodded to him, and seeing that the two had bought a lot of meat and supplies, she hurried forward to help.

Liu Tiesheng looked at Ah Xue's outstretched hand and quickly dodged sideways,"No, no, Sheng'er and I can take it, these are not heavy."

"Let’s go to the new yard together. Xiao Axue, have you seen our newly built house?"

""Dad, I just came out of confinement and haven't gone in yet."

As Ah Xue said this, she followed the two into the newly built yard.

The yard was very large, clean and tidy.

There were also some small flowers and vegetables planted in the yard, which looked full of vitality.

There was a tiled house in front, and two thick persimmon trees were transplanted on both sides of the tiled house, with swaying branches and leaves.

There was also a big yellow dog in the yard with its mouth open and tongue sticking out, its eyes fierce, staring majestically at Ah Xue who came in.

Ah Xue released a little bit of pressure, and the big yellow dog was so scared that it immediately lay on the ground and whimpered for mercy.

Ah Xue smiled slightly and looked at its behavior of bullying the good and fearing the evil, put away the pressure and let it go. The big yellow dog felt the pressure on his body disappear, climbed up, turned around and ran to the backyard.

Several old hens and a group of fluffy chicks in the chicken coop were chirping and fighting for food. There was also a little cat lying under the persimmon tree, lazily enjoying the cool

"I'm back."

Liu Li came out of the room at this time,"You're back at the right time, wash your hands and get ready for dinner, I'll go call Yue'er"

"Mom, I'll go."

"Hey! Good"

"Axue's consciousness moved, and she walked accurately towards Meng Yue's room in the backyard."

Meng Yue, who was practicing, felt that a consciousness had fallen into her room, and she quickly stood up and walked out,"Axue!"

"You are out!"


Ah Xue nodded and asked with a smile,"How is your cultivation going?"

Meng Yue's excitement at seeing Ah Xue suddenly faded. She shook her head and said dejectedly,"Not very good. I have five spiritual roots, all of which are low-grade, so my cultivation is very slow."

Ah Xue reached out and patted Meng Yue's shoulder, comforting her,"There will be a way."

Ah Xue didn't know where Meng Yue's opportunity was? But Meng Yue in her previous life was very powerful, so there must be a way.

Meng Yue nodded in frustration,"Yeah"

"Let's go, let's go eat together"

"Are Uncle Liu and Brother Dan back yet?"

Ah Xue nodded,"Yes, they just came back."

"Let's go."

The two walked into the front yard restaurant, where a variety of dishes were already on the table, waiting for them.

The family gathered together for a happy meal, and after the meal, they sat together and chatted.

Liu Tiesheng thought of another batch of goods to be sent to the county to sell, so he said,"Tomorrow there will be another batch of goods that Sheng'er and I will send to the county."

When Meng Yue heard that they had to deliver goods, she said,"Then Brother Dan and I will go to deliver it tomorrow. Uncle Liu, let Axue stay at home with you more."

"And I have a storage bag, which is very convenient to carry."

Liu Tiesheng was a little tempted, and after hesitating for a while, he said,"That's good."

"I'll trouble Yue'er to make a trip tomorrow. Your elder brother Dan knows the place."

Meng Yue said with a smile,"It's okay, leave it to me, don't worry. Besides, elder brother Dan is here."

After they chatted for a while, Liu Tiesheng and his wife went to rest. Axue, Meng Yue and Dansheng sat together and looked at the farm scenery outside.

Dansheng asked softly,"Are we leaving soon?"

Axue nodded.

Meng Yue felt lost and reluctant at the thought of leaving,"I really don't want to leave here."

Axue shook her head,"We are cultivators."

"All good things must come to an end. We are destined to be apart, and they will have their own lives, but with more longing.…………"

Even though we are reluctant to leave, we have to leave here, leave them, and go find what we want.…………

Meng Yue lowered her head and murmured,"Yes."

Dansheng was also a little annoyed,"When are you leaving?" Axue turned her head to look at the old yard on the right,"In a few days, stay with my parents for a few more days."

Then she left. She had stayed here long enough, and if she didn't leave, she was afraid that something unexpected would happen.

Dansheng also turned his eyes to the yard on the right. This year he seemed to feel the warmth of home. This ordinary couple gave him a feeling he had never experienced before, warmth.

That is the warmth of home.

"Tomorrow Yue'er and I will take all of Uncle Liu's goods and sell them, so that he won't have to run several trips after we leave."


"Thank you."

Dansheng turned to look at Axue with a nonchalant smile on his face,"It's not you who should thank us, it's us who should thank you."

Axue looked at him in confusion.

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