The closer she got to Liujia Village, the more panicked Ah Xue felt. The distance of a hundred miles seemed as far as a million miles. Ah Xue wished she could teleport and move to Liujia Village immediately. At this time, the fire in Liujia Village was raging. Screams rose and fell in the raging fire. One body after another fell slowly as the monks rushed into the village.

After entering the village, this group of monks did not use any spiritual power. They killed everyone they saw, even those outside the village, and slaughtered the entire Liujia Village.

After all the people were dealt with, they retreated quickly, in an orderly manner. It was obviously an organized and premeditated massacre and revenge.

When Ah Xue flew to Liujia Village, what she saw was the corpses and the raging fire.

The fire reflected Ah Xue's eyes red, and a loud"buzzing" sound came from her mind.

Ah Xue's heart seemed to be hollowed out in an instant. Like a walking corpse, she walked towards her home step by step with the instinct in her body memory.

From a distance, she saw two horrible corpses hanging at the door of her house. They were obviously tortured to death.

Looking at the two corpses hanging at the door, Ah Xue cried out in agony,"Dad!"…………mother…………"

With a cry of grief, Ah Xue's eyes were bloodshot, veins on her forehead bulged, her face was trembling with anger, and her two red eyes were filled with uncontrollable rage, as if it was stronger than the raging fire that was burning the entire village.

Ah Xue stumbled and ran towards the door. Halfway through, she swung her sword to cut the rope hanging the corpse, and flew over to hug the two bloody corpses that fell down.



Ah Xue's lips trembled, her hands shook, and her whole body was shaking.

The pain buried everything in her. She wanted to shout and cry out loudly, but she was powerless. She was overwhelmed with grief and held her parents' bodies tightly in her hands.

Her eyes were full of panic, pain, and grief that made her speechless. The tears in her eyes blurred her vision, but they just refused to fall, as if Ah Xue never believed that this was real.

Meng Yue and Dan Sheng, who had just arrived at the entrance of the village, were shocked by the fire in the sky. They turned around and saw disbelief, anxiety and anger in each other's eyes.

Dan Sheng and Meng Yue had only one thought at this time, to go home.

The two ran to the village in a panic. There were corpses all along the way. The more they ran, the colder they felt in their hearts, and the more they ran, the more scared they were.…………

When the two ran to the door of Axue's house, they saw only two horrible corpses and Axue holding the corpses.

Dansheng's figure shook,"How could this happen?"

Meng Yue uttered a grief,"No………"

"Uncle Liu……………"


Xuan Zhen, who had just arrived, secretly said"bad news" and hid in the dark to observe Ah Xue's situation.

Ah Xue sat in front of the gate of the courtyard that was the only part of the courtyard that was not burned, holding two bodies. She looked sad and her eyes were dull.


The cry of"Axue" brought out the sorrow in Meng Yue's heart.

Meng Yue knelt beside Axue, looking at Axue who seemed to have no soul, she felt so distressed as if it was being cut by a knife, tears streaming down her face, she reached out to hug Axue and cried bitterly.

Dansheng looked at everything in front of him, sorrow came from the bottom of his heart, a tear flowed from the corner of his eye.

He raised his head angrily,"Who is it?"

"Who is it?"

No one answered.

The sky was covered with dark clouds at some point. A muffled thunder sounded in the air, and heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the remaining fire. The blood flowed with the rain and was slowly washed away.

The heavy rain continued until the next day. Axue also sat in the rain holding the two bodies until the next day. Meng Yue and Dansheng also accompanied her.

The rain gradually stopped, and Dansheng moved his numb legs slowly and walked step by step to Axue and Meng Yue.

He opened his dry and stiff lips, but no sound came out for several times.

After a while, he slowly said,"Young master, let's go and bury Uncle Liu, Aunt Liu, and all the villagers. The bodies cannot be left like this."


Meng Yue saw that Axue finally said a word, and a glimmer appeared in her eyes,"Axue…………"

Dan Sheng held Meng Yue and asked her to go with him to move the bodies. Meng Yue was a little worried about Ah Xue and wanted to stay, but Dan Sheng shook his head.

The two went to the village to move bodies one by one. Soon, there were so many bodies that they piled up into a small mountain.

It was not until noon that the two finally moved all the bodies in and out of the village."Ah Xue, there are a total of 536 bodies, all here."

Ah Xue's lips moved slowly, and she whispered a few words,"Five hundred and thirty-six..."………"

After Ah Xue finished speaking, she finally moved a little. With her body stiff, she stumbled and carried the bodies of Liu Tiesheng and his wife, and placed them in front of the pile of corpses.

Ah Xue looked at the pile of corpses in front of her,"Five hundred and thirty-eight…………"

Cracked lips, hoarse voice, slow speech."Meng Yue, do you have any white linen at home?"

"I'll go look for it."

Soon Meng Yuezhen took out a roll of white linen from the house.


Axue turned around slowly, took the cloth with a dull look, opened the cloth with both hands and began to tear two strips to tie on her shoulders, then tore another section to tie it around her waist, and then tore another strip to tie on her head.

Meng Yue and Dan Sheng looked at Axue's actions, and also tore the cloth and tied it on themselves.

Axue stared at the corpse in front of her,"Meng Yue, use your fire power."

Meng Yue shouted sadly,"Axue"

"bring it on"


Ah Xue knelt on her knees and watched Meng Yue burn the corpse.

Ah Xue's own flame was too strong, and it would turn into ashes after burning. The corpse, which had been soaked by a night of heavy rain, was not suitable for ordinary fire to burn, so she had to borrow Meng Yue's fire power.

Ah Xue opened her eyes and watched the flames burn through each corpse and each face one by one. The red fire was burning in her pupils, and scenes appeared in front of her eyes, some of the past life, some of this life, her father, her mother, the village chief, and every villager. The scene finally stopped in front of the courtyard gate. Two bodies hanging.

The fire burned for a whole afternoon. Axue, Meng Yue and the other two put the remaining ashes into large jars, filling more than a dozen large jars.

Finally, the three of them dug a big hole on the spot and buried the jars one by one. During the process, Axue did not say a word, nor did she shed a single tear. She did all this silently and attentively.

Axue's actions made Meng Yue and Dansheng, who were originally sad, more and more worried.

After the burial, it was already dark. Axue knelt on the spot and looked at the small mound in front of her.

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