Ye Chenxi and his companions walked to the formation barrier outside Axue's cave, and thought of her identity token in the storage ring. Bai Su looked at the unconscious Axue and said softly,"Why don't we go to my cave first




Several people walked into Bai Su's cave. Bai Su stepped forward and carefully took Ah Xue, carried her into her room, and carefully put her on the bed.

Ah Xue was too sad at this time, and because of self-blame and guilt, coupled with the seven days and seven nights of the Rebirth Sutra, she was really physically and mentally exhausted and had already fallen into a coma.

Bai Su checked her physical condition distressedly, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye,"No matter how big the problem is, we have it covered. Why are you so stupid that you have to bear it alone?"

"Do you think we are just decorations? Will they look good in your home?"

"You silly girl…………"

Bai Su was already crying when she got to this point.

Ye Chenxi said coldly,"You guys take care of her, I'm going to go out for a while." Jun Xie's eyes were dark, and there seemed to be a deep vortex in his eyes, as if it could swallow everything and crush it.

"Add me��"

"I am enough."

Ye Chenxi glanced at Axue on the bed and Bai Su beside the bed with concern,"You watch them."

Jun Xie paused,"Okay." Ye

Chenxi flashed out the door and disappeared in Jianfeng.

Jun Xie turned around and looked at the two junior sisters, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Bai Su whispered,"Second senior brother, I'm here, you go and contact the registered disciples and menial disciples of Jianfeng who are training outside, and ask them about the situation outside. There will definitely be follow-up to this matter."

Jun Xie's eyes were sharp,"I'll go right away."

Afterwards, a big event happened in Xuantian Sect. The outer and inner disciples of Xuantian Sect were confused and talked about it.

The leaders of Xuantian Sect remained silent.

Just when Ye Chenxi suddenly left the sect and suddenly came back with the unconscious young disciple of Jianfeng, he went directly to the arena and issued a letter of challenge to the three peak masters of Xuantian Sect, Yaofeng, Qifeng, and Hanbing Peak.

The reason was that he suddenly felt something recently and wanted to learn from the peak masters.

The leaders of Xuantian Sect all understood that the massacre of Liujia Village was definitely related to these three peaks.

Leng Han, the leader of Hanbing Peak, suffered an unexpected disaster because he had a disciple named Qin Aotian.

Leng Han looked at Qin Aotian who came after hearing the news with an incomprehensible expression.

Qin Aotian heard from the registered disciple that a Jindan cultivator actually spoke wildly and wanted to challenge his master. He was furious and ran to Leng Han in a rage.

"Master, this Jianfeng is too arrogant!"

"He is just a Jindan, but he dares to challenge three Yuanying Peak Masters. He really doesn't know whether he lives or dies."

Leng Han looked at his disciple quietly. This may be the most unsuccessful disciple he taught.

It was also his fault that he forgot to teach him how to be a man.


"Don't know whether to live or die?"

Leng Han chuckled softly, but there was no trace of laughter in his words.

"how about you?"

"What did you do again?"

"Who is it for?"

Leng Han asked several times, causing Qin Aotian's face to change drastically.


"Master, have you heard something?"

Leng Han was very disappointed with this disciple, even a little frustrated,"Heard what?"

"Do you think I need to hear anything more by now?"


"Jianfeng is arrogant"

"But that's something they have the ability to do, do you?"

"act recklessly?"

"They will never be ignorant of life and death, it is you who are ignorant of life and death."

At this point, Leng Han shouted loudly,"It's you, Qin Aotian"

"For a woman, you can't tell right from wrong, and you can't tell black from white."

"For a woman, you are willing to plot against your fellow disciples."

"A mortal village was slaughtered for a woman."

"You guys are so brave."

"Do you know that there is retribution in heaven?"

"Do you know the rules of Xuantian Sect?"

"Do you know the consequences of slaughtering mortals at will?"

At this point, Leng Han stared at Qin Aotian,"Who do you think is ignorant of life and death?"

Qin Aotian's face turned pale and he trembled all over. A drop of cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead.



Leng Han raised his head and stopped looking at him,"It's the teacher's fault."

"I didn't teach you how to be a human being."

"Since you like to go to the cliff so much, then from today on, you should go to the cliff and face the wall to reflect on your mistakes. When you have figured it out, you can come out."

Qin Aotian was shocked and his face lost all color,"Master!"

"Go ahead"

"Don't let me, as your master, destroy you with my own hands and expel you from the sect."

Qin Aotian paused, his face pale, and bowed to Leng Han,"Yes."

After Qin Aotian walked out, another woman walked in from outside.

Cheng Shuang, Leng Han's third apprentice


Leng Han lowered his head,"Shuang'er is here."

Cheng Shuang looked worried and asked anxiously,"Master, what's going on?"

"How come I heard you were challenged as soon as I entered the sect?"

Leng Han shook his head helplessly,"I don't know much about this matter. Since Ye Chenxi mentioned Hanbing Peak, it means that Aotian must have done something."

Cheng Shuang remembered that she heard the disciples below talking about how the young disciple who was just accepted by the master went to Siguo Cliff every few days recently and had a deep affection for Li Qian, the new disciple of Yaofeng. If……………

Cheng Shuang was a little uncertain and looked at Leng Han,"Master, do they have any evidence?"

Leng Han chuckled,"Evidence?"

"So what if there is no evidence?"

Looking at Leng Han's expression, Cheng Shuang became even more worried,"Master?"

"Okay, Master, it's alright."

"Just a discussion"


Leng Han waved his hand at her and said,"If you are really worried, just keep an eye on Ao Tian. If he has not repented, come back to me as soon as possible."


Cheng Shuang responded, biting her lower lip with anger in her eyes.

Mu Wanqing was also discussing with Ye Ziyi.

Ye Ziyi looked at Mu Wanqing worriedly,"Master, what should we do?"

Mu Wanqing sneered,"What should we do?"

"What else can I do?"

"Since someone is challenging me, what else can I do?��"

"Take up the challenge"


But that's Jianfeng?

Although her master is in the late Nascent Soul stage, and Ye Chenxi is only in the late Golden Core stage, Jianfeng and Yaofeng are different. One is mainly practicing swordsmanship, and the other is refining pills all year round. This is not a level.

Besides, it is common for sword cultivators to challenge higher-level cultivators. How can she not worry?

Mu Wanqing said indifferently,"There is nothing but"

"Just a golden elixir, the master is not afraid of him."

It's not that evil star Han Lingxiao.

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