Bai Su thought of the day when Patriarch Xuan Zhen seemed to have brought two people back,"Don't worry, I'll go check it out when I have time, they should be at Jianfeng."

The next day, Ye Chenxi, who had been regulating his breath all night, came to see Axue. When Axue saw Ye Chenxi coming in, she quickly stood up,"Big Brother, how are you?"

Ye Chenxi showed a smile in his eyes, and reached out to rub Axue's head,"It's okay, don't worry.""

"Do you feel better?"

Axue shook her head quickly,"Brother, I'm fine."

"I want to practice in the sword formation."

Ye Chenxi shook his head, looked at Axue and asked seriously,"Enter the sword formation?"

""Why does Junior Sister want to enter the sword formation?"

Axue whispered,"I want to become stronger! I want revenge!"

Ye Chenxi sighed and asked patiently,"Become stronger?"


"Junior sister, why did you come to Jianfeng?"

"Why do you want to be a sword cultivator?"

"What is your sword?"

Ah Xue thought about the reason why she came to Jianfeng,"To become stronger"

"After becoming stronger?"

"Protect yourself and those you want to protect"

"What about your sword?"


Ye Chenxi nodded and asked,"Yes, what is the sword in your heart?"

Ah Xue was a little confused,"The sword in my heart…………"

What is the sword in her heart?

Ah Xue thought about her determination to come to Jianfeng and her desire to become stronger, all of which were to escape fate.

But fate played a joke on her. She not only changed her own fate, but also changed the fate of others.

She didn't protect them, which was the reason Ah Xue blamed herself the most.

If she had taken defensive measures at that time, if she hadn't gone to Liujia Village…………

But there are no ifs in this world.

Ye Chenxi looked at Ah Xue's expression and knew that she was going to get stuck in a dead end again.

"Junior Sister"

"Some things are not your fault, and your sword is not the sword of revenge"

"If you enter the sword formation at this time, you are not practicing your own sword, you are practicing the sword of hatred and the sword of revenge."

"There will be only hatred and revenge in your heart. Is this the sword you want? Is it your own sword?"

Axue shook her head quickly,"No, I don't want that kind of sword."

"I practice sword only to become stronger and to protect."

Yes, to become stronger and to protect.

So my sword is a sword of protection, not a sword of hatred and revenge full of killing.

Axue's thoughts became clear instantly,"Brother, Axue understands."

Ye Chenxi nodded with relief,"I'll take you to a place."

After that, he carried Axue to the back of Jianfeng Hall, pushed open a three-story attic and walked in.

"This is our Jianfeng library. I heard that there were only various sword techniques and famous swords here."

"Later, other books, jade slips, and some treasures were added."

"You can stay here and read books before the sect competition. We are here to take care of other things, so you don't have to worry."

Axue came back to her senses from the shock of Jianfeng having so many books.

After hearing Ye Chenxi's words, she turned to look at him and said worriedly,"Big Brother, I………"

Ye Chenxi nodded affirmatively,"Don't worry"

"Go ahead, there is a formation here, I will pick you up when the time comes"


Does that mean I can’t get out of here???


Ye Chenxi returned to the Jianfeng Hall, and Jun Xie and Bai Su walked up to him worriedly.

"Senior Brother, please go to retreat for a while. I will take care of Jianfeng's affairs."

"Yes, Senior Brother, the soul leaving the body is not a joke, and you are still injured, don't worry, Second Senior Brother and I will take care of it, you can go and heal your wounds."

Ye Chenxi really needs to recuperate for a few more days, so he had no choice but to respond,"Okay"

"If you have any problem, come and call me."

The two nodded quickly,"Well, don't worry, Senior Brother."

Ye Chenxi nodded and disappeared, going to retreat.

Jun Xie turned around and looked outside the door, and the evil spirit in his eyes burst out instantly.

"Junior sister, you look after Jianfeng, I'm going out for a while."

Bai Su knew that he couldn't sit still, so she walked to his side and said,"Second Senior Brother, you must pay attention to safety on this trip."

Jun Xie nodded,"It's okay."

"I won't do it myself."

After saying that, he left.

Bai Su stood alone in the hall of Jianfeng."Then, leave these stinky bugs in the sect to me. If they dare to attack mortals, then there is no need for them to exist."

Bai Su came to the mountainside of Jianfeng. There were many disciples practicing swords. When they saw Bai Su coming, they stopped their moves and came to Bai Su.

"Hello, Senior Sister Bai."

Yue Hen, Han Lingxiao's registered disciple, stepped forward and looked at Bai Su,"Senior Sister Bai, just tell us directly."

Bai Su nodded,"Okay."

"Go check all the people involved in this incident, collect the evidence and give it to me"


Yue Hen led a group of disciples away from Jianfeng and then broke up into small groups, dispersing throughout Xuantian Sect.

The remaining disciples asked with concern,"Senior Sister Bai, is Junior Sister okay?"

Bai Su smiled at them,"She's fine, you don't have to worry."

A female disciple asked worriedly,"Then is Senior Brother okay?"

Bai Su looked at her and nodded,"Senior Brother is recovering, so, keep an eye on Jianfeng recently."

"Sister Bai, rest assured"

"Bai girl, Jianfeng still has us."

Bai Su looked at the three people coming in front and saluted quickly,"Bai Su greets the three uncles."

These three people are Mu Xiu Han's registered disciples.

Ji Zixuan looked at Bai Su and said gently,"Do whatever you want to do. Jianfeng is not just for you brothers and sisters."

Bai Su felt a little relieved,"Thank you, uncles"

"Go ahead"


Bai Su returned to her cave and waited for news.

Meanwhile, Jun Xie and the people from the Law Enforcement Hall found the group of people who massacred the village. They had been almost completely wiped out, with only two people left.���Hiding, the time it took to be found was extended by a few days.

When Jun Xie found the two, they were just rescued by the Law Enforcement Hall, and the person who silenced them was also caught.

After interrogation by the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall and Jun Xie, it was learned that the mastermind of all this was none other than the master of Qi Peak, Wang Yanzhen, and his brother, the master of Tianling City, Wang Yanhe.

And all the people who were caught were sent by Wang Yanhe.

In the end, all these people were brought back to Xuantian Sect. Jun Xie sent a message to Bai Su and went directly to Tianling City.

Two days later, Bai Su received a sound transmission talisman and took the teleportation array to leave Xuantian Sect and come to Youzhou City.

Bai Su came to a rented cave,"Bai Su, a disciple of Xuantian Sect's Sword Peak, is here to pay his respects to Senior Liu."

A majestic voice came from inside,"Come in"


Bai Su walked into the cave and saw an old man sitting next to a stone table in the yard.

"Bai Su greets Senior Liu."

Liu Xingling looked at the woman in front of him with an unintelligible look in his eyes,"Why are you here?"

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