Xuan Ling couldn't help but sigh,"It seems that Xuantian Continent will not be peaceful."

"The sons of destiny are usually born in troubled times, saved from disasters, and finally ascended to heaven with merit and willpower."

And these merits and willpower may eventually……………

Xuanzhen nodded,"In this case, we must also be prepared."

"The sect will rent the sword formation at Jianfeng for a period of time, and all the people in the sect who know swordsmanship can go there to train."

Han Lingxiao nodded,"No problem."

Xuan Ling continued,"In that case, the trial field should also be opened for free, and after the disciples have passed the path of self-examination, they can go to the trial field for trial."

"There are also candidates for the sect competition selected in advance, so that those who participate in the sect competition can concentrate on preparing for the competition."

Nangong Han quickly responded,"Yes"

"I will arrange it right away, and select the candidates for the sect competition in ten days."

Xuan Ling nodded and looked at Nangong Han,"This time the Zi Ling Secret Realm may not go smoothly, so all disciples must save their lives first."

"Disciple understands."

After Han Lingxiao returned to Jianfeng, he went straight into the library. Ah Xue was sitting flat under the bookshelf, reading a book seriously.


Axue suddenly seemed to hear the voice of her own master, and looked up at the door in a daze.

There was a person standing at the door, and it seemed to be her own master who had been in seclusion for several years.

Axue raised her hands uncertainly and rubbed her eyes hard twice, then looked up and found that the master was still standing there.

Then she stood up excitedly,"Master!"

"You've come out of retreat?"

Han Lingxiao looked at his little disciple's silly look and felt a little disgusted, but at the same time he thought he was cute.

He couldn't help but smile and waved to Axue,"Axue, come here."

Axue ran to Han Lingxiao and looked up at him happily. There was a tremor in her words, a grievance, and a dependence,"Master, you've finally come out of retreat.……………"

Han Lingxiao's heart twitched, and he reached out and gently patted Axue's head,"I'm sorry, it's because I came out late."

"I have wronged you."

Ah Xue's eyes were moist, and she shook her head with red eyes,"Master…………"

Han Lingxiao sighed,"Your senior brothers have avenged you, and I have personally punished the person responsible."

"As for Liujia Village……………"

"I hope you won't blame yourself too much."

Ah Xue nodded,"Master, I understand."

"There is also the revenge for the eldest brother, who was beaten by them."

"Don't worry, I will vent my anger for him."

"Well, thank you, Master."

Han Lingxiao looked up at the bookshelf in front of him, then looked down at Axue,"The sect competition will be held in a few months, and you are a little unstable now.���It is not suitable to practice sword, so I will continue to read books here to calm my mind."

"In ten days, your senior brothers and sisters will participate in the sect selection competition. Then you will go to the sect competition together."

"But Master, don't I have to participate in the trials?"

Han Lingxiao shook his head."Each peak will have a designated number of places."

"Oh, okay then."

Anyway, I seem to be still in a coma.

"Look carefully, these books are no worse than those in the sect's library."


Ten days later, all the disciples of Jianfeng who were away returned, including Junxie.

There was another person who came back with Junxie this time. He was the only disciple of Lan Chengyi, the eldest disciple of Mu Xiuhan, Feng Che. Feng Che was supposed to be the next peak master of Jianfeng, but Feng Che did not like being restrained and liked to travel.

Since the death of Lan Chengyi, Feng Che almost never returned to the sect, so the successor of the peak master fell on Ye Chenxi.

Ye Chenxi became the eldest senior brother of Jianfeng.

Although this is the case, Feng Che's position in Jianfeng is also unique.

Because there cannot be two eldest senior brothers at the same time, the disciples of Jianfeng unanimously call Feng Che senior brother, the one and only senior brother.

And the reason why Feng Che came back with Junxie this time was because he also wanted to participate in the sect competition, and on the way back to the sect he happened to pass by Tianling City. After hearing about Jianfeng in Tianling City, Feng Che sent a message to Ye Chenxi, but did not receive a reply, and then After sending a message to Jun Xie, he learned that Jun Xie was in Tianling City.

After Feng Che and Jun Xie met, the two of them discussed it, and then together with the Shangguan family and the help of Liu Xingling from the Loose Cultivator Alliance, they destroyed the Wang family.

Lu Jinyu also successfully advanced before the selection.

Except for Ye Chenxi and Liu Axue who did not participate in Jianfeng this time, they were designated as internal candidates by Han Lingxiao, and all the others came out of retreat and returned to the sect.

Ten days have passed, and the selection is held as scheduled.

The disciples who signed up for the selection in the outer martial arts field are gathered here, and of course there are some disciples watching.

Ten arenas suddenly appeared around the usually vast martial arts field today. There is a high platform in the middle of the martial arts field, and seats are placed on it in order.

After all the disciples arrived at the martial arts field, the sect master and a group of elders also appeared on the high platform in the middle of the martial arts field.

Nangong Han looked at the disciples below, and his majestic voice spread throughout the martial arts field.

"Because the sect is preparing to open the sword formation of Jianfeng and the sect's training ground for free, to provide a breakthrough trial for all disciples"

"Therefore, the sect decided to select candidates for the sect competition in advance."

"After the trials are over, the disciples who did not participate in the sect competition can freely choose to enter the sword formation or the training ground."

"I'm sure you all know how rare it is to have a sword formation at Jianfeng and to have training at the training ground."

"Normally, you need points to enter the training ground, and the sword formation at Jianfeng is not open to the public."

Nangong Han looked at the disciples below,"Why?"

"Because both the sword formation and the training ground will be damaged."

"Long-term and extensive use of the sword formation requires a large supply of spirit stones."

"The training ground consumes more energy.���In the process, what is consumed is not spirit stones, but spirit veins."

"So usually you have to use points to enter training"

"Now the sect has released resources and opened them for free. I believe you will not give up such a rare opportunity."

"Okay, I won't say any more nonsense."

"The trials will begin now."

After Sect Master Nangong finished speaking, the disciples below immediately became excited, shouted excitedly, and couldn't help but applaud.

Some disciples couldn't wait to rush into the training ground and the sword formation.

After Nangong Han finished speaking, he sat down in his seat.

Yu Huachen walked to the small platform under the high platform,"This trials are divided into two types"

"First game, melee"

"There are five foundation-building stages and five golden elixir stages. There are ten people on each stage, and only one person will be left."

After saying this, Yu Huachen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he gave off a hint of coercion, looking at the disciples below with a warning.

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