"Amitabha, good, good."

"Please stay, little donor."


Ah Xue slowly turned her head and looked at a Buddhist disciple who was walking towards them.

Xiao Hanshan smiled at the person who came over,"It turned out to be Brother Huiyuan."

Huiyuan looked at Xiao Hanshan and said,"Donor Xiao, long time no see."

Xiao Hanshan nodded,"It's been many years since we last met. It's really been a long time since we last met.""

"Brother Huiyuan, you have something to say, why don’t we go in and talk?"

Huiyuan nodded,"That’s right."

After saying that, Huiyuan turned to look at Axue,"I see that this little donor has a connection with my Buddha, so I came forward to make friends with him.""


A Xue with a confused look on her face


Brothers with black lines on their faces


Everyone in Xuantian Sect was confused.

Ah Xue looked at Huiyuan and said seriously,"I think this master and I have a good relationship. Master, please come in."

"So good"

"Little donor please"

"Master, please come in."

The two of them gave way to each other and stepped into the courtyard gate first.


After entering the yard, Axue silently took a step back, walked behind Xiao Hanshan and the others, and held Bai Su's hand.

Bai Yilan took them to their residence and turned to leave.

Huineng turned and looked at Axue in the crowd,"Little donor, can we talk?"


Ah Xue nodded quickly,"Of course"

"Master, please speak."

Huiyuan nodded gently,"I think the little donor has a predestined relationship with my Buddhist sect. I wonder if the little donor is willing to join my Buddhist sect."

Ye Chenxi stopped him coldly,"Huiyuan, she already has a sect."

Ah Xue reached out and took Ye Chenxi's sleeve and shook it gently.

Looking at Huineng, he asked in confusion,"Master, what is predestined relationship?""

"Why is it fate?"

"Master, fate comes and goes, everything in the world is fate"

"You and I are predestined, we are predestined with Buddha, and everything is predestined."

Hui Neng stood still, his eyes dull, lost in thought.

Feng Che lowered his head and leaned close to Axue's ear,"Junior sister, what is fate?"

Axue shook her head, a smile flashed in her eyes,"Brother, you and I are predestined."

Feng Che grinned,"Yes, you and I are predestined."

Huineng understood instantly,"Good, good.""

"The little donor is indeed connected to the Buddha"


Ah Xue complained in her heart,"Is this a fight or a fight?"

Ah Xue raised her bright little face and looked at Huineng with an innocent smile.

""I have a little understanding, so I will take my leave now."

Huineng said, and turned to walk out of the courtyard.

Ah Xue breathed a sigh of relief,"Fortunately, you didn't force me to become a monk."

Feng Che shook his head,"That won't be the case, but you will be in trouble in the future."

Ah Xue looked confused,"Why?"

"Because he is a famously persistent person."


‘He won't insist on asking me to become a monk, right?’

"It's possible."Feng Che knew what Ah Xue was thinking as soon as he saw her expression.

‘How do you know what I'm thinking?’

"Silly, it's all written on her face."

Ah Xue was a little upset, 'This is a personal attack, right?'

Bai Su put her arm around Ah Xue and looked up at Feng Che,"Brother, don't bully her."

Ah Xue silently moved closer to Bai Su,"Junior sister is still the best."

Feng Che chuckled,"Hahaha………"


"If I say a few more words, I might be promoted to a bad brother."

"No, no."

Ye Chenxi's eyes also flashed with a smile,"Go and have a rest, tomorrow we will go to Wujian Cliff to have a look."

Feng Che nodded,"Yeah, that's right"

"I have been thinking about the Sword Sect's Sword Enlightenment Cliff for a long time."

Bai Su said while holding Axue's hand,"Let's go and live with Senior Sister."

Axue's voice was a little soft, and she replied,"Okay."

The next day, Ye Chenxi said something to Xiao Hanshan, and took the disciples of Jianfeng to the Sword Enlightenment Cliff. The Sword

Enlightenment Cliff of Jianfeng was very quiet. Every disciple here was meditating in one place, with their eyes fixed on the stone wall in front of them.

Axue looked up at the endless stone wall, which was full of messy sword marks. It was dazzling and dizzy to look at it.

Suddenly, a big hand covered Axue's eyes, and Ye Chenxi's cold voice came from above her head,"Meditate for a while, follow your feeling, you only need to look at one of the sword marks, not too many."

Axue nodded quickly,"Well, Senior Brother, I know."

Ye Chenxi let go of Axue's eyes,"Everyone meditate on the spot and comprehend the sword skills"


All the male disciples of Jianfeng spontaneously sat around, surrounding Bai Su and Axue in the middle.

After Axue sat down, she thought about what Ye Chenxi had just said, and followed her feelings to find the sword mark that suited her.

After an incense stick of time, Axue finally found a sword mark among the many sword marks that made her heart skip a beat.

Axue didn't know if this was the feeling that the senior brother said, but she felt that this sword mark was very attractive to her.

Axue looked at the sword mark carefully, judging from its trend, strength, length, direction, and…………

Slowly, Ah Xue's mind seemed to go blank, with only this sword mark, and this sword mark seemed to be slowly changing, jumping, and twisting.…………

Suddenly, the sword marks disappeared.

Then a figure holding a sword appeared, slowly swinging it.

Xue watched carefully, exhausted physically and mentally, and felt a slight pain in her eyes.

The figure in front of her was getting faster and faster, and more and more blurred.

A roar came from Xue's mind.

"" Do you remember it?"

Ah Xue looked at the figure who reappeared. This time, he did not move.

The figure asked again,"Do you remember it?"

Ah Xue shook her head slowly,"It seems not."

The figure moved again.

This time,���The speed of the sword was even faster than the last time.

But for some reason, this time Ah Xue saw it very clearly, every move, every style, the trajectory of the sword tip, and the changing angles. Ah Xue remembered them clearly.

The figure slowly turned around,"Did you remember it this time?"

Ah Xue nodded vigorously,"Thank you for your advice, I will remember it."

"Okay, not too stupid."

"This sword is called the Eight Styles of the Green Lotus, and was created by Elder Jian Jing of the Sword Sect."

"Only those who practice the Green Lotus Sword Technique can comprehend it."

Axue said respectfully,"I do practice the Green Lotus Sword Technique."

The figure nodded,"This consciousness comes from this sword mark. Now that the sword technique has been comprehended by you, it has completed its mission and should dissipate."

After the figure finished speaking, it slowly dissipated, and Axue also woke up.

Axue opened her eyes and looked at the place where the sword mark was left just now. As expected, it was empty.

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