After the two sat down, Dan Changsheng looked at Nangong Han in confusion,"I wonder what Sect Master Nangong wants to talk to me about?"

Nangong Han showed a mysterious expression on his face,"I heard that Master Dan has a son who disappeared after he was born and has never been found. Is this true?"

When Dan Changsheng mentioned his child who was stolen when he was only three days old, his eyes were full of pain and longing, and he whispered,"It is true." Dan Changsheng was full of sorrow and grief,"The child was secretly taken away just a few days after he was born, and we still don't know whether he is alive or dead."

"I have been looking for him all these years, and I have sent people to various places in Xuantian Continent to look for him, but I have never found him."

Nangong Han thought,"Is he from Yaowang Valley?"

Dan Changsheng shook his head,"I thought of that, too. I interrogated all the relevant personnel at that time, and also checked the valley."

"At the same time, some people were also dealt with."

Nangong Han looked at Dan Changsheng speechlessly,"Have you ever thought about the people you trust the most around you?"


Dan Changsheng denied it without even thinking about it.

Nangong Han knew from his expression that Dan Changsheng had doubts before, but he just didn't want to believe it. Then he said no more.

Nangong Han said,"Two years ago, a disciple of Xuantian Sect Jianfeng met a man at the Youzhou market, who was brought back from Liujia Village by our sect's elder Xuanzhen."

"I noticed that he looked a bit like the master, so I took the opportunity to bring him along to let the master see if he was the master."


Dan Changsheng stood up excitedly, his voice trembling slightly,"It's true!"

Nangong Han said soothingly,"Fifty percent"

"You will know the remaining 50% after you have read it."

Dan Changsheng said with red eyes,"Okay."


Nangong Han released his spiritual sense to notify Dan Sheng and the others.

After a while, Dan Sheng and Meng Yue walked in.

Dan Changsheng looked at Dan Sheng who came in from outside the door, and his eyes seemed to be glued to Dan Sheng, staring at him without blinking.

Dan Sheng couldn't help but look at Dan Changsheng.

This person……………

Dan Changsheng seemed to be able to feel the intimacy from the blood.

And because Dansheng had not practiced, he only had a slight good impression.

Nangong Han knew that this was almost certain when he saw Dan Changsheng's expression, and he was secretly calculating in his heart.

Dansheng was the first to come back to his senses, and he saluted respectfully towards Nangong Han and asked,"Is there something that Senior Nangong asked me to come here for?"

Nangong Han nodded,"Dansheng……………"

Nangong Han paused as he called out the word Dansheng.

Dansheng, Dan Changsheng, who came up with this name?……………

"Cough, cough, cough."

Nangong Han coughed twice and then said,"This is the master of Medicine King Valley."

Nangong Han looked at Dan Changsheng again,"Master of Medicine Valley, this is"

"And there is a poison in his body, take a look"

"Good, good, good."

Dan Changsheng said three good words in a row with a bitter tone and a dry throat.

When Dansheng heard it, he realized that the person in front of him was the master of Yaowang Valley. He quickly saluted him and said,"Junior greets the master. Please take a look at me to see what kind of poison I have."

Dan Changsheng looked at Dansheng and nodded quickly,"Good.""

"You sit"

"Thank you, Valley Master."

Dan Changsheng's hands were shaking. Looking at the polite and handsome young man in front of him, his eyes slowly turned red. He trembled and reached out to hold Dan Changsheng's hand.


This poison! This is a forbidden drug in Yaowang Valley!

This is actually a forbidden drug in Yaowang Valley!

Dan Changsheng was instantly furious. It turned out to be………………


Dan Changsheng's late Nascent Soul cultivation level exploded instantly.

Nangong Han was shocked and quickly protected Dan Sheng and Meng Yue.

"Dan Changsheng!"

Dan Changsheng was startled by Nangong Han, and then he remembered that he had two children.

"Feel sorry"

"I lost control."

Dan Changsheng looked at Dan Sheng seriously,"You……………Nisei"


Although the man in front of him suddenly became furious for no apparent reason, Dan Sheng did not feel any malice towards him. Instead, he felt a slight bitterness in his heart.

Dan Changsheng thought about how he had lost control and almost hurt the child. He felt a little uneasy at this time and asked tentatively,"Can I show you again?"

Dan Sheng nodded,"Of course."



Dan Changsheng did not check the poison in Dan Sheng's body this time, but used a secret method to check the origin of his blood.

Although it was almost certain when he saw him again, he still had to do the last step of proof to confirm whether he was his child.

Because over the years, it's not that no one has pretended to be a relative, but that there are endless ways.

He did this not because he doubted or did not believe in Xuantian Sect, but because he was really scared by those people's methods.

Fortunately, no one knew that I knew the secret method of checking the origin of blood, because this is a secret method that only the master of Yaowang Valley knows.

Even she didn't know.

Soon there seemed to be a slight fluctuation in Dan Sheng's blood vessels, as if there was some attraction, and formed a resonance with the person in front of him.

Dan Changsheng's eyes changed, and he looked at Dan Sheng in front of him excitedly.

He……………Really are……………

Dan Changsheng slowly took back the secret method

"found it………………"

"Finally found………………"

At this point, a tear appeared in the corner of Dan Changsheng's eyes. He stretched out his hands to cover his eyes and slowly squatted down.

He said in a trembling voice,"It's been seventeen years.……………"

"I have been looking for it for seventeen years.………………"

"Today, I finally found it."

Dan Sheng's mind blasted, his body swayed slightly, and he looked at Dan Changsheng in front of him with an obscure look in his eyes,"What do you mean?"

Meng Yue also looked at Dan Changsheng in surprise, and then at Dan Sheng.…………………

Nangong Han took over the conversation,"The child of the master of Medicine King Valley was stolen after he was born."

"He has never given up the search over the years."

Hearing this, Dan Sheng's eyes showed a hint of rogue,"So, that child is me."

Nangong Han and Dan Changsheng nodded at the same time.

Dan Sheng suddenly felt a little discouraged,"Then does the young master know about this?"


Nangong Han shook his head."Whether Junior Brother Liu knows or not, I don't know either, because I just confirmed it."

"Just seeing a few resemblances does not confirm that you are the son of the Lord of the Pill Valley."Dan Sheng thought about it, the young master is only thirteen years old, and she should not have seen the Lord of the Medicine King Valley.

Even if she really bought me for some purpose, she saved me, didn't she?

She also gave me a year of warmth and warmth.

So, why should I dwell on this?

Thinking of this, Dan Sheng felt relieved and in a much better mood. He looked up at Dan Changsheng.


Dan Changsheng looked at the boy in front of him,"Your original name was Dan Shaochen, and you were stolen three days after you were born."

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