Gu Qingfeng walked to the front of the high platform and looked at all the disciples of the four major sects

, six major schools, and the loose cultivator alliance below. His majestic voice resounded throughout the entire Sword Sect,"Today is the sect competition held every fifty years by our four major sects, six major schools, and the loose cultivator alliance."

"All the chosen ones have gathered in our Sword Sect. This is a great event for the upright cultivators in our Xuantian Continent."

"This competition was jointly discussed by several of our sect leaders, the head of the sect, the abbot and the palace master."

"Finally, we unanimously decided to directly defend and attack the ring, and finally rank them by points."

"That is to say, each of you disciples has one chance to defend the ring. If you fail to defend the ring, you can only attack the ring, but you can no longer defend the ring."

"The rule for points is that a victory in defending the challenge earns two points, and a victory in attacking the challenge earns one point."

"If you fail to defend or attack the ring, one point will be deducted."

"Of course, foundation-building disciples and golden elixir disciples are separated. Golden elixir disciples should not go on the arena of foundation-building disciples, and foundation-building disciples should not attack the arena of golden elixir disciples."

"Anyone who does not follow the rules or maliciously sabotages the competition will be disqualified from this competition and will be disqualified from entering the Purple Ling Secret Realm."

"Finally, there is one more thing. This competition has nothing to do with the Purple Ling Secret Realm. It is only to increase the relationship and communication between the disciples of the Four Major Sects and the Six Great Gates and the Loose Cultivator Alliance. It is purely to make friends through martial arts."

"Our four major sects have also jointly offered a prize as a reward for the first place and the top 100."

After saying this, Gu Qingfeng waved his hand, and a large stone screen more than ten meters high and twenty meters wide appeared in the open space of the sword training field.

The names of all the disciples participating in this sect competition appeared on the right side of the stone screen.

The prizes appeared on the left.

The top three will get a chance to enter the Sword Sect's Sword Tomb.

Fourth to tenth place, a spiritual treasure.

Qingkong Sword, Qianjin Knife, Floating Light Harp, Linglong Whip, Storage Bracelet, Qianfeng Hairpin, Hailan Pendant.

Eleventh to twentieth place, a sixth-level spiritual plant.

Zhu Fruit, Pure Water Buddha Lotus, Frost Face Flower, Smoke Grass, Tiger Claw Root, Fire Ganoderma.………………

51st to 100th place, one thousand top-grade spirit stones.

The contestants looked at the prizes on the stone screen, and their eyes became more and more excited, wishing they could win back all the spirit plants and spirit treasures on it.

These are spirit treasures and sixth-rank spirit plants!

Each one is hard to come by, and now there are more than a dozen of them.

As expected of the four most powerful sects in Xuantian Continent, they are very generous.

The sword cultivators were even more excited, as every sword cultivator wanted a famous sword that suited him.

And famous swords are not something that can be obtained just by saying so.

However, the sword tomb of the Sword Sect is the burial place of famous swords.

If you are lucky enough to enter once, then you will most likely be chosen by one of them.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the disciples below with anticipation on their faces, all of whom looked impatient, and said with a smile,"The points you will get in a while will also appear on this stone screen, and you will be ranked directly.""

"Now, I declare that the sect competition officially begins."

All the disciples on the sword training field retracted their fiery eyes and continued to listen carefully to Sect Master Gu finish his long speech.

Although he talked a lot and it took a long time, no one showed an impatient expression. They were excited and eager to listen to the whole time.

Every disciple wanted to soar to the sky in this competition, become famous and establish his prestige, and become the best among the new generation of disciples.

Axue looked at the prizes on the stone screen seriously. She didn't consider the top three because she had no hope. After all, she already had the Green Lotus Sword.

The top fifty would be fine.

The last two defensive magic treasures are very good, and there are also some spiritual plants.

Sixth-level spiritual plants are generally difficult to obtain, so they are more precious.

Xiao Hanshan turned his head and looked at the disciples of Xuantian Sect,"You are free to play in this kind of arena competition. The main thing is to find out your own shortcomings through fighting with your opponents."

"You need to take every game seriously, and never be arrogant or underestimate your enemies, do you understand?"

"Yes, I will follow the instructions of my senior brother."

"OK, let’s start now"



An untactful voice came from behind.

After hearing the voice, the disciples of Xuantian Sect turned their heads and looked at the approaching disciples of Qingyun Sect with unfriendly eyes.

Wei Qihan said provocatively,"Junior Brother Xiao is worthy of being the eldest senior brother of Xuantian Sect. This majesty is domineering."

"Look how well-behaved these little disciples are, just like little white rabbits."

Ye Chenxi looked at Wei Qihan with a pair of cold eyes,"I'll wait for you on the ring."

"I hope the senior brother of Qingyun Sect will not retreat without a fight and ruin his reputation."

After saying this, Ye Chenxi turned around and flew directly onto the stage.

The people of Xuantian Sect laughed wildly in their hearts, saying that you are so rude.

Wei Qihan paused, his eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth in anger. He turned around and looked at the Qingyun Sect disciples behind him,"Did you hear what the senior brother of Xuantian Sect said just now?"

The Qingyun Sect disciples replied slowly,"I heard it."

"Learn from everyone"


Wei Qihan then turned around and walked slowly towards the arena, with the heroic spirit of a warrior who would never return.

Seeing this, all the disciples of Qingyun Sect shook their heads and sighed, while the disciples of Xuantian Sect laughed quietly.

Ye Chenxi on the arena was dressed in white, with an upright posture, an air of absolute arrogance and coldness, a righteous aura, and an inviolable aura that made the female disciples below the arena obsessed and linger.

Among these female disciples, the majority were from Baihua Palace.

Some female disciples couldn't help but look infatuated when looking at Ye Chenxi on the arena.

After Wei Qihan walked onto the arena, he held his head high, looked at Ye Chenxi opposite him and said speechlessly,"Are you and Xiao Hanshan wearing the same pants?"

"Why are you everywhere?"

Ye Chenxi's eyes were cold and his tone was cold,"He is the next leader of Xuantian Sect."


Who is not the next sect leader? Why is there no one to protect me?

Wei Qihan turned around and looked at his fellow disciples, and saw that the Qingyun Sect disciples all looked like this: This is not their own senior brother.

What is going on?

‘Have I embarrassed you guys? You little bastards, wait and see how I deal with you when I get back.’

""Let's start."

Ye Chenxi's cold voice came.

Wei Qihan turned around and said helplessly,"Let's start, finish the fight quickly, I have to rush to the next game."

Ye Chenxi summoned the Thunder Sword, and Wei Qihan on the opposite side also took out a knife

"Qingyun Sword!"

The other sects watching below the ring exclaimed when they saw Wei Qihan's sword.

Others also started to discuss in surprise.

"This is one of the ten famous swords made by the founder of Qingyun Sect. I didn't expect it to be in Wei Qihan's hands."

"The Qingyun Sect focuses on weapon refining and swordsmanship."

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