Chapter 132

It was the lawyers of the two sides who were competing in court before, and it was actually the first time that the executives of the two major companies met!

Luo Yang is no stranger to Ku Ke!

The other party has been in charge of the huge fruit company since the death of the leader of Qiao, and has grown it to its current huge market value!

And Kok is even more familiar to Luo Yang!

From the initial Beichen system press conference, Kuk realized that Luo Yang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After that, Kuk persuaded a group of high-level officials and decided to offer 30 billion US dollars to acquire the two-big algorithm!

But was rejected by Luo Yang!

“Luo Yang, this person must be very conspiring!”

Sure enough, after being frantically suppressed by the United States, Luo Yang backhanded it with a trillion in torts, which was directly on the face of the fruit company!

The fruit company was dumbfounded at that time!

You are fighting with the micro-hard company. What is my fruit?

After that, the two parties began to block each other, and finally Luo Yang took out the killer feature of pmos, and the fruit company completely let go of its arrogance!

This is a painful lesson bought for 500 billion US dollars!

Luo Yang and Ku Ke looked at each other, as if sparks could pop out in the air!

“Mr. Luo, this is the first time I met, I am Kook!”

“I am Luo Yang!”

The two sides introduced it and started the negotiation directly!

The media who heard the wind were directly stopped outside by the hotel.

The door was closed in the large living room, and the inside was not transmitted to the outside.

“Mr. Luo, I won’t waste any time, just say it! We hope you can reduce infringement costs. The price of US$150 billion is too high for us to agree to!”

Ku Ke directly clarified the soldiers and horses!

The huge team around him is also serious!

“Oh, I don’t know what your company’s price is in mind, let’s just listen to it.”

Luo Yang propped his chin with both hands.

In this negotiation, it is obvious that Beichen Technology has the upper hand!

“We think that the price of 2 billion US dollars is more appropriate!” Kok said a price.


Luo Yang seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world!

What the hell is $2 billion!

According to the real-time exchange rate, it was only RMB 13.2 billion!

It is only 3.2 billion higher than the 10 billion that Aurora Voice had filed for 8 years before!

This is not as good as Luo Yang’s shorting of fruit company stocks!

“Mr. Cook, our time is very precious. There is no time to joke with you here, we are gone!”

Luo Yang got up and left!

Don’t mess up!


The negotiation team of Beichen Technology got up in an instant, then turned and left with the big boss!

Seeing Luo Yang turned around and left, Kuker was immediately anxious, and hurriedly got up to stay.

“Mr. Luo, please stay! We can discuss the price again!”

Luo Yang sorted out the Vacheron Constantin watch in his hand before looking at Kook.

“We don’t have much time to delay, so I hope you can seize your precious time!”

Ku Ke is a little helpless!

The guy in front of me is the instigator of the tossing US stocks that have evaporated 2 trillion US dollars!

“Well, Mr. Luo, the price we negotiated internally is actually US$7 billion! This price is definitely our sincere quotation! When we reconciled with Gao Barrel, we paid US$4.5 billion!”

At 7 billion US dollars, I finally showed some sincerity.

Luo Yang took the people back to his seat.

“As for the matter between you and Qualcomm, everyone knows that the $4.5 billion compensation is based on the mutual license of patents between the two parties and the fruit company’s continued purchase of Gaotong’s chips!”

“If you don’t have these two major options, you are expected to compensate Qualcomm for no less than 10 billion U.S. dollars! So the 7 billion compensation is too low for Beichen Technology!”

Luo Yang directly tore the fig leaf of the fruit company!(Read more @

The complexions of Kuk and others suddenly collapsed, and the corners of their mouths twitched a little.

As the world’s most well-known patent hooligan, Gao Bucket’s patents are ubiquitous in the communications field!

“Is Mr. Luo satisfied with the $10 billion compensation?”

Kurk replied after thinking for a moment!

The entire meeting room is very large, and it is still more than enough to accommodate the negotiation team of both parties. At this moment, even the sound of breathing is inaudible in the entire room!

Everyone is waiting for Luo Yang’s answer!

That’s 10 billion U.S. dollars!

“Sorry, $10 billion can’t make up for the losses caused by your infringement!”

“Your sisi has expanded rapidly in the past ten years and has become an indispensable software application for fruit equipment! Its individual value is at least 100 million US dollars!”

“And the income that sisi brings to fruits is several times this income!”

“So for Beichen Technology, the liquidated damages must not be less than 100 billion US dollars! And there are other additional conditions!”

Luo Yang finally let go!

The US0 billion liquidated damages are still far beyond the psychological price of Kuker and others. In their view, they only need to pay US billion at most to satisfy the greedy Beichen Technology!

There are several ways to follow this price. In the previous lawsuit against the predecessor of Aurora Voice, the amount claimed by the other party was only 10 billion yuan. Considering the exchange rate issue, it was only worth about 1.5 billion US dollars at that time!

After 9 years, according to the calculation of ten times the compensation amount, the fruit company’s compensation of 15 billion US dollars is actually almost the same! Of course, this is the idea of ​​the fruit company!

However, Luo Yang also made it clear that the minimum is 100 billion U.S. dollars!

“Xiete! Last year’s Shata Aramco made a net profit of only 88.2 billion U.S. dollars! Luo Yang, the bastard, opened his mouth to 100 billion U.S. dollars!”

Ku Ke resisted the urge to turn around and leave, he wanted to see what conditions Luo Yang had!

“What are the additional conditions?”

Luo Yang laughed, very happy! As long as the other party does not refuse, it means there is a possibility of letting go!

He held up three fingers.

“First, the fruit company ends the global ban on Beichen Technology! The app store must re-launch Beichen apps, and the commission cannot exceed 10%!”

“Second, the fruit company must jointly promote the Beichen app worldwide! At the same time, Jiguang search will replace Google search and become the default search engine for ios and mad systems!”

“After this cooperation is reached, the Fruit Company will become Beichen Technology’s global strategic partner and will participate in the ban on Gu Ge!”

Kurk’s face is already black like the bottom of a pot!

The first point was not what he expected, but the second point was too much!

He also knew what Luo Yang wanted, the market share of search engines!

After Luo Yang had hammered An Table for a half to death, he still wanted to grab the position of the first brother in the search engine world!

This is to completely kill Gu Ge!

Facing the fruit company and the Gu Ge company, Luo Yang chose the better bully Gu Ge to start!

“This is impossible! The Fruit Company and Gu Ge have a long-term cooperation agreement!”

Kouk directly refused!

“Guge company has to pay a large amount of cooperation fees to the fruit company every year, in exchange for the right to search for Google to monopolize ios and mad. Beichen Technology cannot get it for free!”

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Luo Yang shrugged helplessly.

“That’s why we have to discuss, the authorized price will directly offset part of the liquidated damages! And after the cooperation is reached, Beichen Technology will grant the fruit company the right to use Aurora Voice permanently!”

This is how Kook’s face looks better!

Luo Yang opened his mouth with 100 billion U.S. dollars, so naturally he shouted from high to the ground, slashing down a little bit!

“There is also a third point. The fruit company needs to lobby the American Black Palace to lift all the bans of Beichen Technology! This article does not allow any bargaining!”

Luo Yang finally stated his three goals!

From the very beginning, the fruit company was threatened with trillion in order to threaten the U.S. across the mountain, but the effect was not too obvious at the time. Now the fruit company started to mess around after the birth of pmos, and took the initiative to come to the door to seek reconciliation!

Ku Ke was full of seriousness, considering the three conditions Luo Yang said!

The first condition is very simple, and the second condition is that he needs to report to the board of directors and wait for the result. And the third one, Kuker doesn’t have much confidence!

After Luo Yang provoked the seven major technology giants in the United States, the entire US stock market had an extremely bad impression of him!

The American giant, who is invincible across the world, has never seen such a difficult person!

…. …. …….

But this person is very cautious, never willing to go abroad, and the major intelligence agencies in the United States want to use other means to start!

As for doing things directly in the Dragon Kingdom, the United States is also very embarrassed. It is also one of the five great gangsters, and hundreds of large mushrooms are also planted in the land of the Dragon Kingdom!

If one is not careful, the big mushroom will explode with a bang!

So Luo Yang is like a copper pea that can’t be steamed, cooked, or flattened!

This makes the United States quite awkward!

“Beichen Technology’s overseas ban is the common opinion of several giants and the U.S. authorities. Fruit companies alone cannot resist! Hope is very slim!”

Even so, Kuk also intends to give it a try first!

“Mr. Luo, I know your conditions. I will report it to the board of directors intact. As for whether it will pass, I can’t guarantee it!”

“No problem! I have no plans to solve all the problems in one day. I will give you three days. If you agree in three days, then we will meet again here!”

“If you don’t agree, I don’t think we need to meet again!”

Luo Yang smiled, but the murderous intent revealed in the words made the people on the side of Kuk feel cold.

“By then, this war between Beichen Technology and Fruit Company will continue!”

“Until one of them falls completely!”

“For your final choice, I am very much looking forward to it!”

After putting down the cruel words, Luo Yang turned around and left here with the negotiating team!

Only Ku Ke’s side is left, silently watching Luo Yang and his party go away!

Dozens of media have gathered outside the hotel!

The secret meeting between Beichen Technology and Fruit Company was obviously a rhythm of private reconciliation!

This is big news!

After Luo Yang and his party came out, they were directly surrounded by the media!

“Mr. Luo, can you tell me the specifics? Does the fruit company plan to settle in private?”

“Mr. Luo, if you are not satisfied with the conditions put forward by the fruit company, will Longguo really ban the sale of fruit phones next?”

“Manager Luo!”

Luo Yang rejected all interviews. Before there is a definite result, any answer may be beaten by the facts!

Under the protection of Li Qiang and others, Luo Yang and his party directly entered the huge motorcade and left here.

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