Chapter 188

After reading the semiconductor industry settlement agreement, the two parties again terminated the meeting. Longguo will deliberate carefully on this agreement. If there are no problems, it will be signed at the meeting tomorrow!

It is already afternoon, Luo Yang and Longguo Semiconductor Alliance gathered again to discuss whether to sign an agreement!

“If you have any comments, please put it forward quickly, and don’t cause other troubles afterwards!”

The CEO of Zhongteng spoke, he is inclined to sign this agreement!

“Yes! Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Everyone must hurry!”

Old Ren also looked at everyone!

With hundreds of business representatives present, you look at me, I look at you, and finally shook their heads!

“None of us have any opinions!”

The talks in the US can be said to be full of sincerity!

There is no problem with the general direction. The rest is some details. Negotiations have always been very troublesome. Using a wrong word may mean another!

The negotiation agreement is two documents in Chinese and English, and both parties have brought professional translators.

After a busy night, in the morning of the next day, the two parties adjusted some detailed terms and finally signed the two agreements formally!

The signatories of the first agreement were Luo Yang and the deputy general of the United States, representing Beichen Technology and the U.S. authorities respectively!

The second agreement was jointly signed by the Long Country Semiconductor Alliance and the SLA Association. Luo Yang and Kent signed their names as representatives.

Under the gaze of hundreds of people in the audience, the two agreements were all signed!

When Luo Yang and Kent finished signing and shook hands to make peace, the audience burst into applause!


Applause seems to lift the roof!

In the Longguo delegation, hundreds of people clapped their hands excitedly, their eyes flushed! No girl clerk cried out on the spot!

This banning battle that has gone through several years has finally come to an end today!

The Dragon Kingdom is the ultimate victor of this war!

In contrast, the US delegation is lifeless, they are the loser!

“For several years, we finally waited for this day! This is a historic moment!”

“All of this must be thanked by Beichen Technology, and Luo Yang, who has brought great hope to Longguo!”

“Hahaha, starting today, Longguo’s semiconductor industry is about to take off in an all-round way!”

The deputy commander and the leader in charge of the negotiation also shook hands with each other, and the moods of the two sides were also in sharp contrast at the moment!

“Having the genius Luo Yang! Your Dragon Kingdom is lucky!”

“Yes! Who said no?”

The leader in charge of the negotiation is also proud of it at the moment!

Fengshui takes turns, and today’s negotiations can be said to have made everyone in the Long Country breathe out a sigh of disgust!

The Dragon Kingdom finally won the final victory!


The content of this negotiation meeting was conducted confidentially. Only when the signing was decided today, will official media and foreign media reporters who have been approved enter the venue to shoot!

The scene where Luo Yang and Kent shook hands was permanently recorded by the camera!

This photo became the headline of Longguo Daily the next day!


Looking at the Dragon delegation who hugged each other and celebrated, Kent and the delegation members felt very complicated at the moment, but after acknowledging the failure of the United States, they felt a little more relaxed in their hearts!

Seeing Luo Yang surrounded by the crowd, he fell into a daze.(Read more @

He seemed to see his young self!

When the sla association was formed, he relied on his strong connections and background in the United States to finally create the giant sla association.

Time goes round, things go round, Luo Yang’s birth turned out, and the sla association began to go downhill!

“Maybe this banning battle was a huge mistake from the beginning!”

Kent murmured a little.

After the negotiation, the official media and foreign media immediately sent the news back to the headquarters, and then the news channel urgently interrupted the news!

“From this station: This morning, a negotiation was held in the capital, and the Dragon Kingdom and the United States reached consensus on various aspects of cooperation!”

“The United States officially lifted the ban on Beichen Technology, Warwick, Zhongteng and other companies! The following are some of the public terms of the agreement. Both parties promised to give up a portion of their market shares for exchange…”

After the news was announced, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the Dragon Kingdom!

Beichen system, Aurora Search is the first time to start a big publicity!

In just a few minutes, the news about the lifting of the ban in the United States has been registered in the headlines of all news media! Bib hot search, the first 10 messages are all about the lifting of the ban!

“Good news! Beichen Technology’s overseas ban is lifted! Its business is about to go overseas again!”

“Warwick, Zhongteng, Rice, Ov and other companies have all lifted the ban!”

“The U.S. compromised! The Dragon Kingdom won the final victory in the banning war!”

“The whole people are boiling! The whole country celebrates! This is a historic breakthrough!”

The major overseas media also reposted the news of the foreign media participating in the conference for the first time. This news was rapidly spreading to the world along with the Internet, and it also caused a huge sensation!

After the two sides announced their reconciliation, the world was in shock!

Protest teams all over the world fell into a carnival after learning that the United States had lifted the ban on Beichen Technology!

“We have succeeded! pos will soon enter the overseas market in an all-round way!”

“Yes! Finally, you don’t have to endure the monopoly of Gu Ge and Wei Hard!”

“This is our victory. We made the proud United States lower its head and made a final compromise!”

Fortunately, not only the marchers, but also the major companies around the world are also caught in excitement!

As the so-called fairy fights, mortals suffer. After the United States began to crack down on Longguo Semiconductor, the fierce confrontation between the two sides has caused the global economy to be very weak!

Stimulated by this good news, the originally lifeless U.S. stocks immediately became like chicken blood, all stocks all rose strongly!

Especially the hard-hit semiconductor, Internet, and software concept stocks, all of which have risen sharply!

In addition to US stocks, Hong Kong stocks, and A-shares all benefited from this!

Xiaobei is in charge of Luo Yang’s small treasury, and has already invested in the world’s most promising stocks in advance. At this moment, he has made a lot of money from the skyrocketing storm!

At the same time, with the lifting of the ban, the global semiconductor and major industrial chains have all regained their vitality!

In the evening, this news landed on the evening news again, and it took a full 15 minutes to report it. It also reviewed the suppression of Longguo Semiconductor in recent years, which made countless people of Longguo who watched the news burst into tears!

The loud sound of firecrackers resounded through the land of Long Country for the third time!

Countless people have left messages online!

“I want to record this once-in-a-lifetime day! I feel that this day is even more exciting than the success of the Olympic bid!”

“As a car chip maker, I just want to say that the global shortage of car chips is about to end!”

“Semiconductor concept stocks have gone crazy! Even Intel and other companies’ stock prices have begun to rise!”

“It’s normal to recover, but it’s impossible to reach the previous stock price. Losing 70% of the Dragon Country market will cost Intel at least 40% of its market value!”

On the second day of Longguo Daily, the headline on the front page was a photo of Luo Yang and Kent shaking hands and making peace!

“This is a change of times!”

Long Guo Daily made a summary with this sentence…

Kent, with white hair, and Luo Yang, who was very young, formed a clear contrast!

Many people realize one thing, Luo Yang is like a dragon country that is rising rapidly, and Kent represents the aging United States!

The global economic landscape is undergoing a drastic change!

The impact of this change is in all aspects, and it affects people’s lives in a subtle way!

After that, Time Magazine found Luo Yang again, conducted a new interview, and finally used this photo taken by Longguo Daily as the cover of the new weekly magazine!

“This is a man who suppressed an era!”

Four months later, Luo Yang landed on the cover of the global version of Time magazine for the second time!

And Time Magazine still wrote an eye-catching title!

“The end of this banning battle means the strong rise of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“This young man who has just been 23 years old has suppressed other princes of his contemporaries with one hand! He has defeated countless world magnates who have been famous for a long time!”

“The future of this man should be the sea of ​​stars!”

Today, Luo Yang is one of the most well-known people in the world, and is regarded as a life idol by countless young people around the world!

The epochs in this issue were once again swept away by crazy readers!

“The last time I interviewed Luo Yang’s magazine, it sold 1.5 million copies worldwide! It has reached one-third of last year’s magazine sales!”

“If it weren’t for the continued printing, it might cause Time magazines to be too flooded and reduce our compulsion. I really want to continue printing!”

At the headquarters of Time Magazine, editor-in-chief Green Zheng is participating in a high-level meeting.

“This issue of the magazine, you can imagine that there will still be huge attention, and the sales volume is definitely higher than the last time!”

“So I think it is more appropriate to print 2 million copies in the first edition!”

Green’s words aroused strong approval from others present!

Although Luo Yang is the biggest rival of the United States, aside from the standpoint, Luo Yang has undoubtedly conquered all of them!

As expected, the 2 million copies of Time magazine were wiped out by readers in just three days!

The two interviews with Luo Yang’s magazines add up, and this year’s magazine sales have reached 3.5 million copies! The annual sales volume of Time Magazine last year was only 4.5 million copies!

Everyone was shocked by this data! .

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