Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 59: Charging For 5 Minutes! Travel 1000 Kilometers! Graphene Batteries Are Here! (5/5) (Plea

In the live broadcast room, looking at the crowd going crazy at the press conference, countless viewers felt the same way at this moment!

"To be honest, I'm already crying now! My dad is also watching the press conference and has shed tears now! If he hadn't experienced the giant's blockade of Dragon Kingdom, he wouldn't have such a strong feeling now!"

"I am a computer agent and have been in this business for more than 20 years. To be honest, every time I meet a customer who wants to buy a computer with domestically produced parts, I feel like my face is burning! Because we don't have any! Because I feel Shame on you!”

"When POS was released a year ago, I thought it was already a milestone for Longguo in the computer field and would be the end. Who would have thought that this was just a starting point! In this year's time, Beichen Technology has completed A series of impossible breakthroughs!”

"When the press conference is over, I will get a domestically produced computer immediately!"

The number of global viewers in the live broadcast room has soared to 4.2 times at this moment!

At the press conference, Luo Yang waited until the applause subsided before continuing to speak.

"Future Semiconductor and Huawei HiSilicon are already working on the design of graphene chips. Loongson International has started the transformation of the production line for final tape-out testing! Moreover, the production capacity of graphene wafers also needs to be further improved, so the distance between graphene and It will take some time for the official release of the ene chip, please be patient!"

"We won't keep you waiting too long!"

Luo Yang’s answer was warm applause!

Graphene can be synthesized on a large scale. No one is worried about the bottleneck of graphene chips. It is only a matter of time before they come out!

The current graphene wafer fab gives priority to the production of graphene memory. Luo Yang has already started the transformation of the wafer fabs of major semiconductor manufacturers.

Under the spotlight, Luo Yang came up with his third trump card!

"The third product to be released below will change the global economic landscape!"

“That’s a graphene battery!”

No one was surprised at all by this answer!

The graphene battery that has attracted global attention has finally arrived!

Battery manufacturers, automobile manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers, computer manufacturers, and all battery-related companies around the world all watched this live broadcast!

The release of graphene batteries also made a big stone fall in the hearts of these people!

No matter whether the result is good or bad, this result cannot be changed!

Battery giants such as BYD, Ningde Times, and Desai in the venue all cheered up and opened their eyes wide to witness the next historic scene!

A series of battery information appeared on the big screen!

"As the most well-known graphene product, graphene batteries have always been a key research and development target around the world. Major car manufacturers and battery manufacturers have invested huge sums of money!"

"But I'm sorry, Beichen Technology is the lucky one who is noticed by the goddess of luck!"

Luo Yang's voice was one-third joking, three-thirds ridiculing, and four-thirds proud, constantly stimulating others!

I don’t know how many people looked at Luo Yang’s smile and their hearts burst with gratitude!

"After breaking through the large-scale synthesis process of graphene, graphene batteries have directly become our main development target. Compared with the explosion caused by crystallization of lithium batteries, graphene batteries can completely avoid this problem"~!"

"Graphene's single-layer carbon atom structure can greatly reduce power loss, increase battery capacity, and greatly increase battery charging and discharging speeds!"

"According to the mainstream opinion of the outside world, new energy vehicles using graphene power batteries can drive 1,000 kilometers continuously on a single full charge! And it only takes 5 minutes to fully charge!"

"Holy shit! Charge for 5 minutes and run 1,000 kilometers???"

Many people at the scene exclaimed!

This data is the data put forward by a foreign graphene laboratory, and the power battery pack synthesized by Luo Yang in the graphene laboratory has indeed reached this data after testing!

"That's right!"

Luo Yang directly confirmed the other party's guess!

"Because of the unique structure of graphene, the power storage of graphene batteries is several times that of lithium batteries in the same volume! Take Warwick's p50 as an example. A 4000 mAh battery is used for playing games, watching videos, etc. Under heavy use, it can last for more than 6 hours!"

"If the volume remains unchanged and the lithium battery is replaced with the first-generation graphene mobile phone battery, its power will directly increase from 4,000 mAh to 40,000 mAh!"

"The time of heavy use has been extended at least 10 times, reaching 60 hours! This means that even if you don't eat, drink or sleep, you can still play for three days and two nights!"

"If you just use it on standby, two months is enough! And what's even more powerful is that it only takes 5 minutes to fully charge the graphene mobile phone battery!"

"Compared to a graphene battery, charging for 5 minutes and talking for two hours is nothing!"


There were gasps from the audience!

5 minutes of charging, 60 hours of heavy use!

The hands of many media present were trembling with excitement at this moment!

"Such a super powerful mobile phone battery is good news for many patients with severe mobile phone problems! With such a graphene battery, power banks can be eliminated directly!"

"This is simply a sure blow to global battery manufacturers! Compared with graphene batteries, other ternary lithium batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries are all scum!"

"Previously, American scientists developed a super battery called a micro graphene supercapacitor. Its charging and discharging speed, charging capacity, and heat dissipation far exceed that of lithium batteries! However, due to the high cost of graphene, there has been no way to popularize it!"

"The current market price of graphene is 600 yuan per gram. At this price, there is no way for batteries to be commercialized on a large scale!"

"In the future, semiconductors will be able to mass-produce graphene on a large scale, and it is estimated that the price will soon be brought down. The price of 1 gram will be reduced to less than 100 yuan, which should be no problem!"

In today’s press conference, the thing that attracted the most attention was actually the graphene battery!

In this era of global energy shortage and dwindling oil resources, countries around the world are very focused on the development of new energy sources, and electric energy has gradually become the target of replacing oil.

Although wind power, hydropower, photovoltaics and other power generation methods have not become mainstream, it is conceivable that electricity will be the real clean energy in the future.

Merely having a way to generate electricity is not enough. A super battery that can store electricity on a large scale and increase the speed of charging and discharging is what people are looking forward to!

In Longguo, due to foreign restrictions and blockades on oil and engines, Longguo has been vigorously promoting the development of new energy vehicles and launching a series of policy supports and car manufacturing subsidies!

However, most new energy vehicles are trying to sell dogs on their own, and many companies are trying to defraud subsidies! Most car manufacturers replace the fuel engine with a motor and the fuel tank with a battery module, which becomes the so-called new energy. car!

The battery power shrinks and runs out of power after a short period of time. There is a problem with the battery design and poor heat dissipation, causing the battery to bulge, spontaneously ignite, or even explode!

In winter, as soon as the temperature drops, Zaihuang shrinks like a cliff!

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that Tesla has frequent quality problems and high prices, but it still has loyal users in China!

No comparison, no harm!

In addition to battery problems, too few charging piles is also a problem. Many charging piles cannot be mixed because of different battery modules. Forced charging will damage the battery and cause various problems.

Everyone at the scene immediately started talking in low voices, which made Mr. Wang of BYD look a little embarrassed!


BYAT is not only an electronic product foundry and battery manufacturer, but also one of the largest new energy vehicle manufacturers in China!

Several other major new energy vehicle manufacturers who attended the press conference, including Weilai, Dapeng, Mengmeng, Guangdong Automobile, Qirui, etc., did not look good at the moment.

They could hear the other people's discussions clearly, and they could even feel countless eyes looking at them!

This makes them feel a little uncomfortable!

In contrast, mobile phone manufacturers such as Huami OV and Computer Ginseng are in ecstasy!

Rebus looked directly at Mr. Ren.

"Mr. Ren, is it possible that Warwick has even grabbed the first batch of graphene batteries?"

The boss of OV didn’t say anything, but he also looked at Mr. Ren. His meaning was self-evident!


Mr. Ren coughed awkwardly a few times.

"That's not true. We in Warwick also follow rules. We can't just swallow up all the good things!"

Rebus's expression was a little suspicious.

He was a little doubtful at this moment whether Mr. Ren had already made this request, but it was finally rejected by Luo Yang!

In fact, he guessed it right!

Luo Yang gave up the first batch of graphene memory to Warwick, which is already a bit biased.

The three major manufacturers of rice and ov also sided with Beichen Technology in the face of difficulties. Luo Yang must be able to keep a straight face.

Luo Yang saw the embarrassment of everyone present. The reason why he sent invitations to major car manufacturers was naturally because of the graphene battery.

"I know that everyone has a lot of complaints about new energy vehicles, but no matter what, it is inevitable that electric energy will replace fuel vehicles, and the graphene battery we launched will greatly improve this problem!"

"We have developed different battery module design solutions for different industry uses!"

"We have developed mobile phone batteries, laptop batteries, battery car batteries, car batteries, and even photovoltaic charging panels!"

With the incident of Luo Yang, a series of battery solutions were displayed on the big screen!

It immediately attracted everyone's attention!

“In addition to the battery module, we have also developed a supporting bms system (battery management system), which not only makes the battery module more stable, but also optimizes power configuration

Reduce various hidden dangers of batteries to zero.

"This BMS system solution will be sold or licensed together with the power battery module!"

(Update 5 is completed, updates will continue tomorrow, please order the complete order, please send flowers).

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