Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 63 The End Of The Four Major Chaebols! The Country Of Bangzi Is In Despair! (4/4)

The charging standard of this plan is neither high nor low, which is a price that meets the psychological price of major battery manufacturers!

"We, Biati, have decided to sign a contract!"

Mr. Wang made the decision first!

BYAT's electric vehicle business has been somewhat sluggish in recent years, and some outsiders believe that BYAT will never be able to get rid of its status as a foundry!

After careful consideration, the other major battery manufacturers finally agreed!

BYD, Ningde Times, Tianneng, Chaowei, Desai, Sunwanda and other battery giants have all signed this licensing agreement!

Electric car manufacturers such as Dapeng, Meng, Vilai, and Yue Auto will only need to go to the major battery manufacturers and directly order battery modules with different powers!

In terms of mobile phone batteries, rice and ov can just negotiate directly with major manufacturers. Whether they can win the first launch of graphene batteries depends on their own abilities!

"Mr. Luo, happy cooperation!"

“A pleasure to work with!”

After signing the agreement, major battery manufacturers were directly picked up by Future Semiconductor's team to continue discussing the next technology licensing in detail.

"Mr. Luo, as long as you can give us BOE the technical license for graphene flexible screens, we will agree to any conditions!"

Mr. Wang of BOE is already sixty years old. He single-handedly broke the monopoly of Sansang and GL on flexible OLED screens! Like Mr. Ren, Luo Yang admires him very much!

"Mr. Wang, then I will tell you the conditions directly!"

"In the current global flexible OLED market, Sansan and GL account for the vast majority of the share. I can support BOE, but I need to hold 04 shares of BOE! The minimum shareholding ratio I want is no less than 25%. !"

Luo Yang stated his conditions!

The OLED screen market is also a big cake, and the most important thing is that it can break the monopoly of Bangzi Country.

Sony, which also has excellent screen technology, actually does not manufacture its own displays. In recent years, 4k and 8k TVs have used screens provided by Sansan and gl!

In China, the only one that hopes to challenge the two giants is BOE!

Luo Yang does not plan to set up his own factory to build flexible screens, but unlike the battery industry, there are many battery giants that can support him. Luo Yang can only choose to invest in BOE!

Mr. Wang's expression was very calm. He had guessed what Luo Yang was thinking before he came.

"I personally agree with the purchase of shares! But I need to convene a shareholders' meeting and obtain the approval of half of the shareholders!"

Without much hesitation at all, Mr. Wang made a decision directly!

After all, what Luo Yang came up with was a graphene flexible screen!

This is a super killer weapon that can overtake Sansang and G!

A mere 25% of the shares can be exchanged for this killer weapon [The owner always feels that this deal is very cost-effective!

"Then I'll wait and see! As long as this condition is met, I will immediately authorize BOE's technology!"

Luo Yang doesn't think it's a big problem.

BOE's equity structure is relatively complex, including shares of Longguo Official and Party J. It is also responsible for Longguo's strategy of developing emerging industries, and its position is very important!

Like Shanghai Microelectronics, BOE is also one of the companies Luo Yang plans to control.

After seeing Mr. Wang off, Luo Yang was finally free!

"After a whole morning of fermentation, everyone should be aware of the incident!"

Luo Yang took out his mobile phone and began to check the situation outside.

As early as after the press conference, major media released the news immediately!

"Breakthrough in large-scale synthesis technology! The era of graphene is coming!"

"The silicon-based era is about to become a thing of the past, and the king of super material graphene is coming!"

"The global industry is ushering in a major reshuffle! Countless giants will face life and death crises!"

News with various titles bombarded the entire Dragon Kingdom Internet!

The netizens of Longguo have long been used to it. Since the rise of Beichen Technology, there will be a big disturbance almost every once in a while. They are all used to it!

"Lao Xu, have you read the news? Beichen Technology released graphene!"

"Look! I still find it incredible to this day!"

More than 200 million people watched this press conference. Afterwards, they began to quickly forward and spread the news among their own circles of friends, relatives and friends!

Soon, the entire Dragon Kingdom was in a sensation!

"The comprehensive popularization of graphene is no less important than the fourth industrial revolution! No, it should be said to be the fifth industrial revolution! This is a glorious moment for materials science!"

"As a scientific research dog, I always thought that graphene was impossible to be mass-produced. Now I am slapped in the face by Luo Yang!"

"What I pay most attention to is the graphene battery and screen. By then I will be able to buy a mobile phone with an under-screen camera! And the battery can last for several days!"

"I am a Tesela car owner. I used to think that domestic electric cars were too bad. Now that graphene batteries have appeared, I decided to buy another domestic electric car!"

"Tsk! Catch a big leek alive!"

The news that graphene is about to be fully popularized not only spread throughout the Dragon Kingdom, but also quickly spread to the whole world!

Countries around the world are in panic!

"Why does God always love Dragon Kingdom so much! First the operating system, then the database, then semiconductors and graphene, Dragon Kingdom is just like cheating!"

A netizen from Yingguo replied sourly.

"What a pity! Why is Luo Yang not from the United States? Such a super genius should belong to us!"

Americans also feel aggrieved!

Once upon a time, the means to conquer the world by relying on advanced technology belonged to their country without exception!

At that time, Neon Country almost surpassed the United States, but was directly beaten to death by the Plaza Accord, and the national economy regressed for decades!

In the past thirty years, the United States has supported the semiconductor industry of Bangzi Country to fight against neon!

But since Luo Yang appeared, everything changed!

No matter it is the United States, the Stick Country, the Neon Country, or the European countries, they have all received waves of severe beatings!

After the press conference, the nh stock market of Bangzi Country ushered in a sharp decline!

Just like Longguo's A-shares have a lower limit and higher limit mechanism, Bangziguo also has a lower limit mechanism, with a range of 30%, which is higher than Longguo's 10%.

The entire NH stock market is turning green at the moment!

At this moment, countless stock investors’ eyes were full of frightened expressions!

"Axiba! My stocks! I'm going to lose everything now!"

A certain small-eyed man in a suit was grabbing his hair in despair!

He was the director of a small company. Because he was optimistic about Sansang's future, he directly sold his family's property and invested all his wealth in the stock market!

As a result, who would have thought that as Beichen Technology held a technology conference, the situation would suddenly change!

The emergence of graphene has seriously impacted the foundation of Bangzi Country’s semiconductor business!

After the United States suppressed Neon Country, Bangzi Country began to rely on storage semiconductors to make a fortune, and finally emerged from the two memory giants Sansang and Hilix!

After that, Bangziguo further expanded its business scope, from semiconductor chip foundry, to the research and development of flexible OLED, and the rise of automobile and lithium battery business. Bangziguo successfully ranked among the four Asian tigers!

But today, Luo Yang directly knocked off the backbone of Bangzi Country!

Memory, chips, batteries, screens, the four leading global businesses, have all been hit by dimensionality reduction!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the silicon-based era is about to become history!

Bangzi Country’s bet in the silicon-based era has become its own talisman!

What’s ridiculous is that in the first half of this year, Bangzi Country held a special press conference and announced that it would spend US$450 billion in the future to build the world’s largest chip base!

Now this huge and grand plan has directly become the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror!

Affected by this series of bad news, on the large color screen in the NH stock market trading hall, the stock representing Sansang Group plummeted, directly exceeding 30%, triggering the limit-down mechanism!

At the same time, GL Group’s shares fell by more than 30%!

ks Group’s shares plunged more than 30%!

Cash Bag Group shares plummeted more than 15%!

The stocks of the four top chaebols in Bangzi Country all plummeted! 947

Even if it falls to the limit now, it is conceivable that as long as the stock market opens, it will continue to fall to the limit until there is nothing more to fall!

The damage to the business of the four major chaebols has directly affected the entire Bangzi country. According to the latest news, some economic experts predict that Bangzi country's GDP this year may only be 50% of last year's!

It's equivalent to cutting off half of it!

The entire NH trading hall was filled with an air of despair!

Everyone felt that there was darkness before their eyes!

Countless cries came, adding a touch of sadness to this black Sunday!

"Almighty Lord, please bless your people. You are the great shepherd, and we are all your lambs..."

Devout believers have already begun to make the sign of the cross!


There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground outside! It was accompanied by a panicked scream!

Everyone closed their eyes in pain!

They all know that a fresh life has passed away!

Many years later, the Bangzi Kingdom, which had become a province of the Dragon Kingdom, recorded such a period of history in the junior high school history textbook!

On August 8, 2021, as Beichen Technology held a new graphene product launch conference, Bangzi Country ushered in the most disastrous economic crisis since the 1990s.


The economics and history circles call this blow the "graphene crisis"!

The economic community believes that its destructiveness far exceeds the "Plaza Agreement" signed by Neon Country in 1985!

The signing of the Plaza Accord "lost thirty years" to the Neon Country's economy, and the "Graphene Crisis" directly wiped out the Bangzi Country!

This graphene crisis initiated by Luo Yang, the "most vicious butcher of the 21st century", has seriously destroyed several major economic industries in Bangzi Country and has had an extremely terrifying impact on its national economy!

The four major chaebols have been unable to recover since then, and Sansang Company has been the first to bear the brunt. The stock price has plummeted, and finally it has completely declined, heading towards bankruptcy!

(Please order the whole thing and order flowers).

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