Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 69 “Carbon Valley” National High-Tech Zone! The Dragon Kingdom Graphene Association Is Estab

"Buzz buzz!"

Just when Kent was complacent, the phone in his pocket vibrated several times. He took a look and saw that it was a call from a big shot in Congress!

"Let's talk for a while, I'll take a call!"

"Mr. Kent, you can go ahead and do your work, as long as we are here!"

After apologizing, Kent took his cell phone and left in a hurry.

In fact, according to the regulations of the association, it is prohibited to carry mobile phones and other electronic devices during regular meetings, mainly to prevent eavesdropping, but as Kent is the director of the SLA Association, naturally no one will care about him.

"Hello, Mr. xx, I'm Kent!"

While Kent was talking to a certain big shot in Congress, what he didn't notice was that his cell phone screen jumped quietly, as if a pair of invisible eyes were staring at him coldly!

Dragon Kingdom, Shencheng!

While the SLA Association on the other side of the ocean was plotting, Luo Yang, who was far away in Shanghai, had already received the news!

"Master, this is the message I intercepted!"

In front of Luo Yang, Xiaobei played a recording!

It was just the recording of Kent and his team's ambitious attempt to exact revenge on Luo Yang!

It is estimated that Kent and others did not expect that there would be a real strong artificial intelligence in the world, watching them in the invisible network world!

Like a ghost in the dark!

"Tsk! General Motors, Volt, Dazhong, Bentian, the world's four major automobile giants are all alive. Plus Belle, the two top laboratories in Xiangshuling, the Americans seem to be really anxious!"

A secret conspiracy against him and Graphene was completely exposed in front of him before it was completed!

Now that he knew it, Luo Yang was naturally prepared!

Luo Yang is not too worried about the conspiracy of the SLA Association!

"The large-scale synthesis process of graphene is not so easy to break through. In the previous life, the Dragon Kingdom gathered the strength of the whole country and worked hard for more than ten years, testing countless methods, and finally obtained this mature synthesis process. !”

"Even Beier and Xiang Shuling cannot complete this breakthrough in a short period of time!"

However, considering the butterfly effect and just in case, Luo Yang has made sufficient plans in this regard!

After instructing Xiaobei to continue to keep an eye on the actions of Kent and others, and to track their development progress at any time, Luo Yang started to get busy with other things!

First, under the witness of Longguo officials and Shencheng leaders, at the Shencheng Conference Center, Beichen Technology took the lead and officially announced the birth of a behemoth!

"Now, on behalf of Beichen Technology, I announce the official establishment of the Dragon Kingdom Graphene Association!"

"The Longguo Graphene Association aims to support and coordinate the development of the Longguo graphene industry! Graphene is an industry with broad application prospects and an untapped blue ocean! There are countless wealth and opportunities in it, waiting for us to go An excavation!"

"Everyone present is standing at the same starting point!"

Luo Yang's speech is very provocative!

In the audience, Longguo Semiconductor Alliance, battery, materials and other industries, as well as other large and small manufacturers involved in the graphene upstream and downstream industry chains, all attended the conference!

According to official statistics from Shanghai, the number of representatives from large and small companies attending this meeting has reached 572! This means that 572 companies are interested in joining the Graphene Association!

"Wow wow ye w~!"

The audience burst into warm applause!

More than 500 people all looked at Luo Yang with admiration!

To put it bluntly, Luo Yang is now their God of Wealth!

"According to the joint discussion between the association and Longguo officials, Longguo will announce a series of policies to comprehensively promote and support the development of the graphene industry!"

"According to the plan, Longguo will make full use of land planning, coordinate industrial talents, and launch policy support at the junction of Shanghai and Suzhou to create a base for the graphene industry cluster! From now on, this place will become Longguo's " Carbon Valley"! The global graphene industry will start from here!"

"Similarly, we at Beichen Technology will treat everyone equally! Like the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance, we will also provide interest-free loans of 100 billion dragon yuan to provide development and scientific research funds for members of major associations to completely solve everyone's problems. No worries!"

"And we will continue to follow up on investment depending on future development!"

"Members who are interested in joining the association can enter the graphene industry chain after approval! The association will comprehensively coordinate the future development plans of all parties and help everyone develop better!"


Warm applause once again drowned out Luo Yang’s words!

Another 100 billion dragon yuan interest-free loan!

Everyone was shocked!

"Fuck! Mr. Luo nb! Beichen Technology nb!"

"Mr. Luo is really too domineering, and he will smash the 100 billion yuan! With this 100 billion dragon yuan, are you worried that the entire graphene industry will not be able to develop?"

"Dragon Kingdom officials and Beichen Technology jointly take action, this is going to cause a stir!"

Countless people were talking excitedly!

Many of them are not members of the Dragon Kingdom Semiconductor Alliance themselves, and have long been greedy for the various luxurious treatments enjoyed by the Dragon Kingdom Semiconductor Alliance!

Who would have thought that the Graphene Association would now receive the same treatment!

Opportunities are rare!

The members of the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance who also attended the press conference were naturally very supportive!

Warwick, Loongson International, Shanghai Microelectronics, the four major memory vendors, BOE, BYD, Ningde Times, Desai...all stood up and applauded at this moment!


The holding of this press conference means that Longguo has completely written the development of the graphene industry into its future development policy!

It has become another major industry supported by Dragon State after the basic software and semiconductor fields!

And unlike other industries, the graphene industry is a blue ocean, and it is a blue ocean that only belongs to the Dragon Kingdom. Everyone is desperately trying to squeeze in and get a piece of the pie!

"On behalf of the official, I announce that the "Carbon Valley" national high-tech zone has been officially established!"

The first official decision of the Dragon Kingdom shocked everyone!

This is the third national high-tech zone in Shanghai!

This shows that Longguo has high expectations for the graphene industry!

It’s definitely not something that can be dealt with!

"After the establishment of the Carbon Valley High-tech Zone, the official will announce a series of support policies, including but not limited to land concessions, tax exemptions, financial support, talent coordination, green channels, etc., and also focus on the long-term future of the "Carbon Valley Industrial Park" Planning, we will also work with Su City to carry out rigorous planning!"

"We will also give our full support to education, medical care, sanitation, three communications and one equality!"

"In the current first version of the policy, we are prepared to further provide more preferential treatment to companies settling in Carbon Valley..."

After Luo Yang, officials and leaders of Shanghai City and Suzhou City also gave speeches!

The announcement of a series of policies directly caused everyone in the audience to breathe quickly!

This is completely giving them the opportunity to make money for free!

In the eyes of everyone who was shocked, the press conference ended successfully!

After the press conference, the newly established Graphene Association immediately received countless applications. More than 500 companies, large and small, all squeezed their heads to join the association!

Because Luo Yang has said that in the upstream and downstream industrial chains of graphene, members who have joined the association will receive orders first and receive a series of financial, technical and talent support!

"I am in the battery industry, and I want to apply to join Shi Xi's conference!"

"I develop special chemical materials and am also involved in the graphene industry. I apply to join!"

"Our company develops evaporation machines and has also applied to join the Graphene Association! We hope to further improve the process of graphene flexible screens!"

"Okay, please fill out the form. We will notify you after approval!"

The lady at the front desk who was responsible for receiving everyone was almost frozen with laughter!

They are all temporarily transferred from the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance headquarters to help. If they are willing, they can also apply to be transferred to work in the Graphene Association!

`~Mr. Luo! You will be very busy during the next period of time!"

Veteran Ren Luo Yang, who was surrounded by the crowd, rescued him from the crowd!

"Phew! I thought I would be busy until dark!"

Luo Yang took the mineral water handed over by Mr. Ren and drank half the bottle in one breath!

Countless business representatives surrounded him, asking about various matters of the Graphene Association. There was no way, as the creator of the graphene industry, Luo Yang was unexpectedly elected as the first president of the association!

Since he is the president, if others have any problems, they must go to him!

"Mr. Ren, I think you can come and help me directly. I will give you the position of vice president directly!"

"Oh, does this make people gossip?"

Mr. Ren did not refuse on the spot. The benefits of joining the Graphene Association are naturally self-evident!

For example, if it were not for the fact that HiSilicon is a member of Longguo Semiconductor, the launch of graphene memory might not necessarily be Huawei's turn.

"What are you afraid of! Anyway, the first batch of members of the Graphene Association are basically related to the Semiconductor Alliance! The memory industry will also re-elect a vice president by then!"

"The battery industry also needs to elect a vice president. BOE represents the screen industry and also has a vice president position! Mr. Wang will take the position! If you hesitate any longer, I will give this position to another company. !”

"No! I just promise you!"

When Ren Lao heard this, he agreed on the spot!

Except for (Wang Hao) Mr. Ren and Mr. Wang, one of the remaining three vice-presidents is dispatched by the Dragon Kingdom official. He is only responsible for coordinating the connection between the association and official departments and does not interfere in daily management.

After all, Carbon Valley exists as a national high-tech zone, so there must be an official representative joining!

It’s not just Luo Yang who is busy with business, Mr. Wang of BOE is also surrounded by everyone. After Mr. Ren agreed to join, Mr. Ren was also dragged down by Luo Yang!

The establishment of a huge association and industrial chain cannot be accomplished in a short time!

First of all, like the Semiconductor Alliance, the headquarters of the Graphene Association is also located in Shanghai. In terms of infrastructure, it refers to the Semiconductor Alliance. It has a president and five vice presidents. Next, it will set up major service departments, including a public relations department. Approval department, coordination department, etc.

The association's headquarters is located in an office building in Shanghai, which is rented for free by Shanghai. Of course, this is only a temporary office address. In the next period of time, Longguo officials will launch a series of construction projects to build The basic prototype of Carbon Valley!

After the Carbon Valley Industrial Park is completed, the association headquarters will be moved to Zhongnan Industrial Park!

According to the plan between Luo Yang and the officials, the area of ​​the first phase of the Carbon Valley High-tech Zone has reached 50 square kilometers! In addition to the 50 square kilometers, Shanghai City has directly reserved a huge area of ​​up to 100 square kilometers. Come prepare for the expansion of the graphene industry base!

This is a pretty huge industrial plan!

(Thanks to book friends for their tips and monthly votes!).

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