Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 81 Six Major Computer Vendors Enter The Scene! Sansang Calls For Urgent Help! (2/?)

What gave Li Rongshu a headache didn’t end there!

In the afternoon of that day, Daier held a press conference at Longguo headquarters.

Under the watchful eye of countless Dragon Kingdom media, the blond and blue-eyed Dai Er executive spoke fluent Dragon Kingdom Mandarin and announced a series of decisions!

"After discussion by the board of directors, Dell has made the following decision!"

"Starting from today, all computer products, memory modules and hard drives purchased and used by Dell will be replaced with graphene memory particle products! The original silicon-based memory and hard drives will be reduced in price. After the inventory is cleared, Our company will no longer purchase silicon-based memory!-"

Dell's announcement sounded the clarion call for computer companies to declare war!


Countless flash lights keep flashing!

This is big news!

What no one expected was that among the several well-known computer vendors other than the fruit company, the first one to take a stand was actually Dear!

Originally they thought it would be Huipu or Lianxiang!

"Shocked! Dell gave up the memory products of Micron and fully invested in Longguo's graphene memory! Is this a betrayal of the United States?"

"Gimmicks are short-lived after all, but good products are the most important! Graphene memory successfully impressed Dell!"

"Dear took the lead in taking a stand and is expected to compete for the top position in computers this year!"

Countless media quickly launched reports!

After the news spread to the United States and Bangzi Country, countless people were shocked!

"Shet! This traitor from Dell Company!"

At Micron, a certain executive was in a panic!

After several major mobile phone manufacturers expressed their opinions, computer manufacturers also joined the action to eliminate silicon-based memory!

Facing countless canceled orders and countless memory particle products being returned by memory vendors, Micron is now having a headache!

All of its factories around the world have stopped production!

The entire Micron company is in turmoil!

“Without silicon-based memory, where will our future go?”

Coincidentally, in addition to Micron, American memory manufacturers such as System, Eastern Digital, Kingston, and Corsair have also fallen into a huge panic!

As the leading hard disk company, Xijie's mechanical hard disks, solid state hard disks, and mobile hard disks have very high sales, far surpassing the second largest company, Eastern Data, and the third largest company, Dongzhi Company.

But in the face of Dai Er's statement, the big brother of Picture and Wen was also anxious!

"Immediately! Immediately! Send out a lobbying team to lobby Dell for me! We must win back the hard drive order!"

"Boss, this may be very difficult!"

The deputy director looked embarrassed at this moment!

They all know that facing the impact of graphene memory, silicon-based memory has no room to resist!


The executive's legs softened and he sat back in his seat!

And memory giants such as Kingston and Corsair have also sent out lobbying teams!

After Dai Er's statement, Huipu also held a press conference in Longguo at 15:00 that afternoon!

Qiao Feng, the head of HP's business department who once had a relationship with Luo Yang, held a meeting at HP's headquarters in Shanghai and announced HP's decision!

"We at HP are a company that respects users' opinions. After the release of graphene flexible memory, we conducted a period of investigation and we are very satisfied with the performance of graphene memory in all aspects!"

“After discussion by the board of directors and approval by the shareholders’ meeting, our company, Huipu, decided to fully promote graphene flexible memory!”

"Starting from today, we will no longer purchase silicon-based memory, and the inventory that has been purchased will not be replenished after clearance! At the same time, we will launch a series of promotional activities for silicon-based memory versions of computers!"

Huipu’s statement once again shocked everyone!

As the first company to obtain the global promotion rights of POS, Huipu also has a very vicious vision.

After realizing that silicon-based memory was coming to an end, HP immediately followed the footsteps of Dell and made this decision!

Sure enough, after the news was released, the stores of Dell and HP ushered in a wave of traffic, and their various series of computers ushered in a sales peak!

The two giants have all expressed their stance, and other computer vendors can't sit still!

At 17:00 sharp, Shenzhou held a press conference!

At 18:00 sharp in the evening, Lianxiang, the leading computer giant, officially held a press conference in Beijing!

The content of the press conference is similar, that is, a comprehensive replacement of graphene acrylic storage!

The next morning, Huashuo and Hongji also held press conferences in Wanwan and made the same decision!

In just three days, the world's five major mobile phone giants and six major computer giants have expressed their stance and joined the large-scale promotion of graphene memory!

However, one thing is different from mobile phone manufacturers. Computer manufacturers have not announced that they will sever cooperation with Bangziguo.

The reason is also very simple, they still want to sell computers in Bangzi country.

The main mobile phone brands in Bangzi country are still Sansang mobile phones, and then there are fruit phones. Huami ov has a very low market share, so even if they join the encirclement and suppression, they are not worried.


Computer vendors are different. Bangzi Country does not have a strong enough computer brand, so it is still one of the markets that several major computer vendors compete for!

Luo Yang did not force them, but for several major computer vendors, Luo Yang felt even more disappointed!

"Procrastinating, whining, and being a complete loser!"

This is Luo Yang’s evaluation of several major computer vendors!

At the same time, it also strengthened his determination to make a complete computer!

After a series of blows, the entire Bangzi Kingdom can be said to be in a state of turmoil!

The global silicon-based memory industry has been hit by dimensionality reduction!

The joint actions of mobile phone manufacturers and computer manufacturers directly left no room for silicon-based memory to survive!

On the contrary, the four major memory manufacturers in Longguo have received countless memory orders! Their wafer factories and memory production plants have all reached full capacity!

work overtime!

work overtime!

Still working overtime!

The orders received by the four major memory vendors have been scheduled for three months!

In order to supply graphene memory, many of the wafer fabs of major semiconductor companies in Longguo have been transformed into graphene wafer fabs. They all purchase raw materials from the Future Semiconductor Graphene Factory in Shanghai and then produce them!

And memory manufacturers that rely on graphene memory particles (storage units), including memory stick and hard disk manufacturers, are now ramping up production!

Want to add production lines? Want to expand the factory? No money?

Longguo Semiconductor Alliance provides it with interest-free loans!

The entire memory upstream and downstream industries of Dragon Kingdom can be said to be in full swing!

The world's major mobile phone manufacturers and computer manufacturers gathered together, and the overall volume of orders was very huge. There were so many orders for mobile phone memory, flash memory, computer memory sticks, mechanical hard drives, and solid-state drives that several companies could not handle them and had to divert them. Placed some orders to Wanwan and memory vendors in Hong Kong Island.

At least it’s better than the United States and Bangzi Country, Neon Country!

At the same time, many newly established memory manufacturers have emerged in China!

As long as you can make money, Longguo will definitely not lack the first person to eat crabs!

For a time, the entire Dragon Kingdom was bustling with excitement! All technical talents related to the storage industry, including skilled workers, were robbed by the talent market and headhunters!

0...Please give me flowers...

Many of these newly established companies only have registered capital. After recruiting some technical staff, in order to obtain interest-free loans | they have applied to join the my country Semiconductor Alliance!

In just three days, the number of membership invitations received by Longguo Semiconductor Alliance surged to more than 100!

Among them, there are more than 60 in the memory industry alone!

Most of the lists of these applications are for the purpose of defrauding funds. After strict review, the Semiconductor Association will directly reject the applications of these unqualified companies!

On the other hand, major overseas memory giants have completely shut down!

The memory particle production lines of Sansang Electronics, Hylix, and Micron are basically shut down!

The factories of several major hard drive manufacturers in Titanium have also stopped production!

Memory vendors such as Kingston, System, Eastern Data, Dongzhi, and Corsair have started their second wave of price cuts, and this time the price cuts have reached 35%!

"I can finally see clearly that the era of silicon-based memory has completely passed!"

The founder of Kingston muttered to himself at this moment.

This founder, who was born in Wanwan area, is also the king of well-known entrepreneurs in Wanwan!

He has decided that after the silicon-based memory is cleared, he will fully switch to graphene memory! If the SLA Association has been unable to conquer graphene, he will have no choice but to turn to Beichen Technology!

"Alas! With the tides turning, who could have thought that the Dragon Kingdom would rise so fast?"

At a previous Wanwan entrepreneur exchange meeting, the founder of Taiwan Electromechanical and Lianfa Technology had a conversation with him, and the meaning revealed in his words made him very concerned at the moment!

"Chairman, after our memory factory stopped production, workers have broken out in protests. They demand that the company pay their salaries on time!"

At Sansang headquarters, the female secretary carefully reported the news!


Li Rongshu felt a huge headache at the moment!

There are powerful enemies outside and internal strife inside!

Judging from the news revealed at the previous Warwick conference, the first batch of graphene batteries will be distributed on a large scale!

By then, the global battery business will suffer a second wave of blows!

When he thought of this news, Li Rongshu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

"Beichen Technology is simply the nemesis of Sansang Company! From the first day it was born, it has been constantly eroding Sansang Company's interests!"

For Luo Yang, Li Rongshu hated him so much!

If he could use force and other means to get rid of Luo Yang, Li Rongshu would have done it long ago!

However, the current Luo Yang is no longer the cute little kid he was a year ago. His status as a world rich man has brought him a huge halo bonus!

Not to mention Luo Yang’s growing network of contacts, Beichen Security, which has quietly grown with Beichen Technology, is a difficulty!

Coupled with the secret protection of the Dragon Kingdom, Luo Yang's personal safety can be said to be without any problems!

If Luo Yang goes abroad, they still have room to do something, such as causing a car accident or an air crash. At worst, they will introduce a scapegoat!

However, Luo Yang is determined and refuses to leave the Dragon Kingdom!

"We can no longer let Luo Yang go on like this, otherwise Sansang Company will become more and more passive and eventually be completely destroyed!"

Li Rongshu slapped the table and made a decision!

He decided to ask for help from his American father!

Taking out the satellite phone, Li Rongshu directly dialed a number on the other side of the ocean!

(Thanks to book friend Liang Sheng for the 588-point reward and reminder for updates!)

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