Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 85 Valuation: 1.7 Trillion Us Dollars! Beichen Technology Ranks First In The World! Neon Cou

August 28th morning, 10 o'clock sharp.

Dongjing, headquarters of Jianeng Company.

As a world-renowned company, most ordinary people are probably most familiar with Canon cameras. However, this giant can make far more than just cameras!

As the world's top optical lens manufacturer, Canon's camera lenses are very excellent, and together with Sony and Necon, it has become the three largest lens manufacturers in Neon Country!

A few years ago, Canon also built photolithography machines.

This neon giant company that is over 80 years old finally chose to be listed on Nasdaq, with a current market value of US$25 billion.

After the Daimyo of the Neon Country received instructions from the United States, all the six major chaebols in the Neon Country were notified, and Canon Corporation, a subsidiary of the Fushi Zaibatsu, directly fired the first shot of the Neon Country!

"Good morning, gentlemen!"

Caneng Vice President Bai Shan, dressed meticulously from head to toe, announced a surprising decision in the face of the media with doubtful eyes!

"Toki, a subsidiary of Kanon Co., Ltd., is the world's top evaporation machine manufacturer! No one else! It is also the best ally of Sansan Group! For some reasons, from today on, Toki will no longer be Then supply evaporation machines to companies in Longguo!"


As soon as Bai Shan finished speaking, a reporter in the audience suddenly exclaimed!

It is true that Jianeng’s decision came too suddenly!

"It turns out that the friendship between Toki and Sansang has become so deep. I would rather offend the entire Dragon Kingdom than give up supporting Sansang!"

A reporter from Bangzi Country was moved to tears at this moment!

As the saying goes, the friendship between Neon and Bangzi relies on the Dragon Kingdom. This sentence is true!

Faced with the conflict between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bangzi Kingdom, the Neon Kingdom decisively chose to help the weak Bangzi Kingdom! Jianeng, an optical giant, took the initiative to express its support for Sansang!

After the news spread back to China, it immediately caused an uproar!

BOE got the news immediately!

"Mr. Wang! Something happened! Toki suddenly announced that it would not sell us evaporation machines! All three of our orders for evaporation machines were cancelled! The US$150 million deposit paid by 423 in advance was also returned!"

A vice president knocked directly on Mr. Wang’s door!

"Is Neon Country having a seizure? Sansan and G's OLED production lines have both stopped production. We, BOE, are currently the largest customer. Why does Toki want to destroy its future?"

Mr. Wang frowned!

This bad news comes too suddenly!

The evaporation machine that everyone mentioned refers to the special equipment that evaporates OLED materials to form films during the OLED screen production process. It is an extremely critical link in the OLED production process! It is also one of the core equipment of the production line!

Its status is equivalent to that of photolithography machines in the semiconductor industry!

Whether it is Sansang or G, or the OLED screen produced by BOE, it is inseparable from the evaporation machine!

Among the global evaporation machine manufacturers, Toki of Neon Country is the one with the strongest technology!

Toki was founded in 1967. It started to develop evaporation machines more than 20 years ago. This rural enterprise is located in a small county with less than 40,000 people in Neon Country. It has only more than 300 employees, but it manufactures evaporation machines. The level of machine technology far exceeds that of other peers!

A Toki evaporation machine sells for US$114 million!

Approximately 730 million dragon yuan!

In 2007, because it was very optimistic about Toki, Canon finally acquired Toki for NT$500 million. Since then, Canon has monopolized the global high-end evaporation machine market!

The relationship between Toki and Sansang is also very close.

In the early years, the world was still dominated by ICD screens, and it was difficult for the small OLED market to support Toki. However, Sansang unswervingly gave orders for OLED screens to Toki and purchased the evaporation machines developed by it.

After the rapid expansion of the OLED market, Toki also rose, but because of Sansan's help, (aefb) Toki gave most of its evaporation machine production capacity to Sansan!

It wasn't until 2017 that its annual production capacity increased from 3-4 units to 7 units, and then it was sold to GL and BOE one, and BOE also got the ticket to high-end BLED flexible screens!

At present, its annual production capacity has reached 10 units, but the majority is still taken by Sansang!

Now that the old incident has been brought up again, Caneng used this as an excuse to cut off the supply of evaporation machines purchased by BOE!

"Jianeng is probably coming from a bad company! Now all the major mobile phone manufacturers and computer manufacturers are preparing to purchase our graphene flexible screens, and now Toki is directly taking advantage of them!"

"If we can't get over this hurdle, Sansang's OLED screens may really be able to rise again!"

Mr. Wang immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. Toki's move must be related to the Sanxun Group. This is one of the revenges launched by Sanxun!

The purpose is naturally to prevent the mass production of graphene screens!

Mr. Wang immediately called Luo Yang!

The outside world has already blown the news. The news that Toki has cut off the supply of evaporation machines has entered the top two searches for scarves!

The first place is Bangzi Country’s sanctions against Beichen Technology!

Thanks to the popularization of science by countless bloggers, some ordinary people have also realized the importance of evaporation machines!

"Damn it! I thought that after Shanghai Microelectronics conquered the lithography machine, we would be able to rest easy, but now another evaporation machine has popped up, and it is selling it so expensively!"

"Xiaobai would like to ask, is there no evaporation machine that can be used in China?"

"Going back upstairs, there are evaporation machine manufacturers in China, but most of them are low-end products. They can only produce low-end OLED screens. For the manufacturing of graphene flexible screens, only Toki's evaporation machine meets the requirements!"

"Gan! Why do these Neon countrymen who are living a good life suddenly think of intervening in this matter! Even if they are close friends with Sansang, there is no need to shut out BOE!!

"There must be something fishy here. I guess it has something to do with the Americans! It's a pity that there is no evidence!"

For the under-screen camera and graphene screen, the outside world has already been looking forward to it, but Cheng Yaojin, who is called Toki, appeared at the critical moment!

After the news spread, countless people outside were gloating about the misfortune!

Regarding the emergence of graphene, some people are happy and some are worried. At this moment, countless people who missed the graphene trend are starting to add insult to injury!

Beichen Technology has been famous for too long, but it still refuses to go public. This makes countless people who are waiting to share the cake extremely jealous!

Yesterday morning, Wall Street professional institutions released the latest data, which counted the valuations of many unlisted companies around the world! Among this series of world-renowned unicorn companies, Beichen Technology firmly dominates the list with a terrifying number. Tenth place!

$1.7 trillion!!!

As soon as this number came out, it shocked countless people!

Because the world's most valuable technology company - Fruit Company, its latest market value yesterday was only US$1.62 trillion!

"Hiss! Beichen Technology has officially surpassed Fruit Company and become the technology company with the highest full value/valuation! It is also the company with the highest market value in the world!"

Countless people were shocked by this data!

Originally, the figure of US$1.7 trillion was not too conspicuous. Before the rise of Beichen Technology, the market value of Fruit Company once expanded to US$2.2 trillion. The market values ​​of Microsoft Corporation and Saudi Aramco were both around US$1.8 trillion. Amazon’s market capitalization is $1.6 trillion.

However, with the emergence of Beichen Technology, the market value of Microsoft Corporation was directly cut in half at first, and then fell again and again. Now, under the deliberate suppression of the market, the market value has dropped to a market value of 600 billion US dollars!

Amazon's market value has also fallen to US$1.3 trillion due to a series of disasters in the US stock market.

Google is in the worst situation, because Android's market share has shrunk rapidly, and coupled with Aurora Search's suppression of Google's search, its market value has dropped from US$1.4 trillion to the current US$630 billion!

Because of the emergence of graphene, Aramco's global oil and energy stocks have fallen, and the current market value is stable at US$1.64 trillion.

Wall Street's valuation of Beichen Technology at US$1.7 trillion directly surpassed countless giant companies and became the company with the highest market value/valuation in the world!

Officially aspire to global dominance!

After this news spread, it immediately aroused the jealousy of countless people!

Naturally, Longguo began to report on a large scale!

A company born and raised in the Dragon Kingdom can beat many giants and become the company with the highest market value/valuation in the world, which makes countless people in the Dragon Country feel proud!

In order to show the fairness of the valuation, Wall Street also provided detailed data!

Among them, the one that has the greatest impact on the market value of Beichen Technology is Future Semiconductor, a wholly-owned subsidiary!

This semiconductor company, which was established less than a year ago, is now one of the most well-known companies in the world. Its popularity is as good as Intel, AIM, and Gaotong.

Lianfake, Micron and other companies are equally famous!

After the Kunlun chip conference was held, Wall Street gave a valuation of US$100 billion to future semiconductors with three major architectures: Eda Software, Kunlun, Phoenix, and Tianshan, as well as three major series of chips.

Of course, this data is still low!

With the hot sales of the three major series of chips, especially the rapid rise of the Tianshan graphics card series, the valuation of semiconductors will also rise in the future, reaching 450 billion US dollars!

Beichen EDA Software, compared with the three EDA giants, has been given a valuation of US$25 billion by the outside world.

Phoenix FL structure, referring to the market value of Aim, has an external valuation of US$25 billion.

The Phoenix series chips took away most of the orders from Gaotong, Lianfake and Sansang in Longguo. After careful calculation by the outside world, they finally gave a valuation of US$100 billion!

The Kunlun K1 architecture, combined with Kunlun chips, has taken away the market share of Intel and And in Longguo, and the outside world has given it a market value of US$120 billion!

Finally, there is the Tianshan architecture and Tianshan graphics card. Because the performance in all aspects has surpassed that of the INVISTA series of graphics cards, Tianshan graphics cards have now become the new choice of many users!

Compared with CPU, the market value of GPU graphics card is higher. After comparing with Invista, the outside world values ​​Tianshan graphics card business at US$180 billion!

Coupled with the continued expansion of the market share of other business units, Wall Street's total market value of Beichen Technology has also increased to US$1.4 trillion!

After the breakthrough in graphene technology, as a future semiconductor that exclusively controls the large-scale synthesis process of graphene, graphene batteries, graphene screens, graphene memory, and chip technology, its valuation has once again skyrocketed!

Because the core business is graphene synthesis, and other businesses are licensed for a fee, the outside world has evaluated the graphene business at US$300 billion!

Of course, this data will continue to increase as the graphene market grows!

So the latest valuation of future semiconductors is US$750 billion!

As a result, the market value of Beichen Technology has reached US$1.7 trillion!

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