Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 93: Internal Valuation Of Us$2.36 Trillion! Beichen Technology Is Seriously Underestimated!

"Going public? Wall Street is probably thinking of peaches!"

Facing Morpheus' threat, Luo Yang showed a playful smile.

Since he announced the word "listing" at the company's internal meeting that he would not go public, no one has dared to mention this matter to him for a long time.

In fact, both within the company and outside, there are always voices hoping that Beichen Technology will go public!

After all, the businesses under Beichen Technology are so shocking that any business is a giant unicorn!

Not to mention anything else, the value of the POS alone makes countless people jealous!

After Beichen Technology released its POS, it received numerous acquisition offers from overseas giants. Many giants tried to seize the hen that laid the golden eggs before Beichen Technology fully emerged!

Especially since Luo Yang has just graduated from college, these giants think they can impress Luo Yang with huge sums of money!

But they all miscalculated!

Because no one thought that the rise of Beichen Technology would be so fast! It’s so fast that people can’t react in time!

The outside world originally thought that it would take several years for Beichen Technology to grow into a giant like Microsoft. However, it took only one year for Beichen Technology to expand into a US$1.7 trillion behemoth!

In fact, this valuation data still far underestimates the potential of Beichen Technology.

Because Beichen Technology is not listed on the market, the specific financial reports and various business data have not been disclosed in detail to the outside world. The outside world can only make a rough valuation by collecting other information.

According to Luo Yang's estimate, the actual value of Beichen Technology has reached US$2.36 trillion at this moment!!!

This is not without purpose. 04As the founder of Beichen Technology, the entire company has always been under the control of Luo Yang.

"Currently, the company has four major business groups, among which the software business group is valued at US$1.03 trillion!"

"As the first core business of Beichen Technology and the largest capital for the company's rise, the operating system business has a conservative valuation of US$830 billion!"

In Luo Yang's plan, the status of the operating system business is equal to that of future semiconductors!

Both of them exceed the US$700 billion level!

As the two major businesses that can support the "winter alliance", Luo Yang has perfectly demonstrated them in Beichen Technology. The operating system and semiconductor business have become the company's two thick legs!

Needless to say, there is no need to elaborate on the future of semiconductors. The three major chip and graphene businesses are familiar to the outside world.

The majority of the US$830 billion valuation of the operating system sector comes from pos and pmos.

As the world's largest computer operating system, POS currently has 900 million global users, and its market share has surpassed the win system and mad system!

Different versions developed based on POS, such as the embedded computer operating system used by ATM machines and customized versions of enterprise systems in the telecommunications and financial industries, have also seized most of the market share of the win system!

At present, the number of POS users is still rising. Just activating the overseas version of POS users can bring huge profits to Beichen Technology!

POS is an important cornerstone of Beichen Technology. Beichen office software, Beichen database, and other derivative businesses all exist based on the POS ecosystem!

For the POS business alone, Luo Yang gave a valuation of US$650 billion!

As the world's largest mobile phone and mobile device operating system, pmos has 1.4 billion users worldwide, and its market share also far exceeds ios and Android!

The installation cost of pmos is much lower than that of pos, but relying on the commission from the app store, it can also contribute huge profits every year!

But profit is not what Luo Yang values ​​most. pmos means that Luo Yang controls the entrance to the mobile Internet! For example, Jiguang Search, Jiguang Payment, etc. all rely on pmos to rise rapidly!

At the same time, many mobile phone manufacturers, mobile device hardware manufacturers, and application developers have joined the pmos ecosystem. This is the greatest strategic value of pmos!

Luo Yang values ​​pmos at US$150 billion!

In addition to the above two major systems, there are three major types of operating systems.

As the world's largest server operating system, pos-server's market share has surpassed the four major server systems of unix, linux, win-server, and netwar!

After the outbreak of the solar eclipse virus, the installed capacity of pos-server ushered in a large-scale increase globally, and many overseas enterprise-level users immediately switched to the system!

Among Longguo's servers and minicomputers, it has more than 95% market share!

cpos, the largest car operating system in Longguo, and the top three car operating systems in the world! All major car brands in Longguo have switched to cpos!

In addition, there are separate embedded operating systems developed for photolithography machines, medical equipment, intelligent robotic arms, and other industrial equipment, which also have a very high market share in Longguo!

The valuations of these three major types of systems are not that high. Luo Yang values ​​them as a whole at US$30 billion. Although the value is not high, what Luo Yang values ​​​​is its strategic value.

In addition to the operating system sector, Luo Yang values ​​the office software business at US$100 billion and the database business at US$80 billion! The industrial software sector is valued at US$20 billion!

To sum up, for Beichen Technology’s software business group, Luo Yang finally gave a terrifying valuation of US$1.03 trillion!

In the recognized rankings of the outside world, Beichen Technology has surpassed software giants such as Microsoft, IDM, Beast Bones, SIP, etc., and has become the world's largest software company with the highest market value in the world!

Although the number of employees of Beichen Technology is far lower than that of these giants, no one dares to question Beichen Technology in terms of software technology content, R&D capabilities, product line coverage, etc.!

The four major businesses of operating systems, office software, databases, and industrial software have directly silenced everyone!

The name of the world's largest software company is well deserved!

"The overall valuation of the Internet business group is US$560 billion! Among them, Aurora Search has captured one-third of Google Search's global market share. Together with Longguo's market, the overall valuation is US$350 billion. And Aurora Payment The valuation is US$150 billion, and Egret Cloud is valued at US$50 billion! The valuation of other ancillary businesses is around US$10 billion.

"The valuation of the semiconductor business group has reached US$720 billion! Among them, Future Semiconductor is valued at US$700 billion, and the newly established Future Optics is valued at US$20 billion.

"Although the hardware business group has not yet officially made a profit, judging from the scientific research funds invested in various aspects and the scientific research results, it can also give a preliminary valuation of US$50 billion! After the mobile phone, computer, and automobile business departments release products, it will still be There will continue to be a wave of surge!”

"This does not include Beichen Security, Beichen Fund, and controlled companies such as BOE, NetEase, etc. If these are included, the overall valuation will continue to rise!"

"The preliminary valuation of US$2.36 trillion, this is the terrifying potential of Beichen Technology!"

Luo Yang looked at the triumphant Morpheus, and his heart was calm at the moment.

If Beichen Technology, worth US$2.36 trillion, goes public, it will definitely create the largest IPO in global history!

Prior to this, the largest IPO in the world's history was Saudi Aramco, which was valued at US$1.7 trillion before its listing!

After going public, Aramco’s market value quickly expanded to US$1.8 trillion!

Directly surpassed Fruit Company and Microsoft Corporation!

Luo Yang is very clear about the thinking of Wall Street. In their eyes, Beichen Technology is completely the second Aramco. However, because Beichen Technology is a technology company and an Internet company, the market value of 757 will soar rapidly once it is listed!

Assuming that the actual value of Beichen Technology is only 1.7 trillion, it can still easily exceed 2 trillion US dollars by relying on the high valuation of Internet companies!

Moreover, Beichen Technology's various businesses are top-notch in the industry, breaking the monopoly of countless industries. If compared, "Beichen Technology is definitely a high-quality stock that surpasses fruit companies!"

Luo Yang has no doubt that Beichen Technology will be wildly pursued by global capital!

Once the IPO occurs, Beichen Technology needs to release actual data and financial reports to the outside world. Once its actual valuation of US$2.36 trillion is announced, the outside world will inevitably go crazy!

With the crazy pursuit of Wall Street and global capital, Beichen Technology's market value has exceeded 3 trillion US dollars. Luo Yang estimates that it doesn't even need a month!

It's a pity that Luo Yang doesn't need to be listed at all!

The biggest purpose of going public is nothing more than to raise funds and strengthen itself, but Beichen Technology’s ability to attract money is terrifying. Beichen Technology can complete its own hematopoietic cycle even without financing from the stock market!

Especially when the hardware sector is about to rise, Luo Yang has strong confidence in the upcoming mobile phones, computers, and automotive products!

The hardware department will become the next cash cow!

In this case, even if Wall Street continues to seduce Luo Yang and tempt him with the interests of Sansang Group and the global graphene market, Luo Yang remains unmoved!

"I'm determined to take over the Sansang Group! Even the Mogen family behind them can't stop it!"

"As for the graphene market, Beichen Technology and Longguo can capture it alone, so why should they distribute the benefits to Wall Street? Why should they grovel and let others treat them when they can get it themselves?"

"Wall Street thinks that it can threaten Beichen Technology by controlling the upstream industry chain. This is a complete dream!"

Luo Yang's eyes were cold, especially Morpheus's behavior, which made him feel very unhappy!

One of the things he hates the most is being threatened!

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