Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 95 New Oled Production Process! Completely Eliminate Evaporation Machines! The Four Giants C

Luo Yang directly announced the final answer!

“That’s the improved and upgraded inkjet printing technology!”

Inkjet printing technology???

Question marks popped up on countless people's heads.

We can’t blame them for this. In fact, only those who specialize in this industry will understand this technology!

Such as Kanon and toki!

The heads of the two major companies could not sit still at this moment and stood up directly!

“Nani! It’s actually inkjet printing technology!!!”

As a high-end manufacturer of evaporation machines in the world, they are vigilant about all technologies that can threaten toki evaporation machines. Of course, they are no strangers to inkjet printing technology!

Countries around the world are conducting research and development in this area, but no company has made an important breakthrough!

Under their gaze, Luo Yang continued to talk!

"In the current OLED screen manufacturing, there are two production processes. The first one requires the use of an evaporator, and the second one does not require an evaporator and is manufactured using inkjet printing technology! 11

"Compared to the former, inkjet printing technology has lower manufacturing costs and improves productivity!"

“Since inkjet printing technology is so good, why hasn’t it become more popular?”

Having said this, Luo Yang looked at everyone.

Everyone present looked at each other.

"That's right! Since we can get rid of the threat of evaporation machines, why isn't this technology popularized on a large scale?"

At the press conference, Mr. Wang from BOE gave a wry smile.

"Although this technology is good, there are still big problems. The quality of OLED panels manufactured by inkjet printing technology is still far behind the OLED panels manufactured by evaporation in terms of accuracy and details!"

"Furthermore, inkjet printing technology is not mature yet, and it is currently unable to achieve large-scale mass production!" 703

Next to him was the house manager of Huaxing Optoelectronics.

Huaxing Optoelectronics is a joint venture established by TDL Group and Pengcheng. It is also an OLED panel production giant!

"That's right! Longguo officials have launched the 8.5-generation printed OLED display industry project a few years ago, focusing on inkjet printing technology! The purpose is to get rid of the threat of Toki's evaporation machine!"

"But this project has never made much progress, and the finished product has always been an experimental model! Alas!"

The conversation between the two industry leaders immediately relieved many people’s doubts!

Next to him are Mr. Yu, Ku Ke, Rebus and other mobile phone giants!

As an important consumer of OLED screens, they are also very concerned about this issue!

Luo Yang, who had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, officially announced the answer at this moment!

"This problem is actually very simple. Before this, we encountered this problem when we were manufacturing OLED flexible screens in the laboratory! That is, we did not have an evaporation machine!"

"Toki's evaporation machine is the best in the industry and has the highest precision, but even BOE only bought one, and the price is as high as 110 million US dollars each! Even if our laboratory has deep pockets, there is no need to purchase it for experimental projects. A toki' evaporation machine, and you may not be able to buy it yet!”

Luo Yang's words caused countless laughter.

As the initiator of this move to cut off confession, Toki’s name has been well known to everyone during this period!

It’s just that most of them are just curse words!

However, in Neon Country, Toki has become a heroic figure!

Under the deliberate promotion of the Daming Palace, Toki was gradually mythologized. His friendship with Sansang was constantly mentioned by the media of Neon Country and Bangzi Country (aedh). For a while, it seemed that the two sides could wear the same pants!

"In order to solve this problem, we decided to purchase domestic medical plating machines from Longguo!"

"In the high-end field, our evaporation machines are still a bit inferior, but the mid- to low-end evaporation machines are already very good! In the end, what we purchased was the small-size OLED evaporation machine from Huizhou Laide Company!"

"With the help of this machine, we created the first graphene flexible screen!"

"After that, we have been thinking, since we can't break through the problems of high-end evaporation machines in a short time, why not try other methods? So we contacted Longguo officials and several companies responsible for tackling the 8.5-generation printed OLED display industry project The company has reached a cooperation!"

"The biggest difficulties with the inkjet printing process are that the quality of the OLED panels produced is lower, and the other is that it cannot be mass-produced!"

"In order to overcome these problems, we directly acquired a domestic evaporation machine manufacturer and an OLED inkjet printing technology developer. After merging them, we started the research and development of the inkjet printing project! Then we invested 30 billion dragons With R&D funds of RMB 10,000, we recruited relevant technical personnel in the industry on a large scale and began to tackle the problem overnight!"

"During this period, we acquired some inkjet printing patents from several other companies in the industry!"

"Finally we succeeded!"

"We referred to the process of making OLED with evaporation machines, and finally successfully improved it and successfully manufactured the first domestic OLED inkjet printer!"

Luo Yang looked at everyone with a smile!

Everyone in the audience held their breath at this moment!

Domestic OLED inkjet printing machine!

With Luo Yang's introduction, this printing press also appeared on the big screen!

This is a big guy, with a silver-white painted body full of tough lines!

Although the key parts inside the machine were not revealed, it still attracted the attention of everyone present!

"This new OLED inkjet printing machine can process high-precision OLED screens on a large scale. Through our improved new production process, the quality of the OLED panels produced has completely caught up with the level of Toki evaporation machines! Simultaneous production The cost has been reduced by 17%-20%! Not only that, we have also greatly improved the quality of products

"And the cost and price of this OLED inkjet printing machine are much lower than Toki's evaporation machine! One unit only costs 40 million US dollars! The price is only one-third of Toki's!"


The whole audience burst into huge cheers!

"Damn it! I originally thought it would be a domestic high-end evaporation machine, but who would have thought that Beichen Technology would overtake it in a corner and come up with an inkjet printing machine!"

"It is indeed the style of Beichen Technology, that is, it does not follow the Kunchang path!"

"Hiss! While improving the yield rate, it also reduced the manufacturing cost by 17%. The final selling price is only 40 million US dollars. Toki is going bankrupt now! Hahaha!"

"If you don't do it, you won't die! This sentence is a perfect portrayal of Toki and Kanou!"

At the same time, this scene spread all over the world along with the live broadcast!

Suddenly, the global OLED industry fell into a huge earthquake!

Neon Kingdom, Toki Evil Department.

This small company with only more than 300 people is now in a huge panic!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! The technology of inkjet printers is not mature at all, how can it possibly catch up with our Toki evaporation machine!"

The person in charge’s eyes widened in disbelief!

They have been studying the evaporation machine industry for more than 20 years before they made the current breakthrough. However, how long did it take Beichen Technology?

Half a year?

Three months?

Or a month of riding a horse?

"Liar! Beichen Technology must be a big liar! No company can complete a breakthrough in inkjet printing technology in such a short period of time!"

The person in charge collapsed on the spot!

As the parent company of Toki, Caneng is completely confused at this moment!

Dongjing,Jianeng East!


Jianeng Vice President Bai Shan’s eyesight went dark on the spot!

Based on his understanding of Luo Yang, as long as the technology officially released by Beichen Technology, it seems that there has never been a false situation! This means that Beichen Technology has indeed overcome the manufacturing difficulties of OLED panels!

Just skip the evaporation machine step!

"Forty million US dollars per unit... Damn Beichen Technology, don't they have to consider profitability?"

Bai Shan was so angry that he was trembling all over!

When the quality of the final product is the same, the inkjet printer with lower cost and lower price will undoubtedly replace Toki's evaporation machine and become the first choice of global OLED manufacturers!

What made him even more devastated was that this meant that their blockade plan had completely failed!

"With BOE's OLED inkjet printing machine, wouldn't it be possible to quickly expand the production capacity of graphene flexible screens? In this case, no one will use the OLED screens of Sansan and G, and our tok evaporation machines will be sold. to whom?"

"Without these big customers, wouldn't Toki be completely destroyed?"

Bangzi Country, Sansang Headquarters!


Li Rongshu's eyes widened in disbelief!

"Inkjet printing machine? How is this possible?"

Originally, because of Neon Country's series of severance measures, Li Rongshu and others felt that Sansang and GL had finally taken a breather!

The major shareholders on Wall Street have even contacted him in advance to ask him to prepare to rebuild the graphene production line. Now this result directly makes Li Rongshu want to curse!

"Is this the promise of Wall Street? Beichen Technology has eliminated evaporation machines, so what else can we use to transform the production line???"

g|Group, Gu Guangyao is also confused!

Finally, G Group's business has improved somewhat, but just a few days later, Luo Yang stepped on them again and started to explode again!

"Axiba! Inkjet printers have been manufactured and the price is so cheap, so who else can we sell the evaporation machine we purchased for US$110 million?"

Originally, he had already thought that if Beichen Technology refused to cooperate, he would eventually sell the evaporation machine to BOE at a price of US$500 million or even US$1 billion per evaporation machine!

Now it seems that he is simply daydreaming!

The Wall Street capitalists who were paying attention to the press conference also had livid expressions on their faces at this moment!

"No! This is impossible!"

The red wine in Morpheus's hand fell directly to the ground, directly soaking the expensive handmade carpet, like a piece of slowly spreading blood!

On the morning of September 1st, as Beichen Technology officially released the OLED inkjet printer, the conspiracy of the four giants Sansan, G, Canon, and Toki went completely bankrupt!

In the first confrontation between the two sides, Beichen Technology won the final victory!

(Thanks to Ban**yu for the 588-point reward! Finally, please order it all and customize it~~~).

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