Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 103 The Cruel Battle For National Destiny! Dragon Kingdom Blocks The Cash Bag Group!

However, the aftermath of this incident goes far beyond that!

Bangzi Country, Sansang Headquarters.

After hearing Luo Yang's announcement to enter the mobile phone industry, Li Rongshu felt as if he was struck by lightning and sat helplessly on the ground!

"Sansan Electronics is completely finished!"

Li Rongshu's heart felt cold at this moment!

From the previous CMOS to the current mobile phone manufacturing, Beichen Technology has powerfully taken away several core businesses of Third Base Electronics!

Sansang Electronics was originally at a disadvantage in this technological war, but now it has just thrown away the last life-saving straw!

As the largest subsidiary of Sansang Group, Sansang Electronics' business is extremely important, and its revenue accounts for the vast majority of Sansang Group. Its status is equivalent to Beichen Technology's future semiconductors!

Li Rongshu could already imagine how tragically Sansang's stock had fallen!

"It's God who wants to kill me, Sansang!"

"As the only two companies in the world that have mastered the entire mobile phone industry chain, only one person between Beichen Technology and Sanzheng can survive!"

"Since Yu is born, how can Liang be born!"

Li Rongshu's vision went dark and he fainted again!

As for GL Group, Gu Guangyao also completely collapsed at this moment!

"Axiba! Our GL's OLED business is completely finished! The company's revenue this year is probably going to shrink by two-thirds!"

After solving the supply cut-off crisis in Neon Country, the West has completed a great turnaround!

Relying on the graphene 04 flexible screen, BOE has obtained the ticket to the throne of OLED panels!

Due to a series of reasons, Sansang and GL have become life-or-death enemies with Beichen Technology! Luo Yang will definitely not license the technology to them!

Gu Guangyao was now in a state of great annoyance!

"If, I mean if! If we took the initiative to show weakness, would Beichen Technology be willing to license the graphene screen technology to GL?"

However, there is no if in this world!

The two giants, KS and Cash Bag, are also in a huge crisis at this moment!

The first is the lithium battery business. They were originally competitors with Longguo's Ningde Times, BYD and others, and the two parties have been supporting different technology development routes.

The battle between lithium iron phosphate battery and ternary lithium battery has come to an end early!

The ultimate winner is the graphene battery that fell from the sky!

The battery manufacturers that have bet on the two major battery development routes are all on their feet at this moment!

"Axiba! Why is Luo Yang not from Bangzi! Why was Beichen Technology not born in our country!"

Cui Dahai, the head of KS Group, let out an extremely angry roar!

The business of Helix, a subsidiary of the group, has been completely suspended at this moment!

As major memory product manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers, and computer manufacturers around the world are pursuing graphene flexible storage units, silicon-based memory particles have begun to be completely eliminated!

And KS, which has always regarded the memory business as an important pillar industry, also suffered a devastating blow!

Although KS also has great influence in the fields of petroleum and chemical industry, it cannot control the voice of the entire industry like the memory industry!

In the words of Luo Yang, KS is no longer a worry!

Among the four major chaebols, it seems that only the Cash Bag Group has suffered the least impact, but the reality is exactly the opposite!

After Beichen Technology concluded its press conference, less than thirty minutes apart, Longguo’s official media suddenly attracted everyone’s attention!

An important news was announced on the official website of Longguo's official media!

"Not long ago, Bangziguo's Chenbao Group blatantly tore up the cooperation agreement and unilaterally breached the contract, which caused a series of bad consequences! According to the cooperation agreement, after Chenbao and Longguo jointly established an automobile company, they could not divest privately. , otherwise you will face huge claims!”

"After a joint lawsuit was filed by Jingcheng Cash Bag Company, Dongfengyue Daqiya Company, and more than 12,000 cash bag car owners, the Longguo Court has issued a verdict!"

"Starting today, Longguo has officially put Xianbao Group on its permanent blacklist! Xianbao Group will never be able to enter the Longguo market!"

"Not only that, according to the long-term cooperation agreement signed between Longguo and Xianbao, Xianbao Group needs to compensate Longguo 3.5 billion Longguo! At the same time, it must also continue to provide follow-up maintenance technical support for Longguo's Xianbao car users!"

"If the Cash Bag Group refuses to pay, Longguo will further block the Cash Bag Group's global partners!"

"From the auto parts supply chain to sales and other links, Longguo will completely block it!"

As soon as this news was released, it immediately stirred up waves!

And it quickly became a hot search topic for scarves!

Ranked only after Beichen Technology Conference!

After the news spread, countless Dragon Kingdom netizens immediately clapped their hands and cheered!

"Longguo finally strikes hard! Evil companies like Xianbao should have been blacklisted long ago! I strongly support Longguo in this wave!"

"Hahaha, it's rare for me to be tough. This wave of bans is actually expected! In this technological war between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bangzi Kingdom, Beichen Technology has taken the overall lead. The Dragon Kingdom doesn't have to worry about being attacked by the Bangzi Kingdom. Sanctions and revenge! This day is simply a joy!”

"As a cash-car owner, I've long had enough of other people's judgments! If Bangziguo's models weren't more fuel-efficient, I would have changed my car long ago!"

Many netizens gave overwhelming support to Long Guo’s decision to impose sanctions!

Countless Hyundai car owners who have been abandoned by cash bags have also found a channel to vent their emotions at this moment. Countless people have poured into the scarf and left messages below this news!

The sudden influx of huge traffic almost caused the bib to crash again!

The bib had to urgently add servers!

Beichen Technology also forwarded the news immediately!

Then the news quickly traveled across the ocean and flew to Bangzi Country! Bangzi Country, which was already in a mess, was now even worse!

If the NH Stock Exchange had not triggered the lower limit, the stocks in the current pocket would have plummeted all the way!

At this moment, Hyundai Group has fallen into a huge crisis of trust!

"Director Zheng! Something happened to the company!"

The female secretary wearing high heels rushed in with a panic look on her face!

"Longguo published a report not long ago, accusing us of unilateral breach of contract and demanding that we pay huge compensation! At the same time, the official department of Longguo also sent us an official letter!"


Zheng Yiqi's heart skipped a beat at this moment!

This is different from what Sansang and Qingchutai promised!

He quickly read the news announced by Longguo and the official letter sent by him. When he learned that Xianbao had been included in Longguo's blacklist, his eyes suddenly darkened!

"Damn! We were fooled! Sansang and Qingchutai deceived us!"

He was shocked and angry at the moment!

"At the beginning, they personally promised that Qingtai would join forces with Neon Country to target Beichen Technology, and that they would give us profits in all aspects afterwards!"

"Not only that, they also patted their chests and promised that the Dragon Kingdom would never ban our Qianbao Group! But now the Dragon Kingdom has even sent an official letter of ban, where is Sansang hiding?"

"These deceitful bastards!"

Zheng Yiqi yelled loudly on the spot!

Because of the close relationship between the four major chaebols, even in this technological war, the Qianbao Group suffered the smallest loss among the four major chaebols, but it still took the front seat under the temptation of everyone!

Be the first to fire on the Dragon Kingdom!

And now, Xianbao has tasted the bitter fruit of his own brewing!

The Dragon Kingdom's blockade is all-round. If the Cash Bag Group does not pay compensation and does not abide by the breach of contract clauses in the official letter, it will be attacked by the Dragon Kingdom in all directions!

The major businesses of Xianbao Group involve numerous parts suppliers.

After Longguo announced sanctions, these parts manufacturers will be shut out by Longguo as long as they engage in commercial cooperation with Cash Bag [watching the huge Longguo market fly away!

This is exactly the same as the method used by the United States to ban Beichen Technology!

"If I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have listened to their tricks in the first place! All of us combined can't stop Beichen Technology's punch!"

Regarding his previous reckless decision, Zheng Yi 037 was extremely angry and regretted it at this moment!

If he could turn back time, he would definitely not make this stupid decision!

Originally, Xianbao Group's so-called complete withdrawal from the Longguo market was actually just lip service to take advantage of words. Xianbao would not really give up the Longguo market! After all, Xianbao has been operating in Longguo for more than ten years. After investing a huge amount of capital, how can we really give up?

According to the plan of him and Sansang and other giants, they will be invited back to the Dragon Kingdom obediently after the Dragon Kingdom is subdued! In Zheng Yiqi’s eyes, the Dragon Kingdom is still a backward country advocated by Western countries!

In his mind, the Dragon Kingdom is not at his discretion?

However, things have turned around. The original Four Asian Tigers have declined, but the Dragon Kingdom's economy has taken off in an all-round way! Zheng Yiqi was still looking at the Dragon Kingdom with old eyes, and he suddenly suffered a big loss!

"Director Zheng, the hearts of the people within the group are already shaking. Many people know the news about Dragon Kingdom sanctioning us! We are all waiting for your reply at this moment!"

The female secretary was very anxious at the moment!


Zheng Yiqi took a deep breath. At this moment, he seemed to be dozens of years older!

"You immediately make an announcement to the outside world and say that we will convene a board of directors immediately to discuss the next response plan!"


The female secretary left, but Zheng Yiqi fell into deep self-blame.

At this point, the four major chaebols, Sansang, GL, KS, and Xianbao, were all defeated by Beichen Technology and Longguo!

The annual revenue of these four major chaebols accounts for more than half of the GDP of the entire country!

With the collapse of the four major chaebols, Bangzi Country's economy began to plummet!

This technological war between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bangzi Kingdom not only involves the struggle for the right to speak in the technology industry, but also a battle for national destiny!

Winner takes all, loser for Kou!

After risking everything, the Bangzi Kingdom completely lost the war!

He also lost his national destiny!

(The remaining one update will be added tomorrow).

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