Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 106: Competing For Computer Market Share! The Final Choice Of The Six Major Computer Vendors

There is a reason why Beichen Technology can defeat Fruit and become the most valuable technology company in the world!

Whether it is software, semiconductors, or the Internet field, Beichen Technology has achieved comprehensive leadership! This is a globally recognized result!

After defeating Microsoft and Intel, Beichen Technology's software business group and semiconductor business group directly became a new "winter" alliance!

In the joke of the outside world, Microsoft has directly become a department of Beichen Technology!

Mainly because the influence of the software business group is terrifying!

A series of operating systems born based on POS, including PMOS, POS-server, and CPOS. Because the kernel and underlying programming language are the same, most applications can be shared. Ten versions of APP can be used in the POS series operating systems. Open seamlessly!

The meaning behind this is very shocking!

After controlling up to 2.3 billion users around the world, POS has a wide range of usage scenarios!

At any time and anywhere in daily life, people can access one of the POS entrances, maybe a mobile phone, maybe a computer, maybe a car, or a smart home appliance!

With the joint promotion of major mobile phone and computer vendors in the world except Sansang and Fruit Company, POS has rapidly become popular around the world!

The POS series system has broken through the barriers between computers, mobile phones, cars, and mobile devices, making it truly barrier-free to use!

Not even fruit companies can do this!

Major software vendors based on the winter alliance have also subtly changed their mentality at this moment, and began to gradually abandon the development of the win system and turned to the ecological environment of the POS system.

The Matthew Effect is clearly visible at this time!

As more developers join, POS will become more powerful, on the contrary, the win system continues to decline!

As the most useful operating system in the world, POS has received praise from countless users!

Major car manufacturers in the Dragon Kingdom have achieved full coverage of CPOS, but major overseas car manufacturers have been reluctant to adopt CPOS as in-vehicle systems out of caution or fear of leaking privacy!

That includes Tesla!

This caused many car users to express strong complaints!

"A car without a CPOS vehicle system is like a car without a soul. This car cannot meet your needs!"

"The in-vehicle systems developed by these car manufacturers themselves or jointly customized with other companies are completely rubbish in front of CPOS! After using CPOS, I can no longer look directly at these messy in-vehicle systems!"

"Xiaobei is definitely the most powerful intelligent voice assistant in the world. In comparison, whether it is Fruit Company's Sisi or Microsoft's Bingshan, they are all scumbags!"

"Tsk! Microsoft's Iceberg Assistant has been in a state of suspension since it was blocked by Beichen Technology last year, right? Without the patent authorization, there is nothing Microsoft can do! It is said that Microsoft has begun to consider giving up the development of Iceberg Voice Assistant! "

"From all aspects, Beichen Technology is the largest and most powerful software company in the world! It's time for all major car manufacturers to wake up!"

After a year, more and more users have begun to join the POS camp!

Rich in functions, safe enough, and breaking through the barriers of major hardware platforms, the Light of the Dragon Kingdom, this series of titles belongs to POS!

More and more users are starting to spontaneously promote POS.

Especially overseas, most users attach great importance to personal privacy. Because they are worried about their privacy being stolen by POS, there are still stubborn users who refuse to use POS.

The world's major automakers, including Tesla, Ford, Tongyong, Germany's BBA, Neon China's Bentian, Fengtian and other auto giants, are also receiving more and more car owners. In response, it required its models to open POS upgrade ports.

This has put countless car manufacturers into trouble!

"The influence of Beichen Technology is really terrifying. If this continues, the whole world will be under the shadow of Beichen Technology in a few years!"

When the software is powerful enough, it will in turn affect the hardware!

For example, the win system back then!

Such as the current POS system!

Immediately after Tetra, several major companies fell into huge earthquakes!

After Beichen Technology announced its entry into the complete computer business, even the six major computer manufacturers, including Xiangxiang, HP, Dell, Hongji, Huashuo, and Shenzhou Shipbuilding, fell into a panic!

Beijing, Lianxiang headquarters.

"Now that Beichen Technology has started manufacturing complete computers, we are even thinking about how the company should handle itself in the future."

The person in charge, Mr. Bai, frowned at this moment.

He was very unhappy with this decision of Beichen Technology!

Even though Lianxiang had cooperated with Beichen Technology before, they had no choice but to do so. After all, the situation at that time was so special that Longguo users simply did not buy computers with Win system!

This is the scene where six computer majors visit Beichen Technology at the same time!

"Luo Yang is really ambitious and wants to get involved in any field! If they release a complete computer, relying on Beichen Technology's technical foundation and strong control over the industry chain, we can't even think about it. The company may lose its position as the world’s largest computer vendor!”

"But we can't offend Luo Yang yet!"

"Otherwise our supply chain will be completely destroyed!"

Mr. Bai was a little panicked at this moment!

They have been holding high the banner of "domestic computers" before, but they have disappointed the people of Dragon Country in many things. For example, the price of computers in the United States is lower than that of Dragon Country, and they use the profits earned in Dragon Country to subsidize American users. !

It was this move that caused Lian Xiang's reputation to plummet!

In the end, he won the title of American imperial ideal!

There are many similar things, but I won’t go into them here.

Lian Xiang himself is well aware of his reputation in the Dragon Kingdom, but no other domestic computer brand can threaten their status, so Lian Xiang is still living well!

A few years ago, Warwick was preparing to enter the desktop computer market, but with the arrival of the US ban, it finally dropped the ball!

But now, Beichen Technology has come in!

The banner of "domestic computers" held high by Lianxiang Company can no longer continue!

In terms of localization level, can Lianxiang compare with Beichen Technology?

The other giant, Shenchuan, was much calmer.

Although it is one of the six largest computer companies in the world, Shenchuan's main market is in the Dragon Kingdom. It has always been suppressed by Lian Xiang and has been unable to rise.

"According to Luo Yang's style, he generally won't kill everyone and will leave a piece of cake for other manufacturers in the industry. I guess Luo Yang will not get involved in the entry-level computer and low-end computer market. We Shenchuan still have our own living space. !”

0…Please give me flowers…

"On the contrary, if I even think about the company, I'm afraid the days ahead will not be easy!"

The person in charge of the divine ship showed a playful smile.

Facing the entry of Beichen Technology, Shenchuan can be said to be very Buddhist!

As for Wanwan's two major brands, Huashuo and Hongji, the bosses of both parties formally met in private and began to discuss matters in this regard.

"Beichen Technology's entry into computer manufacturing has actually been foreshadowed for a long time, and I have actually been mentally prepared.

"With the influence of Beichen Technology, once the complete computer is released, it should be hugely popular! Our market share will shrink for sure! But based on my understanding of Luo Yang, after Beichen Technology enters the complete computer market, it should give Let’s make some compensation!”

"Such as OEM business!"

"Such as the motherboard and graphics card business!"

The CEOs of the two major companies looked at each other and showed a knowing smile!

Different from the two major companies, Lianxiang and Shenchuan, Huashuo and Hongji have many businesses. In addition to the computer business, they also include computer OEM, motherboard manufacturing, and graphics card manufacturing!


Even if the computer business shrinks, they can survive by relying on other graphics!

Among them, Heshuo, a computer foundry under Huashuo Company, and Weichuang, a computer foundry under Hongji Group, are both among the world's well-known computer foundries!

The other two major foundries are Guangda and Compal!

“Currently I haven’t heard any news about Beichen Technology building its own factory, so it should be an outsourced order, manufactured by a computer foundry! This is a good opportunity for us to surpass Guangda and Compal.

"Since our computer business market is bound to shrink, we might as well exchange this for the friendship of Beichen Technology! Our two companies have joined forces to take Beichen Technology's computer OEM orders!"

"And the computer motherboards and graphics cards we produce are the best in the world. We may even be able to break into Beichen Computer's supply chain system!"

The boss of Hongji’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter now!

"In the previous technology forum meeting, the CEOs of the three major companies, Taiwan Electromechanical, Lianfa Technology, and Kingston, do you still remember what we talked about? Now, at this moment, it is a good opportunity for us to present our certificate of investment to Beichen Technology! "

After a series of turmoil, the crooked semiconductor industry has shown signs of getting rid of the American SLA Association!

After all, the development on the other side is too fast!

In particular, the popularization of the graphene industry will inevitably bring huge benefits!

Faced with such temptation, they really couldn't help it!

Many Wanwan semiconductor companies, led by Taiwan Electromechanical, have contacted in private and secretly, and have initially reached a consensus, and are ready to find the right time to fully join Beichen Technology!

"Without further delay! We'd better start immediately! Otherwise, we'll be in trouble if Quanta and Compal get the lead! Fuscon and BYD may also steal orders!"

"You're right! I'll ask someone to book a flight! The two of us will visit Luo Yang together!"

The two bosses exchanged words with each other and quickly finalized the follow-up cooperation!

In this sudden change, Huashuo and Hongji took the lead in completing business transformation and seized this opportunity to rise!

Then the two of them boarded the flight to Shanghai at the same time!

They have to come forward in person to win this important cooperation again!

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