Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 140 The Conspiracy Surfaced! Amsl Eats Its Own Bitter Pill!

In the night, the four major countries flashed their swords at the same time!

Ordinary people are unable to access this information. Until things become clearer, this information will be blocked, so most people's attention still remains on the ghost and the Blue Devil!

"Xiao Bei, keep an eye on the situation at all times and secretly help Long Guo when necessary! The black box must not be taken away!"

Xiaobei's three-headed Q-version avatar, nodding with a serious face!


Changes in reality will not affect the cyber battlefield!

The battle between the ghost and the blue devil continues!

After the satellite incident, the Blue Devils lost a big cock!

"This satellite of Neon Country is such a pity!"

The Blue Devil is in great pain at this moment!

His invasion of this satellite was also carried out by chance.

All he controls is the control of the weather module. On weekdays, he can at most borrow the powerful computing power of satellites to process some data, which is also an important springboard for him!

The computing power of this satellite was beyond his imagination!

And after testing, the Blue Devils discovered that there is an independent computing module inside the satellite, which has nothing to do with the weather detection module, and the defense is also very tight!

If you invade by force, you will definitely alert the other party!

The Blue Devil was also aware of some tricks, so he did not test it rashly, but quietly sneaked down to 600 volts and controlled the weather detection module to use it as a springboard.

Therefore, the Blue Devils did not obtain the key data of the black box!

The fighting between the two sides continues!

After a period of stalemate, the Blue Devils finally couldn't hold on any longer and began to show signs of decline!

He has been conquered more than ten springboards in a row!

Some very important broilers were also treated as abandoned by him to block the ghosts, trying to buy some time for his escape!

Yes, the Blue Devil is afraid!

"If I had known I would offend the bastard Ghost, I shouldn't have taken this business!"

The Blue Devil is about to cry but has no tears at this moment!

Originally, he thought that this operation would only involve Luo Yang from Beichen Technology. Because of the light and darkness, he was absolutely sure to escape.

After all, the enemy is exposed and we are hidden. If he bets on the entire Internet security, he will definitely be able to force Luo Yang back!

But he didn't expect that this bastard Luo Yang would be such a thief!

He didn't take action himself, but instead blew up the ghost who was silently diving!

Writing the eclipse virus code in Nightmare was also when the Blue Devils cracked the eclipse virus. I felt very accomplished and just wrote the code without thinking too much at the time!

It can be said that today's conflict was a complete accident!

But the matter is now over, and the Blue Devils have no time to go!

The ghost is like a tarsal maggot, biting the Blue Devil's tail. No matter how panicked the Blue Devil is, it can't completely get rid of the ghost! At this time, the Blue Devil has a complete understanding of the strength of both parties!

"I'm not as good as him!"

The Blue Devils admitted this fact with great frustration!

After his defeat was revealed, many hackers watching from the outside world also noticed the changes!

"The Blue Devil is going to lose! Compared with Ghost and Lucifer, the Blue Devil's strength is still a little inferior!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's a pity. I guess Blue Devil's true identity will be exposed. I wonder what the ghost will do with him! Maybe expose the other party's real address and let the authorities arrest him? Or should the adults ignore the villain and just let the Blue Devil go? "

"I can't say for sure, but we'll have to wait and see!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Also paying attention to this hacker war is the SLA Association!

Kent looked gloomy at the moment!

He realized that he had made a bad move!

"Damn it! This guy Abraham, who usually boasts loudly, is now being forced back step by step by the ghost! He can't even protect himself!"

"If pressed by the ghost, Abraham is likely to reveal the inside story of this transaction!"

"No, I have to find a way to solve it!"

Kent is almost certain that once the ghosts know that their SLA association has intervened (aeae), they will not mind making a big fuss again in China!

After all, the US$1 billion reward issued by the United States is still there!

Kent then called Congress!

Someone at a higher level must step in!

On the other side, AMSL is also silently paying attention to the progress of the matter.

Malfoy and Peter had the curtains closed in the office at this moment, and technicians who were proficient in software technology were telling them about the progress of the war.

"Oops, the Blue Devils can't hold on any longer!"

"What! Let me see!"

Malfoy hurriedly stepped forward, but when faced with countless dense codes on the big screen, he suddenly felt very numb!


If I had known earlier, I would have learned programming!

Learn a bad MBA!

Malfoy has a terrible toothache!

In comparison, Vice President Pete is much better. As an executive with a technical background, Pete has been promoted from the bottom department of AMSL and has some business knowledge in software and hardware!

The situation of the Blue Devils was indeed not good, and Peter's heart suddenly sank!

He and Malfoy looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking!

"Alas! It seems that we are going to shoot ourselves in the foot this time! This war is likely to affect our AMSL!"

At this moment, Pete felt that his future in life was bleak!

Malfoy knew about the secret agreement between Malfoy and Kent of the SLA Association!

Because after the technical department updated the new version of the lithography machine system, he personally handed the backdoor program of the old system to Kent in front of Malfoy!

This is a petition!

Malfoy, who has an MBA background, has less control over AMSL than outsiders imagine!

In order to maintain his position, Malfoy had no choice but to resort to this trick and reached a series of ulterior plots with Kent. At the same time, in order to gain a foothold in the company, senior vice president Peter became his target.

"Old man, don't worry!"

"As long as this matter is completed, I will be eligible to receive more options from AMSL! When I officially become a minority shareholder and am eligible to enter the shareholders' meeting, I will nominate you to take my place! You will then be the president of the company! "

"But the premise is that you don't let me down!"

Malfoy's words were full of threats!

After he revealed to Pete the content of his cooperation with Kent, Pete had no choice but to go!

Either stand in the same boat as him, or leave AMSL and sign a confidentiality agreement with a confidentiality period of seventy years!

Peter, who is nearly 50 years old, even though he is not willing to join in the conspiracy, but faced with the threat of being kicked out of AMSL, he can only submit a letter of vote!

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