Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 144 The War Affects Chiyu! Lina Company Was Dragged Into The Water!

"Damn it! We're going to lose a lot now!"

Sun Buyi felt his eyes turning black!

The news of the fall of Yahu Neon completely shocked him!

Even if calculated conservatively, because of Yahu, at least millions of users were infected by computer viruses and became innocent targets affected by the war!

It is conceivable that by tomorrow morning, Yahu and Ruanyin will be criticized verbally and in writing by Neon netizens!

Just these bad news are enough to cause Sun Buyi heavy losses!

This does not include Yahu’s direct losses!

The server was hacked, and a large amount of critical data that was not backed up in time was deleted. Just repairing these things would require a huge amount of manpower and material resources!

"Damn it! Why did the ghost choose Yahu as the battlefield? Where did I offend this god of death!"

Sun Buyi wanted to cry but had no tears at this moment!

Not only him, the emergence of the Crescent Moon Virus also made other people feel extremely uncomfortable!

After all, in the morning, the "Nightmare" computer virus was still raging. No one expected that in just 24 hours, two super computer viruses would appear in succession!

After the fall of Yahu, Luo Yang moved the battlefield again!

Bangzi Country, Niver Company Headquarters.

The person in charge, Jin Haizhu, didn’t know why, but her eyelids were twitching wildly at this moment, as if something bad was about to happen!

As for the tragedy of Neon Country Yahu, he pretended to be unaware of it at this moment.

Mainly the battlefield where Luo Yang and Kevin and others fight, it can easily affect innocent people. In order to prevent these plague gods from being attracted and then beat themselves up, Niver Company, which has learned from the past, has issued an announcement in advance. Then temporarily closed all servers in Bangzi Country!

But in the two markets Neon and Wanwan, Niver dare not shut down the server easily!

The reason is also very simple. Their lina software, as the instant messaging software with the highest usage rate in Neon and Wanwan, will have a great impact once the server is shut down!

Moreover, Lina has finally stabilized its position as the number one in the market. If the server is shut down rashly, other competitors may take advantage of it and steal Lina's users away!

For example, Lianshu, such as the overseas version of Weixin!

The competition in the communication software market is also extremely fierce!

As the easiest software to accumulate users, instant messaging software has always been coveted by many Internet giants!

In the web 1.0 era, when Penguin first started to rise thanks to QICQ, in overseas markets, QICQ's prototype ICQ, as well as Microsoft's NSN and Yahu's Yahu Chat Room, were already known as the three overseas chat software Giants! These three softwares share the vast majority of the market!

After the Internet bubble burst, real-name communication software led by Lianshu, Zhongren, Kaixin, etc. rapidly emerged, including software such as Tuite and Bibo, which all emerged at this time.

When the mobile Internet trend arrived, Weixin emerged and once again dominated the Longguo market!

In the overseas market, Lianshu's rise has been unstoppable. After acquiring the two major softwares, Whatapp and INS, it has completely become the number one communication software company in the world!

Faced with the strangulation of countless giants, it is not easy for Lina to rise, so Jin Haizhu will never give up space to her opponents easily!

In the same way, Lina also got killed because of this!

"No way, who told Lina to merge with Yahu...?"

Luo Yang shook his head helplessly. In this battle, she was completely lying on her back!

After a moment of silence for the other party, Luo Yang ended the cat crying and then brazenly invaded lina's Neon Kingdom server!

“Didi di di di!”

At Lina headquarters, the servers and computers called the police at the same time!

"Axiba! The headquarters won't let us shut down the server, but we can't stop the ghost. What should we do now???"

The person in charge of the headquarters was pulling his hair in pain at this moment!

It took him more than ten years to finally climb to the executive position of Niver Company, and then he was sent to Lina headquarters as a supervisor. However, he had been here less than a month, who knew he would meet such a big person? A life and death crisis!

Facing the new boss's question, everyone in the technical department looked at each other, and then lowered their heads in tacit agreement, pretending not to hear anything!

There is no way, the opponent is the ghost, and there is the terrifying combination of Kevin + Blue Devil + American technicians! Except for the stupid young man, which programmer dares to go up and stroke the tiger's beard?


The reaction of everyone made the person in charge even more dizzy!

Then, under his command, the technical department bravely stepped onto the battlefield! But only a few minutes later, they were all killed by Luo Yang and his team, and they were all turned upside down!

Pictures of the Crescent Moon virus appeared on all the computers in the technology department!


After the person in charge cursed angrily, he called for a meeting on the spot!

After lina's counterattack was suppressed, Luo Yang quickly achieved satisfactory results!

The entire Lina server was completely compromised. In addition to the Crescent Moon virus, there was also a virus dropped by Kevin. The two major computer viruses joined forces and began to crazily delete a large amount of user data. In addition to the user's friend list, chat messages, and transmitted All files and other contents were deleted like crazy!

`~Holy shit! Lina suddenly lost her temper! I haven’t even had time to look at the pictures of the pretty girl I just found!!!”

A curvy otaku user let out a cry of pain at this moment!

There were countless Lina users who had the same experience as him. Amidst their disbelieving expressions, Lina's mobile APP began to delete data on its own crazily!

The same goes for PC users!

Lina’s users are in a state of shock!

"Baga! After preparing for so long, I am about to confess my love to Dahe-chan, and now Dahe-chan has been deleted by this ghost software! Ahhh! Give me back Dahe-chan!"

"Gan! This is a girl I just met in Lin Bei! Her contact information is just gone!"

"I'm going to attack you. Sooner or later, I'm going to attack Lina's headquarters and beat up all these good people! What kind of software is this developed! It actually deletes users like crazy!"


Countless users came out to criticize!

Later, both Lina and Niver received a large number of user complaint calls. Only a few people were on night shift in the customer service department. The customer service girl was scolded and cried by everyone!

"Hey! I can't do this job! I just want to find a job to kill time and catch a rich husband!"

The customer service lady was in tears at this moment!

Their monthly income of several thousand yuan is not even enough to buy bags and lipsticks. In their spare time, they have to find a few TG and liver D!

Faced with such a huge grievance at this moment, the customer service lady is already planning to resign!

After the news was reported to the company headquarters, all the company's senior executives were stunned! The losses caused by this war far exceeded their expectations!

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